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He looked around the store purple hues with just the corner LED bulb switched on. He couldn’t risk being seen. He would lose all that he had worked for in the last 10 years. He grinned as he remembered his journey… the hours of hard work, the greasing of palms, the lost body count….

His eyes widened as he took in the beautiful silk camisoles to his right… arranged as per the shades and sizes. On his left were pairs of corsets and panties combined and hung to give it an erotic hue… There were black and white portraits of women oozing sensuality… he had no doubt they did… if the growing bulge in his pant was any indicator of the same.

He took in a deep breath looking upwards and the lovely lavender peppermint flavor wafted through his nostrils. He smiled to glory and moved ahead in between the racks hearing the silky swish of the lingerie. In the next fifteen minutes he had seen everything… sensual night gowns so see through… he almost came in his pants, belt with stockings, garters, overalls and an assorted combinations of bras and panties. The woman knew what she was doing he shook his head thinking. She had a gold mine here… and in that head of hers. He held himself through his pant as he thought of her. How many times had he jerked himself off ever since she had been his object of fantasies? How many times had he wanted to just… spend a night with her…. feel her warmth as he rode her or feel her luscious lips around him moaning as he came?  He took a nearby nightgown and stuffed it into his mouth to stifle his cries as he came… 

He knew the property in and out.

The fiery bitch was all the more appealing when she opposed him…full of conviction. She would be an asset to his business if she joined him. She would do it… he would make sure of it… He chuckled as he thought of her abiding by his rules in and out of the bedroom… It would be fun… made him hard again…

Panting heavily, he moved towards the storeroom. He knew the property in and out. The storeroom had to be there and with it the information he wanted…. He would soon be a rich man. He reached the locked storeroom but with a snide smile used the key… one of the few he had made when she had lost her bunch of keys last week. He laughed as he thought about his brilliant plan…she was clueless. She was only too relieved to get back her keys which she had accidentally lost. But that’s how he was here now… in her world. Very soon he would be in her house too. He opened the door to the storeroom and walked in. He switched on the light bulb and looked around. He was right. What he wanted was right there in front staring at him… right where that map had revealed.

Before he could move ahead, he felt a prick on his neck. He could barely react, before that strong hands held him from behind and pulled him out of the storeroom. He tried to move his hands. He was a strong man for crying out aloud… but he couldn’t… he was paralyzed. His eyes grew wide as he realised the fact. His vocal cords weren’t working too.  He couldn’t utter a sound. The hands holding him released him and he fell like a heap on the floor. Suddenly his mouth was opened and something silky was pushed into it. His breathing was getting laboured… when he saw a purple lacy bralette hanging before his watering eyes. He blinked but that too was getting difficult. Soon a pair of gloved hands tied the skimpy lace around his neck and tightened it.

Rot in hell…asshole. I won’t let you lay your dirty hands on the box nor….on her” was the last whisper he heard and recognized in his ear before darkness claimed him.

Clinicologues fiction


Clinical experiences embedded in the cocoon of the fictional world. The purpose being spreading disability awareness.

    the revelation….

    Chapter 4

    She was frowning …

    He then asked in his voice sounding hollow. “whaath happen?” (What happened)

    She was annoyed by now; she asked him, “Why are you speaking like that?”

    His smile dropped and he frowned and looked away… it was then she saw something in his ears. She was now in tears. “What… what is that? In your ear?” she asked pointing to his ear.

    He sighed and took that out of his ear. It was a pink coloured shell like structure with a wheel like thing attached to its one end. “Ith a hearin aidh. Aai haafa Hearin phoblam…. I am hearin Impaith…” (It’s a hearing aid. I have a hearing problem. I am hearing impaired. )

    She folded her hands. She didn’t understand the flow of emotions she was going through at the moment. She blinked back tears as she looked away. She was feeling cheated.

    She looked at him. He was putting the aid back into his ears and looking at her… his face devoid of expression. She said with a strained voice.  “Why dint you tell me this before? You discussed the world with me for…two whole months. Didn’t you… didn’t you feel it necessary to tell me about this?” she pointed to his ear.

    Amishi was rooted to the floor. Suddenly the whole world around her had stopped. She gathered herself and released her hand from his grasp. He indicated for her to sit. He dragged her chair out for her, like a gentleman and then took his seat opposite to hers. He kept his hands folded on the table and with that smile lodged on his face he asked moving his hands, “Tho… whaat dho yuu wan tho eeth? Thaanwith ith beth hei” (so… what do you want to eat? Sandwich is best here).

    He looked stricken. He drove a hand through his hair and said, “aam thsohrry… aai dhon no whath thu thse… I thoth yuu wiil Undhuhthsaan… thsohrry.” (Am sorry…I don’t know what to say…I thought you will understand…sorry)

    She stood up pushing back her chair. Sniffling tears she said, “I…I want to go home.”

    Then she turned and left without a backward glance.

    That night she kept looking at her phone but it didn’t ping… there was no message from him, for the first time in two months. She was surprised she was still waiting for his messages…


    It was two days since she had last communicated with him. Last night she had googled about hearing impairment and its effects. She had stayed up long into the night reading about how people cope with the disability arising. She realised Pavan wasn’t stone deaf. She read about the different categories of hearing impairments. She also read about hearing aids. Their benefits for the hearing impaired and limitations. Considering what people face or go through, Pavan seemed to have done well for himself. She realised she wanted to know more about this part of him….this aspect of his life, his struggles and how he overcame them. The information on internet though was enlightening and she felt she understood his situation better. It wasn’t like she didn’t understand his speech at all… but she was upset because he had hidden it from her. Why did he do that?

    She wanted to speak with him and clear things. She knew there was more to it than just what met the eye. She wanted to hear him out… his side of the story…? Occasionally she felt guilty as well. The signs were there in front of her all the time… she was the one who didn’t realise it. Somehow it dawned on her that it made no difference to her if he had this impairment. He was still the same guy…whom she had fallen in love with…without hearing him speak…

    She was a social worker for crying out aloud. The first thing they were taught was empathy especially when they worked with the differently abled. Her Pavan…. Yes HER Pavan was different…he was special…

    She missed him…. Even yesterday when she was busy in the fieldwork she thought about him. She visualised his stricken look when she had left the café. Her heart was breaking. Her eyes welled up every time she thought about him. She wanted to share her day with him. Her project  had got cleared because of his tips. She wanted to tell him about that. She had started reading about parallel algorithms and had surprised her techie brother with her knowledge the other day… she wanted to boast about that to him… there was a huge void suddenly in her life.

    Somehow the library walls felt like closing in on her…

    None of her friends from school or college could match up to him when it came to comfort levels or matching of wavelengths. She had started to depend on him emotionally and intellectually. He had ruined her for anyone else. And the way he addressed her… her heart always fluttered and yearned to hear more from him.

    Yesterday she was busy with the emotionally draining field work but today she longed to see him… she wasn’t even able to focus on her lectures.

    She had to take action. Where was he?

    She took out her phone and typed,

    Hey football guy, you didn’t play the match today? SITians missed their defender today…where were you?

    There was no reply though he had seen her message. She waited for half an hour with a pounding heart before she dialled his number. The ring tone was heard but he didn’t answer it. She started to worry. Was he alright?

    She messaged again,

    Hey you ok? I am getting worried…

    Immediately there was a reply

                                     Hi beautiful

    Sorry for what transpired

    Trust me…though I ache

    That wasn’t what I desired

    Your heart I didn’t want to break

    I fought the world and now am tired

    I want to no more stay awake

    I miss our moments together

    Let’s stop this communication once and forever

    Henceforth find no more odes

    I will miss you for I love you loads…


    That broke the dam and her emotions flowed… She didn’t care that three were people watching her. She covered her face with her palms and sobbed.  Her heart fell… she could fell it break into tiny pieces…

    How could he alone decide to stop communicating? Why was he punishing her like that? What was her fault? Yes she was shocked…. But who wouldn’t be? She deserved a second chance… would he ever give her one?

    She wanted to tell him…She didn’t care he was hearing impaired… She still loved him for who he was. But if only he would hear her out….just once. Her study holidays were commencing in a couple of days. It was not possible to meet him for at least a week. How would she bear the grief? She had to be strong. She had to study for her final exams….

    She wanted to desperately mend things between them. As tears trickled down her cheeks she hoped it wasn’t too late for them…..

    As she travelled back home later that evening her brother had switched on the car stereo… He was a diehard Kumar Sanu fan. The song playing was from the movie Deewana suited her state of mind aptly:

    Teri ummeed tera intezaar karte hai

    Eh sanam hum tho sirf tumse pyaar karte hai….


    Copyright Disclaimer: All content posted here is a work of fiction and original work based on the author’s imagination. There is no intention to disrespect any person or faith. Any resemblance to any person living or dear is purely coincidental. No part of the content can be copied, reproduced or posted anywhere else either entirely or in parts, without the consent of the author.


    Chapter  1

    Amishi was waiting for the lecture to get over… How she hated research methodology… She couldn’t tolerate statistics subject. In the final year of graduation studies, this was a compulsory subject. She was doing her bachelor of social work and loved studying humanities, science and technology and most of all the field work.

     She loved to be a part of the group visits to various places where the need of a social worker was immense. She loved seeing the changes they made in the lives of people who genuinely needed them. Just yesterday she had been to a municipal hospital. They were following up every week with this young girl all of 16years. She was from a remote village on the outskirts of Lucknow. She had an affair with her relative who was of the same age and landed up being pregnant. The girl had been scared to reveal anything to her parents fearing backlash. However one day her mother suspected something wasn’t right and by the time they rushed to the government hospital close by, it was late. The pregnancy couldn’t be terminated. The social worker there had counselled the angry parents and the girl too. They were convinced to go ahead with the pregnancy and give away the child for adoption. The counsellors there were threading on bare ice because there was a high possibility that the parents would have visited a quack and risked the girl’s life. But fortunately, they had agreed and brought her to Mumbai away from the prying eyes of the village. Here too Amishi’s team headed by her supervisor had been continuously counselling her, talking to her… for last 3 months. They had spent days and many hours of field work…even going beyond the call of duty to help the girl. Finally yesterday she had an induced labour and luckily without any complications delivered a healthy baby girl. Though the young mother was prepared to hand over the child, she was sobbing uncontrollably wanting to see her baby, even though she wasn’t shown the baby as per rules. The parents and Amishi’s supervisor who was a clinical psychologist tried to calm her down but eventually she had to be sedated. The child was sent to the NICU for care taking.

    But Amishi was pleased to bring about some kind of closure for that girl. Many times no one understood the importance of her work… accept for him.

    The professor announced the project work in Research methods bringing Amishi back to the present.  She was happy the lecture was drawing to a close…She had to rush out of her classroom before her friends started to question her or look out for her.  She couldn’t wait to visit the place she loved the most these days besides her field visit, the college library. She had her hours piled for study and project work and the next hours would be spent in the library… where she would get to see him.  Especially today….it was important that she see him.

    Amishi rushed to the library located on the fourth floor of her college building. She spent time after lectures in the library daily… especially in the last two months before leaving to go home at 8PM.  Her brother picked her up from the campus gate at 8PM daily. Today she had about 2 hours with her…  Most of her classmates either went home or stayed late in the cafeteria. She had escaped them to go to the library. Final exams were close.  Their study holidays were starting next week.

    Today there were barely two other people in the library besides the librarian and her assistant. Amishi was more than happy. It meant lesser people would spy on her. Not that she bothered but she preferred to keep her secrets to herself. She placed her book stack on the corner most table near the window and dragged her chair towards the window. She took a book in her hand and looked out across on the football ground.

    Where was he? She thought… the entire football team of Siddhartha Institute of Technology was present on the ground. But he wasn’t seen… her heart fell. She had waited all day long to catch a glimpse of the most handsome guy she had ever seen in her 21 summers.  The guy who had made a mark on her heart… on her mind…on her soul. She couldn’t sleep last night though she was bone tired after field work. He kept invading her dreams. She waited for the next half an hour for him to make an appearance but… he didn’t turn up. Every time there was a goal or cheer she looked back in anticipation but… he wasn’t there.

    Was he alright? She worried. Was he …angry? After what had transpired between them couple of days ago, would he ever want to even see her? But she wasn’t at fault, was she? What could she do? She just reacted that way….

    Tears rolled down her cheeks and she brushed them away with a frustrated hand. Since when did she care so much about a known stranger?

    Yes… he was a stranger who had the most expressive face and the most beautiful eyes that looked into your soul. He read her like a book.  He looked at her like she was the only girl on this planet… made her feel beautiful inside-out…  Before him, she had been like an empty canvas which he had filled with colours of life. Even now her heart fluttered thinking about him.

    If only life were so easy and restricted to special moments… If only life were predictable…If only she knew how she was supposed to react that day…. If only she could rewind back two days of her life she would move heaven and earth to change everything.

    But if wishes were horses….

    Copyright Disclaimer: All content posted here is a work of fiction and original work based on the author’s imagination. There is no intention to disrespect any person or faith. Any resemblance to any person living or dear is purely coincidental. No part of the content can be copied, reproduced or posted anywhere else either entirely or in parts, without the consent of the author.

    the special sister…

    The special sister…

    Sumona was waiting eagerly for the school van. It was 1PM and her younger child Raj was due to return from school. She was thrilled at the prospect of knowing how his day was. She wanted to find out all the information from the Ayah whom she used to pay extra for these tidbits. Today too she held a fifty in her hand and her eyes were glued to the entrance of the lane.

    Sumona felt a hand on her shoulder and turned around to see Kamala aunty.

    “Oh…hello Aunty, “Sumona said with her eyes back to the road.

    “Waiting for little Raj, Sumona?” Aunty asked.

    “Yes… actually they are late by five minutes…” Sumona sounded worried.

    “Don’t worry Sumona, they should be close. You know the traffic these days… Anyways I will take your leave. I am going to get bread. Do you need anything?” Kamala aunty asked.

    “No …. It’s ok Aunty…” Sumona replied distractedly, her anxiety levels starting to rise.

    Sumona had a reason to worry. Her five-year-old son Raj had Down’s syndrome. He attended a regular school in the nursery section. Her older daughter Ananya was also in the same school in the seventh grade. Raj wasn’t speaking fluently as yet and she began to fear for his safety. Sumona called the driver repeatedly but the call wasn’t connecting. She called the school and they informed her that the van was yet to leave today. They had gotten late because of some dance practice for an upcoming event in school and they had apparently messaged the parents. Sumona checked her mobile. There were no messages… the school was still considering Raj tentative? After four months? They hadn’t added her number to their group message system…

    Different scenarios came to her mind in the next five minutes. She was in tears… worry for her son eating her up… her heart shredded to every last bit.

    Sumona’s life from the last few years flashed before her eyes. She had a life she had always wanted. A loving husband Rakesh and a cute daughter Ananya who was a quick learner. Sumona worked in the IT industry and was a team lead in a software company. She had consistently moved up the corporate ladder. Rakesh worked in the pharmaceutical industry where he was the general manager in the company where he worked. Ananya had grown up with nannies and then from the age of two onwards she attended a professional daycare. She was an achiever from the word go and transition to school was a cakewalk for her. She was not just good in studies but also a lucidly competent dancer. Dance was not just her passion but she was touted to be a child prodigy and Sumona and Rakesh ensured she got the best training. They even had teachers come home on weekends in addition to the dance class she attended. She was also attending gymnastics to improve her flexibility further. They had a great lifestyle only confined to dreams of the common man. They lived in a posh locality in a huge three BHK flat in a high rise. The society boasted of all modern amenities with a huge play area for children. Ananya attended a nearby Cambridge board school which not only helped her maximise her potentials but also gently nudged her to become the confident little kid she had metamorphosed into. Sumona and Rakesh had loved the place at first sight mainly because of the proximity to Ananya’s school. The EMI was exorbitant given their expenditure but since them both had great jobs they had gone ahead.

    All was going great till one day, about five years back… Sumona realized she had skipped her periods. She had been thoroughly stressed at work and felt that must have contributed to the same. However, within two weeks her worst fears were confirmed. She was pregnant. They had thought their contraceptives were fool proof but were proven wrong. What followed was a huge emotional turmoil for Sumona. Rakesh and she were not prepared for another child…. They fought almost every day. Rakesh had even contemplated terminating the pregnancy to which she had initially agreed but then couldn’t get herself to do it. Her parents were no more and her in laws were in their village. They refused to help out. Sumona and Rakesh had an inter-caste marriage. Rakesh hailed from Vijaywada and was from a family of farmers and landowners. Her in-laws had never accepted her so she didn’t expect any support from them. Sumona had decided to bring up her second child just like Ananya and went ahead with her pregnancy. She worked throughout her antenatal days. She worked extra hard so that she could enjoy her six months maternity leave hassle-free.  She very often skipped her obstetrician appointments.

    Finally, on the day of her delivery she had some complications and had an emergency C -section. She wasn’t conscious but when she came to, she heard soft crying. She turned around to see Rakesh crying silently with his head bent low. She was suddenly worried.

    “What is it Rakesh? Where is the baby…?”

    Rakesh looked up into her eyes. He looked angry… “I had told you not to have this baby…” he said accusingly.

    Sumona was confused and scared…  “Where in my baby Rakesh? Is it a boy or a girl…?”

    “He…. It’s a boy. But…” Rakesh looked away.

    “But what… Tell me something Rakesh. Where is he?” She was getting agitated and breathing hard.

    Rakesh came to her and held her hands. “Sumi, our baby is not… not normal. Doctor said…something synd…syndrome. He is now in the NICU. He has trouble breathing. Doctor said something about a hole in the he…heart.”

    Sumona started to sob… Just then the room door opened and eight-year-old Ananya came running in. “Ma… my brother is the cutest baby on earth…” She was beaming. She held her favorite teddy from her childhood. “…Ma…I got this for him. Will he like it…?”

    Sumona hugged her daughter. She was already feeling better now.

    Soon they took Raj home and from day one it was a huge struggle. Raj was soft like a jelly.  He could be bent in all ways and Sumona was scared to even hold him. Rakesh plunged himself into work and was barely at home. Sumona suffered from post-partum depression and amidst this chaos it was Ananya who spent time with Raj. She helped Sumona with his baths, changing diapers… rocking him to sleep. She sang songs to him and even tried to play with him. Gradually Rakesh too started to show interest. When Raj was five months old, he had his heart surgery. It was a taxing time for the family but Ananya was at her chirpy best.

    All this while Ananya’s grades never fell, but her dance took a back seat.

    Raj started to develop better. But he needed therapies. His physiotherapy was taking place almost daily at a private center and Ananya used to visit the sessions every single time.

    Soon it was time for Sumona to join back to work. However, since she couldn’t keep Raj with nannies, she had to leave her job.

     The loss of her job meant loss of income and they had to heavily cut down on expenditure. The biggest blow was they had to change Ananya’s school to her current state board one  because the fees were now beyond their reach. And the final nail in the coffin came when they had to totally stop her dance classes. The ones she attended were expensive and the cheaper ones were not up to the mark. Ananya never uttered a word about the changes. Rakesh and Sumona had talked to her about these and she had accepted everything like a pro. Sumona was at times worried that her daughter had matured way beyond her years.

    The honking of the van brought her back to the present. A smiling Raj stepped out of the van assisted by the ayah. Sumona gave her the fifty and asked her about his day. She was pained to know that Raj wasn’t selected to perform in any event.

    Later in the afternoon as Raj slept after lunch, Sumona kept thinking how she could calm herself. She was agitated. She was tired of seeing people treat Raj like an outcast. Many of her neighbors sneered at him. Some laughed and made fun of him, called him names. But Raj only smiled and went to them. He was such a friendly and smart kid.  Ananya’s friends used to come home often and they would play with him for some time. He had learnt so many things from them. If only people gave him an opportunity…

    Ananya had taught him to dance. Raj also loved to dance.  He was very flexible. He was able to do steps which even typically developing children of his age couldn’t do. But why didn’t his school teachers give him a chance? Sumona knew it was futile to ask them to involve him. Later that evening when Ananya was back from school, Sumona told her about Raj not been taken in the programs.

    Ananya took out Sumona’s phone and asked her to record their performance. She switched on the stereo and it played Raj’s favorite song and they danced together. The number was choreographed by Ananya and she had taught Raj. Sumona’s eyes filled as she saw the performance. She felt awful… Ananya couldn’t pursue her passion and yet she never complained.

    Ananya convinced her to upload the video on youtube. Within an hour they had about fifty likes and views.

    Ananya’s friends shared the video among their families and within a day the video had gained immense popularity. The following day Sumona received a call from the school to arrange Raj’s costume since he was now a participant in a dance number in school. To their surprise he had picked up the dance with ease.

    On the day of the event, Sumona and Rakesh were thrilled to see Raj standing right in the front and he didn’t even need cues. The entire hall roared with a thunderous applause. The school gave him a special performance award.

    The event was a game changer for Raj and everyone around him regarded him with renewed appreciation. There was appreciation flooding in from all around and he thrived. He even started improving in his academic concepts. He now loved learning. Everyone around him tried to teach him something or the other and they were proud of him when he learnt them. Ananya and Raj made a few more videos which were all a hit.

    A few years later

     Sumona was very happy today. Raj was awarded the performer of the day award in his school. He was in the fifth grade in an integrated school, where there were other educable children with special needs. He was now loved and accepted. He was admitted to that school about three years ago and Sumona had started working again. It was difficult getting back and she felt like a fish out of water. But Raj had inspired her. If he could be a different fish in the society and stay in the water happily then why not her…? She restarted dance class for Ananya who was now in college doing her graduate studies in humanities. Even today she was Raj’s biggest supporter. She taught dance to Raj even today. Raj had become famous not just in India but abroad as well for his dance moves. He had given quite a few performances choreographed by his sister. She had even arranged a performance of his in her college festival which was appreciated by all. Ananya was approached by other parents of children with special needs to teach them dance and she was considering pursuing it after her graduation.

    Sumona’s phone pinged, getting her out of her reverie. She had received an email from an NGO which worked for the disabled and was asked to give an interview on her journey with Raj so far. She had already spoken with them last week and this was a formal invite.

    The interview was live in front of an audience. Many of them were parents of the children with special needs. Sumona spoke about Raj’s habilitation via therapies and his development so far. She then added, “We consider these children Disabled. But Children like Raj have proved that they are specially abled.  They all need an opportunity which itself is a blessing. Raj has been blessed too. He has a very special ability via a very special person. That’s Ananya, his guardian angel, a special sister…”

    There was not a single eye which wasn’t wet…

    Copyright Disclaimer: All content posted here is a work of fiction and original work based on the author’s imagination. There is no intention to disrespect any person or faith. Any resemblance to any person living or dead or any community is purely coincidental. No part of the content can be copied, reproduced or posted anywhere else either entirely or in parts, without the consent of the author.


    1) romance brought alive….


    2) clinicologues….

    Fiction villa…



    “You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” ..

    It’s been a childhood passion for writing fiction. The tough perils of life left little time to pursue the same. But then you come to a phase of life where you decide…. THIS IS IT.
    My Eureka moment happened early this year. I got on the writing bandwagon and having finished my first novel… am on with my second. It’s been amazingly cathartic to pool out your fantasies in print.
    Will be sharing excerpts from my novels here. But this page is more about stories mostly short ones, I want to share with interested readers.
    Feel free to comment. I eagerly await your feedback.
    Thank you for reading and hope you enjoy reading them as I enjoyed writing


    When Phoenix Rose…


    (This is a 500-word story for the Artoons Inn contest.

    Prompt: Write a story where the main character starts and ends in the same location.)


    When Phoenix Rose…

    The stairs felt rough to Arjun’s bare feet and sweat clung to his 8-year-old lithe body like second skin. Yet Summers at his Nani’s were fun.

    He heard them before he pushed the door and stepped onto the terrace. His cousins had gathered at a corner. Amidst the cacophony of the honking motor-bikes fighting to co-exist along with the bipeds thronging the narrow gully, the vendors screaming their way competing to attract children and adults alike and the barking strays not wanting to be left behind, Arjun ran. His skinny legs pumped beneath, excitement surging through every stride.

    A massive kite hung precariously from a tangle of electric wires above.

    “It’s the costliest kite. Baba paid 600/- for it…” Ankit bhaiyya stated as a matter of fact.

    “But what can be done? This ladder can’t take our weight…” Kirit bhaiyya, retorted.

    “Let me do it…” Arjun declared as everyone glared at him in the sudden silence. He would finally get that chance at gully cricket, despite being the youngest among the cousins.

    Ankit hoisted him up till his tiny feet placed themselves on the lowest rung of the ladder. Amma would throw a fit, but she didn’t have to know, did she? Arjun giggled, thinking about her reaction.

    He climbed up to reach the wire cluster… it was a piece of cake. Being the youngest had its advantage, after all. He would probably get a chance at batting too…

    Lost in his cricket-fuelled thoughts, Arjun reached the kite and, right then, touched the wire. There was a sudden jolt, a flash of searing heat… he froze in time momentarily and there were screams… before darkness engulfed him.

    The antiseptic redolence stung, and his body writhed in pain. It was so hot all around. He couldn’t move at all. As he stirred in and out of consciousness, he could only hear pieces of conversation between Amma-Baba and some strangers.

    “…Badly burnt legs and hand…gangrened… amputate…”

    “Oh, Sarla… how will the child live with just one hand…?” Was that Krishna maasi? He couldn’t tell.

    Wait… what…? A stray tear traced a silent path down his cheek as the reality began to sink in.


    Arjun strained to climb up the stairs of the still single-storeyed home. Nothing had changed in the last 20 years. He had chosen not to visit this place etched in his nightmares. His prosthetics clunked and scrapped on the concrete as he made the gruelling ascent to the terrace.

    There was no one there. The omnipotent, omniscient wires from his nightmare still hung dangerously above.

    Arjun smiled, looking up towards the heavens and thanked his stars for being alive. He wasn’t agonised… he wasn’t just a survivor but an achiever.

    Arjun had just scaled the Everest base camp, being the first triple amputee to achieve the feat. A stray tear rolled and meandered down his bearded face. He got his closure.

    Life had traced an arc, altered yet strangely familiar. This place no longer had the power over him.



    (Author note: This is based on a true story of an acquaintance who is my role model in fitness. He is the epitome of resilience, and this is a small ode to him.)

    Book Review: MahaJaya


     Author: Alpna Das Sharma

    The book is a beautiful modern-day take on the epic Mahabharata. The characters represent the Pandavas and the two Kaurava brothers in terms of their characteristics, demeanour, and overall personality. For instance, Yaj Thakur embodies Dharmaraj Yudhishtra and is shown to be righteous, despite the setbacks he faces. The modern-day Draupadi, Dwija has to face similar tribulations and her honour is at stake. Yaj faces similar despair and helplessness for a while. However, just like in the epic, the show takes a turn when Kannan assumes the role of Lord Krishna and steers them towards victory. Eventually, truth triumphs and other intertwined threads of interpersonal relationships of the current Pandava clan straighten out and there is light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. But Kannan disappears as suddenly as his appearance. Was Kannan for real? Unlike in the versions of the original epic, the author has given a beautiful happy ending to the tale. Eventually, the essence of the Geeta (Chapter 18) is brought about. The lord is in us… He is us! The lessons put forth aren’t preachy at all and even someone who isn’t a fan of mythology can relate to the character arcs and the plot flow.
    A beautiful read…

    Book Review: Diary, Deceit and Death


    Author: Sonia Chatterjee

    This book is the second in the Raya Ray adventure series, but can be read as a standalone.

    The story begins with Detective Raya Ray getting an anonymous client who wants her to find out the details of deaths that had taken place decades ago in the peaceful beach town of Saptaparni. However, the lady offers only crumbs of case information to Raya to test the waters and Raya decides to take it on.

    Raya travels to Saptaparni and then begins her encounters with a slew of characters, all of whom seem to be connected to the mysterious deaths. However, she soon realises there is much more than what meets the eye. What she had known till then was just the tip of the iceberg. As she investigates stealthily and removes the upper layers of the cases, she finds sinister doings that stun her to her core. There is a lot of opposition from the criminal minds who were involved with the deaths years ago and nothing is as it seems. Raya faces threats and is also hurt in the process. With danger looming over her head she cruises along to unearth the truth.

    At the center of it all is the Ghoshal family who has been the victim of evil for decades.

    Will Raya restore the Ghoshal family honour and get them closure or will she succumb to fear and give it all up?

    The Author has done a commendable job of holding the readers’ attention throughout. Since there are many characters, one has to focus, but the plots are so intricately woven to form a delicate timeline fabric, it makes it worth the read.


    Book Review: The curse of Kuldhara


    Author: Richa Mukherjee

    The story is the second in the series. It’s a simple story set in the by-lanes of a small town with myriad characters, each bringing their own flavour. The salient feature of Richa’s writing is that despite the story being simple, it’s sprinkled with the right amount of humour, thrill, and subplots that finally converge and deliver.
    Here too the main character Detective Prachand Tripathi sets on a mission to unearth the curse of Kuldhara camouflaged in the garb of a film shoot. What follows are strange occurrences, confusion and even murder.
    Is there something supernatural at play? Is the curse about the ruins true? Or is there a man-made decoy to cover something heinous?
    Richa takes us through the whirlwind of emotions in this wonderfully written book. An absolutely unputdownable book and of course a chance to learn new words along the way!

    Book Review: Swipe Right to kill: The Jaipur Tinder Murder Case


    Author: Anirban Bhattacharyya

    Every second day, we get to hear of someone falling for online fraud. The person should consider himself lucky for only losing money. Once you read this book, you will know how much a criminal mind can stoop and the victim can lose a lot more than money… his life, too.

    The Jaipur Tinder Murder case shocked the daylights of the public, especially given the circumstances that led to the death of Dushyant Sharma.

    In 2018, Dushyant, who had been using a fake identity in the virtual dating world, fell prey to the scheming Priya Seth. While Priya was a veteran who used her charms to scam unsuspecting men for a long time, Dushyant was naïve and his libido overpowered grey matter in every aspect. He realised his folly only too late. Priya and her accomplices Dikshant and Lakshya had plotted to kidnap Dushyant in hopes of getting a hefty ransom. However, it all fell through when they realised Dushyant had faked it all. He didn’t have the money. Blinded by greed and fear, they killed him.

    However, in the process of evading arrest or getting spotted by the police, they made innumerable mistakes and were soon caught.

    While the case was a direct one, the author takes us through the complete investigation process that followed after the FIR was lodged when Dushyant first disappeared. It’s overwhelming and educative to learn about how criminals can escape using the loopholes in the law and this time the police were extra careful. Very often media trials bling judgements in favour of the criminals. However, this wasn’t the case here. The case that shook the country was taken to its logical end.

    There is also a lot of discussion on the mental state of the perps and the victim. Its interesting to understand the varying dynamics of the same and how they impacted each other.

    The author has raised pertinent points on the dangers of the virtual world where it doesn’t hurt to be careful. The book also throws light on several cases that were a precedent to the current one. I applaud the author for the detailed research and thank him for serving crucial information on a platter to the readers.

    A must-read for real-time crime aficionados.



    Book Review: Mr. Joshi’s Bride


    Author: Vani

    A contemporary romance crafted with tinges of family drama from India and abroad.

    Parshuraman Joshi is a 27-year-old ideal marriage material for every eligible woman because he is well-bred, educated and, most of all, an NRI. Having lost his parents as a child Parshu has been the apple of the eye of his maternal aunt, Parvati, his grandmother and sister, Ragini. The sole aim of the woman folk is to see him ‘settled’ in marital bliss before… he finds himself a ‘gori’.

    What follows, is a family drama with the roller coasters of ‘meeting’ eligible girls to Parshu finding himself ‘engaged’ and being stood up at the altar. However, Parshu develops feelings for his colleague, Jennifer. But is that genuine or an infatuation? What about the woman who left him at the altar? He had thought he could spend a life with her as well.

    Did Parshu know what he wanted, eventually?

    The author uses simple language and has good timing with the funny moments that leave a reader smiling throughout Parshu’s over-the-top or a bit too-subtle shenanigans.

    You can’t help but fall in love with the lead characters however quirky they are!


    Book Review: Mostly Mundane


    Author: Saugata Chakraborty

    Contrary to what the title suggests, there is nothing mundane about this book. It’s a perfect elixir when not-so-mundane life stressors bog you down!!

    The story is an anecdotal account of Shantilal Biswas who goes through the curveballs life throws in his direction, with admirable tenacity and grit. The journey is laced with humour and the reader smiles throughout. A few instances also make you laugh out loud and you can’t help but compare Shantilal’s situation with your own!

    The author’s wit, play with language and humour stand out throughout the book. Nothing is preachy in the book, yet it makes you stop and think.

    This book isn’t to be just read. It’s to be savoured!

    My only grouse is the book ended sooner than it should have and I was left wanting for more!

    Book Review: My Life On Canvas (poetry collection)


    Poet: Saloni Sareen

    While I am not a poetry person, Saloni’s book made me stop in my tracks and take a pause. Everything around me seemed mundane as I began to go through the poetry collection. The roller coaster ride of emotions as you sail through the web of words strung together… touches you deeply. The poet has put in her heart and soul into each verse and word. The expressions are simple yet the in-depth meaning is intense. The themes vary from nature to people to simple expressions around us. It would make the reader admire the surrounding beauty more. There are subtle shades of grey too… Even if one isn’t a connoisseur of poems, you can enjoy this book.


    Book Review: Kausalya : Queen of hearts


    Author: Vibha Sangita Krishnakumar 

    Who was Kausalya?

    An unwanted daughter, given her mother’s indifference? Someone whose fate was tied to the Asura king Ravana? or someone who had to bear with the fact that her husband had to take on two more wives?

    Or was she just a mother who had to give up her children, including exiling her own son?

    Kausalya was the princess extraordinaire. She excelled in all areas to the extent that she was known to be blessed by the Goddess. She had powers unknown to many.

    However, she had to remain in the shadows of her father, husband and later, her son. Though she embodied truth and wisdom, happiness and sorrow, sacrifice and devotion, she came across as a disgruntled and voiceless monarch.

    There were many layers to the enigmatic Kausalya and the young author has done a good job of peeling them one at a time. Here was a warrior queen who birthed an avatar but was a lot more than what met the eye.

    The later part of the story, particularly the exile and Sita’s birth, is very different from what we have read in most versions of the Ramayana. But the reasoning is effective enough. It’s a different yet interesting perspective.

    Kausalya was the queen who had it all but was always alone…


    Epilogue: the password



    18 months later

    Maanav and Nitya walked hand in hand and stood still in Shadow’s office. The place had undergone a lot of changes and was more appealing to the eye. Maanav knew this was Padma’s handiwork. Shadow waved to them while on call. While Nitya rushed to pull out of her hand from Maanav’s grasp, he held on. Her dark green bangles jingled and she looked at her henna adorned hands. She smiled remembering their wedding a week ago.

    The slight commotion also stopped the furious typing that was going on in a dark corner.

    Didi… Naman miss didi… Naman miss Maanav… Naman good…” Naman scurried out of his dark corner and rushed to the newly wed couple just back from their brief honeymoon. He hugged Nitya and Maanav.

    Nitya blinked back tears as she watched her brother happier than ever before. Maanav finally let go of her hand as Naman dragged him towards his console. She saw that Shadow had arranged it all to suit Naman’s sensory requirements. The corner was dark just like he liked it and there were a set of headphones.

    She remembered the period 18 months ago when the final showdown took place on the ship.

    Jameel had passed and the MARCOS had taken over the ops from then on. The media carried reports of a Naval operation and there was no mention of SPS or Nitya, Naman or Kamble kaka. They however acquired a lot of evidence from Ashfaq’s father who had escaped a little earlier with them. It was more than enough to clear her Appa’s name and he was posthumously awarded an honorarium for his sacrifice and the PMO issued a public apology on behalf of all the office bearers to date.

    Ashfaq’s father lamented over the loss of his only son yet he delivered her father’s savings to her as promised. Nitya invested all of it in Naman’s name. The amount was substantial along with the ex-gratia amounts they received as arrears for their Appa’s service in India. Shadow helped her with investment advice. Speaking of which, the gentle giant was God sent for Naman and the young guy adored him. Shadow had immediately offered a job to Naman and Naman had been elated. They didn’t reveal anything about Naman… or his extraordinary skills to the media. Soon the frenzy died and Nitya and Naman moved in with Maanav. After a few months, Maanav proposed to her and she accepted… life had been a bliss ever since.

    Kamble kaka had lost a lot of blood but recovered well. He revealed all about his role as a RAW agent. He had retired from active field duty but Capt. Rawat on Maanav’s father’s insistence those years back had gotten Kamble kaka back on board to keep an eye on DR. Manohar’s family. That he already knew DR. Manohar was a bonus.

    Nitya’s Maternal relatives who had severed ties slowly made an effort to get in touch with them. While she was bitter about the past she understood their decisions. She was trying gradually for Naman’s sake. The boy was blooming and trying his best to socialise.

    Life had come a full circle indeed….

    Maanav and Avinash had joined SPS full on and had even completed a couple of missions. Anandi had taken off on a long break and was all set to join SPS. Nitya was glad Maanav had such amazing friends.

    “Nitya, take a look here…” Maanav called out shaking her out of her reverie. She walked towards Naman’s console where Shadow stood deep in thought.

    “Naman has created a folder in memory of your father where he has stored all the codes and other details that he unravelled…” Maanav explained. “…You should take a look at this…” Maanav pointed and Naman made a few clicks.

    The song from that instrument played again. The instrument was now placed in a locker because it was very fragile. It was no longer of any use but they wanted to keep it in Dr. Manohar’s memory. It was the only connection for the siblings with their father.

    This time the music played from one of the files on Naman’s console.

    “In our frenzy to complete that mission we had never bothered to find out what was the code to mobilise the torpedoes…” Shadow explained to Nitya.

    The torpedoes were embedded in a jutting rock in the seabed. They were carefully dismantled. 15 years of strong sea currents hadn’t damaged them much so everyone understood why the perps wanted it so badly. The investment was tremendous… the outer shell remained but the rocks would require blasting so it was decided to let it remain there.

    “…So here is the password… rather, Passwords. No one would have guessed them…” Shadow spoke smiling.

    “So, what were the passwords?” Nitya asked intrigued at the turn of events.

    Shadow turned the monitor towards Nitya and she read it wide-eyed….





    ******************** The end ***********************