Chapter 18 And they meet…..

Chapter 18

Maanav dropped Nitya on his bed. She didn’t have the time or the sense to look around in the subtle lighting in the room but it was definitely larger than hers. The bed was harder but she didn’t complain… all that mattered was the man in flesh and blood staring at her as if she were his prized possession. It made her feel very special with a strange sense of belonging. She had been fiercely independent from childhood but now she wanted to just be completely dependent on him.

He stood at the foot of the bed as she lay, staring into each other’s eyes as if a story was written in their depths. At that moment the world had stopped in time. It was just the two souls in the room ready to merge into each other… years of longing and the urge to make up for the lost time all worked towards getting them closer than ever.

She raised her arms. She wanted him more than her next breath. It was as if he was waiting for the invite, he sprang on top of her balancing himself on his strong arms, on either side of her chest. He barely touched her and she yearned for him to make his move…

“Gosh, Nitya… I have dreamed of this… for years… even as I wondered where on earth you were. I wanted to do… I mean words can’t express what I am feeling right now, sweetheart…” The look in his eyes, the twinkling sparkle in the sheen of moisture in his eyes, melted her insides. It was right then she realized, she was in love with him. Probably always was.

“then… then don’t wait Maanav… please…”

She barely spoke when his lips crashed on hers. She was lost in it as she shut her eyes to everything else around them. His weight on her increased, but she wasn’t complaining especially when she felt his manhood call for her attention near her belly. One of his hands touched her waist. She knew she didn’t have an hourglass figure and she used to be conscious earlier but with Maanav nothing mattered.  She felt beautiful… period.

After the first bout of claiming her mouth he slowed down, his kisses were softer as if he were savoring a delicacy. His tongue explored her mouth in ways she never knew could excite her driving her to the edge… a dangerous edge as she lifted her hips upward, trying to feel him more… closer… tighter.

His hand trailed above and made its way beneath her loose t-shirt. His fingers lingered at the edge of her skin as if taking their own sweet time and not disturbing the personal moments of intimacy. He came on his elbow and flattened the roaming palm on her belly, the warmth of his calloused touch sending shivers down her spine. She arched further seeking more of him, like a glutton seeking his favourite food. His hand moved upwards and reached her aching mound. His kiss faltered briefly as he took the mass in his hand gently yet firmly, caressing the piece of flesh till he plucked at the nipple. She gasped and let out a cry that sounded strange to her as well. The roots of arousal that were seeded from their kiss earlier in her room began to proliferate rapidly and she began to quiver as he plundered her mouth while constantly kneading her mound. He rubbed his arousal on her pelvis and the act through their clothes was strangely taking their intimacy to newer levels.

Nitya heard a strange sound and realized it was her… she was moaning. She couldn’t wait anymore…

“Maa…. Maanav…” She panted releasing the kiss. “… I want… I want more…”

Maanav smiled and the tiny act almost threw her off the pinnacle of pleasure. He moved downward and away from her. Pulling her up close to him he peeled off her t-shirt in one swift move… She was glad she didn’t wear a bra. She lay back on the bed while he did away with her track pants and the flimsy excuse for a panty. He stared at her with a longing that created flutters so deep she arched her back, urging him to get closer.

“Gosh, Nitya… you are going to be the death of me… you are stunning…” Maanav whispered hard.

Within a few seconds, he had his clothes off and stood before her in his royal glory. She had never seen a completely nude man before. In her past experiences, they had always done it with their clothes on… But this time watching Maanav stand with his arousal saluting her in its hardness, she was thrilled to no end… she felt like a woman starved for days… just that she was starved, not for food but for being with Maanav, not just for days but for years.

Maanav crawled on his fours and resumed his position above her. He had moved between her legs and instinctively she opened her thighs to welcome him. She felt a slight pinch when he entered her softness, looking at her all the time. she quickly engulfed him in her warmth as he began to rock looking at her all the while. She was greedy and pulled him closer even as she continued to arch her back. Feeling his strong chest against her softness was so arousing she didn’t know if she would last longer. Right then he continued his onslaught with his kiss. She was rising up towards the cliff.

Suddenly he increased his pace and at the same time quickly moved his hand between their chest and pinched her nipple. That was it… she was thrown off the cliff unannounced as she screamed her orgasm. He muffled her sounds with his kiss and soon she felt him harden further and the warm release of his seed filled her even as she milked him further with the after-effects of her release.

They lay in each other’s arms, spent and Nitya tried to remain awake even though sleep was closing in. Maanav had got a warm wet cloth and cleaned her making her feel like a queen… his queen. Now he held her in his arms and she had never felt safer and cherished before.

“Um… Nitya…?” Maanav purred and she thought she would be ready for another round if not for the fatigue setting in.


“We… we didn’t use protection… I mean… I got carried away… Nitya… I…” Maanav was fumbling for words.

Nitya chuckled. “Its ok Maanav, we are cool. I am on the pill.”

“Oh… but why are you on the pill?” Did she sense some jealousy? Or was it a concern?

“Actually, my cycles were not regular and being a physical trainer I had to get my dates in order. So…”

“Nitya…” He hugged her closer spooning her. “… I am so sorry that you had to go through the hardships… but I promise, it’s going to be better now onwards…”

Nitya felt a tear fall from the corner of her eye as sleep claimed her.

The next morning, she woke up alone. Maanav probably was up and exercising. She stretched and decided to get back to her workout as well.

She walked back to her room, smiling. Her mood was upbeat and she felt chirpier than ever before. She freshened up got into her tracksuit for a workout and went to the in-house gym, Maanav had mentioned the earlier day.

What she saw in front of her stunned her to the core. Naman was working out under Maanav’s watchful eyes. He had lifted tiny dumbells and was happily manoeuvring them imitating Maanav who did them with huge ones. Nitya teared up instantly. Naman’s therapists had said he needed to get into weight training to improve his mobility and strength so he could eventually improve his coordination. But Naman had never wanted to and she was too occupied to force it upon him.

She was in awe of the patience Maanav showed Naman. She didn’t disturb them and continued with her workout drawing a mean sweat… more so because of the hots for the man who had drawn up sweat for himself as he trained like a mad dog.  By the time she was done with her cool-down stretches, Naman had left and Maanav walked towards her dripping with sweat. She saw he locked the gym door on his way.

Sitting before her on his hunches, he said. “How about some freshening up before we go for breakfast?” he winked at her and her heart skipped a beat. She shrieked as he lifted her and took her to the attached sauna cum shower area. He left her to adjust the temperature and the fixtures as she looked around. It was a sleek, marble-finished space with a glass-enclosed shower, warm wood-paneled sauna, mild ambient lighting, and luxurious fixtures throughout. She felt she was in a movie scene…

Within a minute her clothes gathered at her foot as Maanav stood before her watching her with an intensity like he would gobble her up right away. Slowly the sauna came to life even as they hugged each other, and he claimed her mouth like a man starved for days. Warm steam caressed her skin while his hands roamed over the expanse of her back, settling at her buttocks. She gasped as he compressed them and hoisted her up. She quickly folded her long legs around him as he took her beneath the large shower. He didn’t want to let her down. Instead, he walked with her till her back touched the warming tile. He switched on the shower and as the gush of hot water cascaded down their bodies, his kiss deepened. Water pooled above her chest where they were joined. He let her down as he picked up a loofah and poured a little body wash… oh it was her favourite scent. Citrus!

He built up a lather and rubbed her body… across her chest, neck, arms, armpits, torso, stomach and legs. He worked his way upwards from her toes as she stood connected to the wall otherwise, she would have lost her balance in the frenzy of her arousal. His hands halted at her secret apex and as he pressed his hands around her hairy mound, she arched her back.. the water continued to fall on her face and it was then he took in one of her tight nipples in his warm mouth. She was on the fast track as the loofah was replaced by his fingers as they found their way into her wetness. She was in mid-air… ascending the pinnacles of pleasure rapidly. Her breath quickened. He released her and instantly hoisted her and as she balanced herself gripping his strong muscular shoulders, he slammed into her. He stilled as she engulfed him and then began his pace.

They didn’t last more than a minute. With barely a few strokes she screamed and gripped him tightly as the waves of pleasure shook her completely. And the next moment he grunted as he spilt into her… their pleasure cries mingled with the shower’s splash and the whispering dips on the glass panels around them. She slid down his body and they embraced each other beneath the unrelenting water.

Maanav switched off the shower and procured two bathrobes.

Holding her close he whispered into her ear. “I can’t wait for tonight, sweetheart… look what you have done to me….”

She shivered and stood on her toes as she spoke into his ears, mimicking him. “And its my turn tonight…” She got back and he hugged her tightly.

“Continue speaking like this and I won’t get any work done today…. Shadow may wonder what we are up to… common let’s get back to our rooms. Meet me in the office after breakfast.” Giving her a pat on her buttocks that made her squeal, he rushed out of the gym. She followed him after 5 minutes. The thrill of hiding their encounters from the rest of the people in the house was fun, she thought.

Soon they were assembled in the office and Naman was already hitting the keys. Nitya felt guilty about enjoying herself while danger stared at them outside the safe walls.

Maanav brushed past her and pressed her palm as he made his way next to Shadow. How did he know to calm her down?

The screen came to life as Shadow and Maanav stared at the footage. It was from a drone near Maanav’s house. A couple of people walked around the perimeter checking with people around about the location of the members after the blast. Shadow was on a call with someone who gave him the update.

“Wait… pause this… right here…” Nitya blurted not taking her eyes off the screen.

Maanav did it even as Shadow disconnected the call and looked at her and back at the screen.

“What is it Nitya, do you recognise anyone?” Shadow asked softly.

“Yes… that guy with a slight limp… I know him… see that bandage on his forehead?” Nitya pointed.

“Who is he?” this time it was Maanav as he walked closer to her.

“Its… Sajid aka… Ashfaq…” Nitya spoke in a whisper still scared from the memories in Virar that night.

Kamble kaka came ahead at that moment and adjusted his glasses as he stared at the screen.

“Oh yes…. this is Sajid. The rascal… look at the audacity… after all that’s happened.” Kaka cried out.

“Actually…” Nitya cleared her throat. “… from what I heard that evening, Ashfaq is being coerced into doing all this… he was forced to know me and date me….” she looked at Maanav who was frowning. “… not that we did though… but he was there a few times when I needed help with Amma or Naman…”

“Naman don’t like… no no… Sajid no no…” Naman began to rock and before Nitya could rush towards him, Maanav was right next to the boy and held his hand.

“Hey buddy, you don’t have to like anyone, alright? If you hate someone then go ahead… Its alright.” Maanav spoke to the boy and Naman instantly ceased rocking.

Shadow got back on the phone with his members on the other side of the glass wall. Nitya couldn’t hear much of the conversation but Shadow stood to his full height before her.

“Nitya, this was a huge breakthrough… I wasn’t getting much intel on that front. We will run a check on this Ashfaq… we will get something concrete soon. Meanwhile, I want you to tell us what exactly did you witness in that place that night…”

Nitya nodded. Kaka accompanied Naman for a video game session in his room. While here in the office Nitya sat across Maanav, Shadow and the other office operatives as she revealed what happened that evening in Virar. She was trembling by the time she came to the part where she fell and before making a run for the exit… and right then despite having an audience, Maanav was instantly next to her. If the others had an opinion on this, none of them showed it and Nitya was thankful for their discretion. Because she needed Maanav more than her next breath.

Shadow paced along the length of the office and none of them understood why… he stopped He indicated something to the other operators and they all got busy with their computers… Suddenly Shadow’s face lit up and he smiled.

“Nitya… we just got a tiny breakthrough…”

“What is it?” she waited with bated breath.

“I was getting a dead end every time I tried investigating this case… however I decided to go to the root of it all and guess what… we got a lead. About this Ashfaq.”

“Oh…” Her palm was cold and Maanav engulfed it in his warmth.

“What is it about Ashfaq, Shadow and what link?” Maanav was curious as hell.

“Well here goes. I checked how the parcel was delivered to your old residence 15 years ago… we traced stuff from there. Though it was ages ago we were lucky to get a docket number because digitisation had started post Y2K. So all data since 2003 is now available… Courier companies at that time were limited to a few and this was an international parcel. Your father sent it through someone he trusted and that man didn’t have the means to do it through hawala channels and went the direct legal way… leaving footprint behind. But…”

“…But what?” Nitya was impatient.

“But if we got this information so did they… hence they caught up with the man who did it all. It was a housekeeper-level man called Kadir. Your father trusted him probably and made him send the package…”

“So… Kadir is related to Ashfaq? I heard bits of it that evening from that man, who had threatened my mother.”

“Yes, Nitya…” Shadow replied. “… Ashfaq is Kadir’s grandson who had been forced to do this job in India.”


(Disclaimer: This is a piece of fiction using the backdrop of the attack that happened and any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely coincidental. This doesn’t attempt to change history or facts.)

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