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Chapter 20 The plot unravels

Chapter 20

The cacophony of the instruments buzzing around in the office acted like a balm to Nitya’s disturbed soul. She wanted to do something… anything to take her mind off the horrendous thoughts of what may be happening to Naman. His signals were coming in if Captain Rawat was to be believed. The man still wasn’t showing his face but was constantly in touch with them giving them updates about Naman. Apparently, the boy was on the move still which meant the location was till not final.

Captain Rawat had been firm not to interfere right now though they had all the capacity to free Naman. Nitya was aghast initially but knowing that Naman was safe and given the involvement of her father indirectly, she felt it in her veins to trust her brother. She was proud of the fact too. However, the sister in her wasn’t… she was anxious.

Maanav was working in tandem with Shadow’s technical staff to decipher the letter and she looking in awe at the man who faced something similar from the same enemy. His father had died in the line of duty in the same tragedy that had struck her…. He had bounced back and while she was yet to learn the details about his life; she was proud of him for the man he had become. She saw him as being the epitome of concentration… he was like that. Whether it was for the country or whether it was in bed….

Nitya shook her head. Now wasn’t the time to think about her personal affairs with Maanav. She felt eyes on her and looked up to see Maanav staring back at her… He smiled and an unsaid message passed between them. Something told her he thought about the same situation that she did as well… She blushed despite everything and looked away. She thanked God for Maanav and Shadow and of course Captain Rawat… she was grateful that irrespective of what happened in her life in the last 15 years, these people had her back. She wouldn’t have known what to do. No wonder her father had asked her to take help and he had been specific, too. Maanav. Maanav’s father, too had been specific. And that was because her father wanted it that way…

Could it be that their fathers were blessing them from wherever they were?

She blinked back tears. Her father was stuck in something sinister and yet he thought about her well-being… She deeply wished to clear his name. And the process had begun. The letter had to be decoded.

A shriek filled the air as she startled and she saw Maanav thumping his fist in the air. Shadow patted him and she knew he had decoded the letter. Captain Rawat was back on the screen again.

The translation of the letter was put up on the large screen along with the original letter lines.

The translation read:



Qui totum vult totum perdit

He who wants everything loses everything.

De omnibus dubitandum

Be suspicious of everything.

Factum fieri infectum non potes

It is impossible for a deed to be undone.

Pisces lethale in aquis profundis

The lethal fish in deep waters

dona felis summis

The gifts are trigger alerts

missio non perficitur

Mission to not be accomplished

circulorum ut nec in aquis usque

Ripples shouldn’t be found in still waters


“So, here’s all open before you…” Maanav declared as he read the translated letter aloud.

There was a pin drop silence as everyone began to decipher the messages hidden in between the lines… with the buzz of the instrumentation for company.

“Nitya, child…” Captain Rawat’s soft voice came across from the speakers and Nitya was touched at his changed tone. “… You knew your father at a personal level… I know you were just a child at the time but I have seen first-hand at how perceptive you were even then. Your father was always proud of you. So think about the depth in these words and help us out. Maanav this applies to you as well.”

Maanav walked closer to Nitya and they stared at the words.

“Appa… he wanted us to ‘save all’….” Nitya spoke softly and she felt Naman’s strong presence and aura urging her. At that moment it felt her father had also played a role in getting them together from wherever he was. “… so, we now know that he was warning us about the next attack” Nitya looked at Maanav and he nodded in affirmation.

“When he mentioned ‘take help’ it meant me, and you all by association…” Maanav added.

Shadow moved closer to the screen. “Let’s take one line at a time… Nitya can you make out the first line? He who wants everything… what do you think it meant?” he asked her.

“I think… he was speaking about himself… he wanted it all…” Nitya added, choking on her voice. “…and then he lost it all.” She broke down. Maanav held her close and she was grateful he was there. He was her pillar of strength, especially at that moment. Shadow got her water and she had a couple of sips trying to stabilise herself. None of them tried to rush her and she knew how imperative it was that they finish on time.

Sniffing on her tissue she read the next line and pondered. “My appa was suspicious of everyone… I think he meant Kamble kaka… the Judas. He must have found something about his involvement at that time…”

No one interrupted her and she was relieved. Maanav didn’t let go of her shoulder and she was grateful for the physical contact.

The third line was confusing everyone… what deed was her father talking about that couldn’t be undone.

“I think I have figured this…” Maanav answered her thoughts. “… I think if you consider the Morse code messages and the series of events at the time… Your father meant he couldn’t stop 26/11….” She felt a shudder run through his body and knew instantly there was some connection.

Maanav hugged her closer with one hand and supported himself on a nearby table with the other. He turned towards her. “I lost dad… on that horrific day… in the line of duty… Details aren’t known to date… just him… rest all of them we got their videos or something… No information about his death though…” he looked down again as emotions got the better of him. This time it was her turn as she turned and hugged him. he hugged her back and placed his face in the crook of her neck. She felt him breathe heavily trying to contain his emotions as unanswered questions kept popping up…  She didn’t care about the audience and no one interrupted them.

What on earth had happened to their fathers? Everything was so messed up. She rubbed his back and eventually, he sighed as he moved away. He held her hand as they both looked back at the screen.

The next line ‘lethal fish in deep waters’ didn’t make much sense… so after pondering for about 15 minutes, they decided to move on to the next one.

“By gifts did he mean the package that he sent… this instrument that Naman used all this while?” Nitya questioned everyone.

“Yes indeed. It is… it also includes Maanav’s gift from his father…” Captain Rawat spoke after a long time. “… that last line in the letter about completing the gift circle probably means that both had to be combined. It did work… the musical note was completed at Maanav’s house that morning…”

“Yes… the next line probably means that the mission shouldn’t be allowed to accomplish i.e… it should be prevented at all costs….” This was Shadow. “…We know by now that Nitya’s father had tried to prevent the next attack and, in the process, sent the packages to his family and Maanav’s father…”

Two lines still remained to be deduced…

The lethal fish in deep waters


Ripples shouldn’t be found in still waters

Everyone stared at the two lines put out separately… It meant the attack has something to do with the ‘water’. Was the enemy planning an attack from the water route just like 26/11? But they would know that the security would be tight.

Captain Rawat continued to speak. “They wouldn’t have tried something similar… it would be something ingenious through the water mode itself… the shock element is in place. It would be something that would still catch us unawares…What could it be?”

“That mission had to be aborted because Nitya’s father prevented it… but the fact that they are in the country for a while and have been after the instrument meant its still in the pipeline…” Shadow filled in.

“Yes…” Maanav ascertained. “… And from what Nitya heard that evening in Virar, it meant, they have planned it this December on the 6th… We are a few months away and they barely have time to prepare it… it must be something extensive that takes this much time to get ready… what is it?”

The excitement and the adrenaline rush were palpable in the room as they collectively approached the resolution of the clues left behind by Nitya’s father.

“What creates ripples in the water?” Nitya suddenly popped up a question.

There was a sudden hush and immediately Maanav spoke… “that song ‘ripples’ played after the gifts were combined. Just check out the lyrics…”

Shadow immediately got to work and soon there was a page on the large screen.

For an hour a man may change
For an hour her face looks strange
Looks strange, looks strange
Marching to the promised land
Where the honey flows
And takes you by the hand
Pulls you down on your knees
While you’re down a pool appears


The face in the water looks up
And she shakes her head as if to say
That it’s the last time you’ll look like today


Sail away, away
Ripples never come back
Gone to the other side
Sail away, away

The face that launched
A thousand ships

Is sinking fast, that happens you know
The water gets below
Seems not very long ago

Lovelier she was
Than any that I know
Angels never know it’s time
To close the book
And gracefully decline
The song has found a tale
My, what a jealous pool is she

Sail away, away
Ripples never come back
They’ve gone to the other side
Look into the pool
Ripples never come back
Dive to the bottom and go to the top
To see where they have gone

They’ve gone to the other side


Maanav rushed to the screen that showed up when the music played. Shadow helped by putting in some codes, probably the ones Naman had used. If there was anyone who could learn from Naman it was Shadow. Nitya watched in awe as the song began to play and the Morse codes sprag up… the Initial lies were decoded.

“Just notice these fresh codes…” Maanav pointed out. “… they weren’t there earlier because we ended the music after the initial lines…” he looked around at them in excitement. “…but there were fresh codes and they came in when the music changed in a strange way…not present in the original…”

“Yes… I agree…” Nitya piqued in. “…I remember this music appa used to play often… but these lines sound different…”

Maanav played it over again and again. They even played the original to compare… this went on for half an hour and then Maanav rushed to the where the lyrics were put up and marked five lines. “Here…” he declared. “… these are the lines where the lyrics change…”

Everyone came closer and Shadow got the lyrics together.

The face that launched a thousand ships

Is sinking fast, that happens you know

Dive to the bottom and go to the top                                                                            To see where they have gone
They’ve gone to the other side

 Maanav turned towards them and put up a question. “So what do you all think? What can be the ‘face’ that launches…? that causes ships to sink? Something that dives to the bottom initially but strikes upward…? And comes in from the other side… obviously to hit us…?”

He looked at everyone even as Nitya stared wide-eyed.

Shadow straightened to his complete height anger shimmering on his rugged face and Nitya realised the man was very tall… he was a giant.

Captain Rawat who had been silently observing the proceedings so far suddenly spoke. “There can only be one answer to all of this… Given the technological advancement available at the time only one thing sounds logical… getting all the above points together especially the ripples on the surface….”

“And that is…?” Nitya moved closer to Maanav fear creeping up her spine in anticipation of what would come.

Torpedoes…” Maanav declared his voice laced with anger and gripping Nitya’s hand tighter.

“BLOODY HELL…” Shadow roared. “…the F&%$#@s are planning the attack using Sailing torpedoes…”



(Disclaimer: This is a piece of fiction using the backdrop of the attack that happened and any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely coincidental. This doesn’t attempt to change history or facts.)

Chapter 19 The Judas


Chapter 19

Nitya stared at Shadow, stunned to the core. She almost stumbled as she tried to turn around and Maanav held her. Tears welled up as she remembered how easily Sajid alias Ashfaq had coned her. She had resigned to the fact that he would be her saviour despite all the red flags and the only fact that saved her from the folly was, Naman disliked the guy with a vengeance.

How could she trust someone like him? Why didn’t she bother to get any inquiries done? But she knew Sajid would have had an air tight background, given the lengths to which he had gone and tried for years to trap her. She hugged herself as she shuddered.

The intercom rang startling the trio. Shadow answered that and went to the main screen.

“Guys come here… my team has decoded the morse code message.” Shadow hurriedly booted up the large screen.

The message scrolled upwards as a couple of lines came to light.




The trio stood staring at the sentences. Shadow was pondering over it.

“What… what did Appa mean by Judas…? who?” Nitya asked Shadow.

“What have we missed, Shadow?” Maanav walked towards him.

“I am trying to figure it out. While its certain there was an attack that couldn’t take place that year, it is probably planned for this year… we barely have the time. But besides all that, I am concerned with… who… I.e who is the traitor amongst us?” Shadow fumed and began to pace the office confines, his huge body making the large place look small.

“That is not possible, Shadow, Captain Rawat has vetoed all of us here, including Naman. And you know already that nothing escaped the Captain’s hawk eyes.” Maanav declared looking sheepishly at Nitya.

“Wait… we were checked?” Nitya asked, hands on her hips.

“Sorry, Nitya… but that’s protocol. We have to veto all our clientele. By now you must have realised we are no ordinary bodyguard service. So captain Rawat does that for us. He has given us the few cases that we have successfully resolved. This was the first major one. Obviously, he wouldn’t be complacent….” Shadow explained as he continued. “… But looks like he missed something this time… This has been relayed to him. Let’s focus on what we have here till then…”

Just then there was a siren that shattered the silence of the room and it was so loud that it felt the walls were trembling with the impact.

“Security breach…”  Shadow screamed into a walkie talkie.

Nitya looked wide eyed as Maanav took out a walkie talkie and began to communicate with someone. There was a flurry of activity all of a sudden and before she could react, Shadow walked towards the huge monitor and clicked on a few buttons. The CCTV high resolution footage came to life and Shadow zeroed in on one of them.

“Para 4, come in… I see movement there. Get me a visual…” Shadow spoke into the walkie-talkie. One of the many windows was maximised and Nitya saw few people in black overalls dragging two people… covered and tied. Oh goodness…

Oh God that was Naman for sure… that walk was unmissable.

“NAMAN…” Nitya screamed as she ran out of the office as fast as her legs could carry her. Followed by Maanav close on her heels.

She barged into Naman’s room. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. She kept calling him while Maanav began to check into other rooms. The orderlies and the few other operatives began to comb every corner of the house. Naman was nowhere to be found.

Nitya was a crying mess when she suddenly held Maanav’s hand. “Maanav… where’s Kamble kaka?”

The search now included kaka as well but right then Shadow walked in signalling a halt to the proceedings.

“They have been taken away. Both of them…” He declared, rubbing his face apologetically looking at Nitya.

“WHAT…? Where…? HOW…? HOW…?” Nitya looked at Shadow and Maanav, tears streaming down her cheeks.

“The tunnel has been breached. They walked out of the tunnel… and took the other route at the intersection… the place where you guys rested when you came over. The other direction goes to Maanav’s place…” Shadow was lost in thought.

“But why did Naman just go like that…? Are you sure he wasn’t dragged…?” Nitya clasped her hands as fear sent shivers through her body. Maanav gripped her palm, but this time she wasn’t able to calm down.

“But Shadow, that tunnel didn’t have cameras, right? Just one at the entrance and exit… because of the technical difficulties… I remember you mentioning that.” Maanav quipped in.

“I had alternative arrangements. I had recently installed a wireless modem with seven camera attachments throughout the tunnel. It was an experiment and I am glad because we caught the duo voluntarily making their way out.” Shadow sighed hands on his hips as he contemplated the possible scenarios.

“Wait… what are we waiting for? We should get moving… they are in danger… Oh My Goodness, my Naman… does he have his medicines with him? What if he gets a seizure?” Nitya began to panic.

“Nitya, don’t worry…” Maanav held her shoulders. “…Naman is very important to them… they will protect him.”

She shrugged his hands away and stared at Maanav, tears continuing their onslaught on her cheeks.

“Nitya… look at me, please…” Maanav tried to reason.

Shadow cleared his throat. “I am getting a call from a private number… its probably Capt. Rawat. Let me connect and see what he has found out. The rest of you check if anything’s missing and we re-group in the office in 10 minutes.” Shadow walked out of the foyer where they stood.

The others left too, and Nitya and Maanav stood with solemn looks.

“So, was that the reason everyone wanted to protect my brother…? Because he is important? To solve that goddamn riddle my father made up years ago?” Nitya spoke amidst the strangling of her voice due to the clogging of emotions.

“Nitya, it isn’t like that…”

“Then what is it, Maanav? I am grateful for all that you did… Naman bloomed like never before… but for what? Just to shrivel into his shell, yet again?” She furiously wiped her face.

“Nitya, calm down sweetheart…” Maanav attempted to hold her shoulder but she moved away.

“NO Maanav… NO… It’s all my fault. I let caution to the wind… I was selfish about my needs. I didn’t know what was happening around me… my Naman. I would have noticed something…” Nitya looked at Maanav with panic-stricken eyes.

“Stop blaming yourself, Nitya… trust me, please… I promise you, nothing will happen to Naman. He will be back unscathed. I promise…”

Right then Shadow called them to the office.

When they reached there, all operatives had gathered around the console.

“Capt Rawat checked in and here’s some shocking news… There indeed was a Judas amidst us… not just now, but even 15 years ago… And Nitya, your father was right, as always.” Shadow spoke softly, looking at Nitya, contrary to his image of being a tough taskmaster.

“Oh God, it is Kamble uncle… the wolf in sheep’s clothing…” Maanav declared much to Nitya’s chagrin.

“WHAT…? How come…? That’s not possible. Kamble kaka was dad’s closest friend and… he was the only one who supported us all these years. I don’t know what would have happened if not for him.” Nitya found herself defending kaka. She couldn’t believe this was happening. First Sajid now kaka? “…What on earth is happening. Kaka was so against Sajid for me…  Why would he do that…? NO something is wrong here…”

“Nitya, Captain Rawat will tell us the details in a minute.” Shadow spoke, clicking on a few buttons. The screen came to life again and this time there was a black screen with a silhouette of a man in a dimly lit room.

“I believe its time for some revelations now that Judas has struck…” A loud strong voice boomed over the speakers and Nitya was jolted from her reverie. Wait she had heard this voice somewhere it was so familiar.

The voice continued. “We had him under our Radar for a while but I didn’t want to warn you all else he would have got a signal too… but now we have proof of his connections with the enemy… his cell phone was monitored till he left Maanav’s home. He had a burner stashed along. He didn’t call else your monitors would have caught him. He had a game going on … a video game that he used to communicate with them…”

“No doubt he loved playing them with Naman…”  Maanav said.

“That’s correct, Maanav. But my team just transcribed the details thanks to the brilliant boy in your midst. Manoharan’s son is a genius way ahead of his father… he left loopholes in the game software… because he probably had his doubts. Kamble couldn’t operate anything for crying out loud… he used Naman’s help all these years…” the voice continued and right then it struck Nitya…

“WAIT… It was you… that year in the camp in Himalayas… after the blast… you saved my life… didn’t you…?” Nitya spoke to the Silhoutte.

“Listen up, girl. That isn’t important now…” the Voice was curt. “… What’s important is that I have got on the loopholes in the video game and we are trying to get the details of the communication. But what we have received so far in a gist is, Kamble was one of their informers… He had it going well so far but he didn’t expect SPS getting involved. He had thought it would be easy like it had been all those years ago….”

“Wait… please wait…” Nitya held up her hand, tears streaming down her cheeks. “… Kaka always helped us… ALWAYS. Not just being there for us during crises, but even with money… What do you mean that he did it back then? What exactly did he do?”

The voice paused before he spoke again. “Kamble… from what we have gathered till now, was chosen for this role because he was close to your father who was making the special software… He was the one who lured your father into that job which he otherwise wouldn’t have taken up. Despite all his brilliance, your father was a very emotional person. But your father went two steps ahead… first he got on board Commander Deshmukh, our Maanav’s father and second, what no one anticipated, he arranged for that information to be sent to his children. No one would have doubted the move. Kamble knew there had to be something so he got closer to you all. Fortunately or unfortunately, he was an acquaintance form our Army days and was in touch with me. He gave the impression that he was protecting you, Nitya and Naman. But on the contrary he was giving information to the enemy. That’s why he arranged for you to move in with him once Naman decoded the mystery in the instrument….”

“So… where is Naman now?” Nitya’s worried voice squeaked even as Maanav held her close.

“He is safe, Nitya. Because he has the information that no one does… The genius boy has taken the game console with him… Kamble must have allowed it to keep him occupied and even as we communicate here, I am getting signals from the game. We are tracking them… don’t worry. We need to know their main location and what’s up their sleeve….” The voice explained.

“So… my brother is a bait…? How could you…? He is a special needs person.” Nitya wailed as she collapsed on to the floor and Maanav held her.

“Nitya… Nitya don’t you worry. I promise nothings going to happen to Naman.” He gave her water and supported her as she sat up.

She gripped his hand. “Maanav, Naman is innocent. He may not be able to recognise the enemy… what if something happens?..”

“Nitya, Naman is the smartest kid on the block…” the voice of Captain Rawat spoke. “… there were so many pieces to the puzzle but the kid single handedly got them all together… we have a lead only because of him. He is still communicating with us… Don’t worry…”

“But why did they take him with them? His instrument is here… what can he do without the instrument? It was this cursed instrument they have been after. They destroyed my mother’s sanity and now they were after Naman…” Nitya tried to explain.

“For planning our next step or to know what they are truly after, we need to decode your father’s letter, Nitya… it’s the final piece in the puzzle.” Captain Rawat’s sombre voice came across through the speakers.

Shadow typed in something and Nitya’s father’s letter’s copy flashed on the huge monitor.

“Nitya, can you make out anything here?” Captain Rawat asked.

“No… no… Oh goodness… I just can’t… I am blank.” Nitya couldn’t stop crying.

“Nitya…. my child. You must gather yourself for the sake of, not just Naman but the country… The same country for protecting which, your father laid down his life like the umpteen soldiers guarding our frontiers… Nitya, Now is the time for us to take this saga to its logical end… this must end. Your family’s turmoil has to end.” Captain Rawat ascertained and this time his voice held a lot more than power.


A sudden silence fell in the room as everyone of them assembled in the office focussed on the letter trying to figure out if it was a scramble of letters… trying to decode whatever it was.

Dated: 29/10/2008


I don’t know when this will reach you… I am sending this… secret channels. It’s not… well here… I can’t help it, child… Sorry for everything… You must save all… Take help. Read carefully….

Qui totum vult totum perdit

De omnibus dubitandum

Factum fieri infectum non potes

Pisces lethale in aquis profundis

dona felis summis

missio non perficitur

circulorum ut nec in aquis usque

Here lies it all….

Please do… Get the gift-circle completed…



“The gift-cycle was mentioned in dad’s letter to me, which we now know… the instruments were compatible and the music was completed.” Maanav deduced what they already knew.

“Save all… means saving the country…” Shadow piqued in.

“Oh Appa…” Nitya wailed. “… what on Earth is this…? How can I make out… this is just Latin and Greek…”

“WAIT…” Maanav roared. “…WAIT… LATIN… that’s it. This is in Latin. Now I got it why it felt familiar… yet so unfamiliar.”

“What do you mean, Bullet?” Shadow asked.

“My dada had once enrolled me in a class to learn Latin… I left it in 10 days but a few words stayed in my mind… I had forgotten about them but today it just struck me…” Maanav rubbed his face.

Shadow signalled to his tech team and one of them gave him a thumbs up…

“Its not just regular Latin… these are Latin phrases… creative Latin phrases…” Shadow declared and continued admiration shining in his voice. “…Nitya, was there anything your father didn’t know…?”



(Disclaimer: This is a piece of fiction using the backdrop of the attack that happened and any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely coincidental. This doesn’t attempt to change history or facts.)



Book review: The Sleep Walker’s Lullaby


Author: Dr. Sohil Makwana

The tagline for the title is ‘Cunning minds… deadly intent.’

This completely sums up the entire plot and is superbly crafted, leaving no loopholes. The author, a doctor, has weaved the plot intricately in the tapestry of deceit and science.

The story takes place in a secluded manor in Goa where the shadows are shrouded in mystery. A gifted psychiatrist, Dr. Kadam grapples with much more than his patients. While he is struggling to bridge the gap between delusions and hallucinations and confront his inner demons, his life goes for a toss. His beautiful wife is found murdered in the manor and he is the suspect. The circumstantial evidence all points towards his involvement.

However, Netra, his tenacious lawyer, strives to claim insanity in a high-octave courtroom drama. Things go their way even as the diligent law enforcement and the prosecution are left licking their wounds.

But the plot unravels from this point. This turns out to be a sinister game involving multiple players but most of them, unmindful that they are being played all throughout.

There is in-depth psychiatry and unfolding of the mysterious mental health parameter that the author has very well described and brought to light.

The story is about how intricately the destinies have been intertwined. The twist in the end leaves the reader perplexed and wanting more!

Short Story: The Last Dance


prompt: This was a 250-word flash fiction for the following prompt for Artoons Writers room

May be a graphic of text


The Last Dance

The roar of the ‘devotees’ filled the night, many drunk to oblivion in the garb of celebrating Goddess Yellamma. The amalgamation of the musical instruments attempting to strike a chord rang through the temple walls, adding to the cacophony even as the odour of sweat and grime of the gathered locals blended unequivocally with the floral and incense fragrances.

Priyamvada adjusted her ankle bells, looking around her chamber, the dark glowing corners reflecting her tanned palor. It was the 14th of August and close to midnight. Straightening her hourglass figure dressed in finery she wondered when the Devadasi’s duties changed to catering to the lecherous mortals. But she had her work cut out. The next day was a historic one if the doctortai was to be believed.

Priyamvada’s fourth baby had been mercilessly snatched away from her womb, yet again… but this time doctortai had said it would be for the last time. Tai had mentioned about some legal Act in place but it didn’t seem any of these monsters adhered to it. The same men who worshipped the goddess treated her forms as objects to satisfy their banal urges.

That night, she quickly finished her performance and ran. She ran through the woods till the dark sky paved the way for the auburn dawn… it was morning. By now the poison in the food would have acted and the monsters would soon meet their makers.

It was a new day and not just the country; she was free too.



Book Review: The Eyes of A Killer


Author: Reecha Agarwal Goyal

The story belongs to the protagonist Naina, who is an ASP (Mumbai Police) and is entrusted to solve the case of serial killings rattling the city. The clues are concrete at each crime scene and Naina discovers the MO. As she delves deeper into the investigation, she discovers the horrific underlying darkness beneath the tip of the iceberg. It takes her to Nera, a small town in Nepal and then enfolds the gory details of women trafficking and the eventual push into the flesh trade.

While this happens, a shocking revelation on the personal front, parallelly, shakes Naina to the core. Is this an act of vigilantism? An act of revenge? Is taking law into one’s hands appropriate for whatever reasons? These are the questions that are raised before the reader.

The author has beautifully woven the plot, and the story is fast-paced. The character arcs are well-defined. The twist towards the climax is unexpected—a very riveting read.

Chapter 18 And they meet…..

Chapter 18

Maanav dropped Nitya on his bed. She didn’t have the time or the sense to look around in the subtle lighting in the room but it was definitely larger than hers. The bed was harder but she didn’t complain… all that mattered was the man in flesh and blood staring at her as if she were his prized possession. It made her feel very special with a strange sense of belonging. She had been fiercely independent from childhood but now she wanted to just be completely dependent on him.

He stood at the foot of the bed as she lay, staring into each other’s eyes as if a story was written in their depths. At that moment the world had stopped in time. It was just the two souls in the room ready to merge into each other… years of longing and the urge to make up for the lost time all worked towards getting them closer than ever.

She raised her arms. She wanted him more than her next breath. It was as if he was waiting for the invite, he sprang on top of her balancing himself on his strong arms, on either side of her chest. He barely touched her and she yearned for him to make his move…

“Gosh, Nitya… I have dreamed of this… for years… even as I wondered where on earth you were. I wanted to do… I mean words can’t express what I am feeling right now, sweetheart…” The look in his eyes, the twinkling sparkle in the sheen of moisture in his eyes, melted her insides. It was right then she realized, she was in love with him. Probably always was.

“then… then don’t wait Maanav… please…”

She barely spoke when his lips crashed on hers. She was lost in it as she shut her eyes to everything else around them. His weight on her increased, but she wasn’t complaining especially when she felt his manhood call for her attention near her belly. One of his hands touched her waist. She knew she didn’t have an hourglass figure and she used to be conscious earlier but with Maanav nothing mattered.  She felt beautiful… period.

After the first bout of claiming her mouth he slowed down, his kisses were softer as if he were savoring a delicacy. His tongue explored her mouth in ways she never knew could excite her driving her to the edge… a dangerous edge as she lifted her hips upward, trying to feel him more… closer… tighter.

His hand trailed above and made its way beneath her loose t-shirt. His fingers lingered at the edge of her skin as if taking their own sweet time and not disturbing the personal moments of intimacy. He came on his elbow and flattened the roaming palm on her belly, the warmth of his calloused touch sending shivers down her spine. She arched further seeking more of him, like a glutton seeking his favourite food. His hand moved upwards and reached her aching mound. His kiss faltered briefly as he took the mass in his hand gently yet firmly, caressing the piece of flesh till he plucked at the nipple. She gasped and let out a cry that sounded strange to her as well. The roots of arousal that were seeded from their kiss earlier in her room began to proliferate rapidly and she began to quiver as he plundered her mouth while constantly kneading her mound. He rubbed his arousal on her pelvis and the act through their clothes was strangely taking their intimacy to newer levels.

Nitya heard a strange sound and realized it was her… she was moaning. She couldn’t wait anymore…

“Maa…. Maanav…” She panted releasing the kiss. “… I want… I want more…”

Maanav smiled and the tiny act almost threw her off the pinnacle of pleasure. He moved downward and away from her. Pulling her up close to him he peeled off her t-shirt in one swift move… She was glad she didn’t wear a bra. She lay back on the bed while he did away with her track pants and the flimsy excuse for a panty. He stared at her with a longing that created flutters so deep she arched her back, urging him to get closer.

“Gosh, Nitya… you are going to be the death of me… you are stunning…” Maanav whispered hard.

Within a few seconds, he had his clothes off and stood before her in his royal glory. She had never seen a completely nude man before. In her past experiences, they had always done it with their clothes on… But this time watching Maanav stand with his arousal saluting her in its hardness, she was thrilled to no end… she felt like a woman starved for days… just that she was starved, not for food but for being with Maanav, not just for days but for years.

Maanav crawled on his fours and resumed his position above her. He had moved between her legs and instinctively she opened her thighs to welcome him. She felt a slight pinch when he entered her softness, looking at her all the time. she quickly engulfed him in her warmth as he began to rock looking at her all the while. She was greedy and pulled him closer even as she continued to arch her back. Feeling his strong chest against her softness was so arousing she didn’t know if she would last longer. Right then he continued his onslaught with his kiss. She was rising up towards the cliff.

Suddenly he increased his pace and at the same time quickly moved his hand between their chest and pinched her nipple. That was it… she was thrown off the cliff unannounced as she screamed her orgasm. He muffled her sounds with his kiss and soon she felt him harden further and the warm release of his seed filled her even as she milked him further with the after-effects of her release.

They lay in each other’s arms, spent and Nitya tried to remain awake even though sleep was closing in. Maanav had got a warm wet cloth and cleaned her making her feel like a queen… his queen. Now he held her in his arms and she had never felt safer and cherished before.

“Um… Nitya…?” Maanav purred and she thought she would be ready for another round if not for the fatigue setting in.


“We… we didn’t use protection… I mean… I got carried away… Nitya… I…” Maanav was fumbling for words.

Nitya chuckled. “Its ok Maanav, we are cool. I am on the pill.”

“Oh… but why are you on the pill?” Did she sense some jealousy? Or was it a concern?

“Actually, my cycles were not regular and being a physical trainer I had to get my dates in order. So…”

“Nitya…” He hugged her closer spooning her. “… I am so sorry that you had to go through the hardships… but I promise, it’s going to be better now onwards…”

Nitya felt a tear fall from the corner of her eye as sleep claimed her.

The next morning, she woke up alone. Maanav probably was up and exercising. She stretched and decided to get back to her workout as well.

She walked back to her room, smiling. Her mood was upbeat and she felt chirpier than ever before. She freshened up got into her tracksuit for a workout and went to the in-house gym, Maanav had mentioned the earlier day.

What she saw in front of her stunned her to the core. Naman was working out under Maanav’s watchful eyes. He had lifted tiny dumbells and was happily manoeuvring them imitating Maanav who did them with huge ones. Nitya teared up instantly. Naman’s therapists had said he needed to get into weight training to improve his mobility and strength so he could eventually improve his coordination. But Naman had never wanted to and she was too occupied to force it upon him.

She was in awe of the patience Maanav showed Naman. She didn’t disturb them and continued with her workout drawing a mean sweat… more so because of the hots for the man who had drawn up sweat for himself as he trained like a mad dog.  By the time she was done with her cool-down stretches, Naman had left and Maanav walked towards her dripping with sweat. She saw he locked the gym door on his way.

Sitting before her on his hunches, he said. “How about some freshening up before we go for breakfast?” he winked at her and her heart skipped a beat. She shrieked as he lifted her and took her to the attached sauna cum shower area. He left her to adjust the temperature and the fixtures as she looked around. It was a sleek, marble-finished space with a glass-enclosed shower, warm wood-paneled sauna, mild ambient lighting, and luxurious fixtures throughout. She felt she was in a movie scene…

Within a minute her clothes gathered at her foot as Maanav stood before her watching her with an intensity like he would gobble her up right away. Slowly the sauna came to life even as they hugged each other, and he claimed her mouth like a man starved for days. Warm steam caressed her skin while his hands roamed over the expanse of her back, settling at her buttocks. She gasped as he compressed them and hoisted her up. She quickly folded her long legs around him as he took her beneath the large shower. He didn’t want to let her down. Instead, he walked with her till her back touched the warming tile. He switched on the shower and as the gush of hot water cascaded down their bodies, his kiss deepened. Water pooled above her chest where they were joined. He let her down as he picked up a loofah and poured a little body wash… oh it was her favourite scent. Citrus!

He built up a lather and rubbed her body… across her chest, neck, arms, armpits, torso, stomach and legs. He worked his way upwards from her toes as she stood connected to the wall otherwise, she would have lost her balance in the frenzy of her arousal. His hands halted at her secret apex and as he pressed his hands around her hairy mound, she arched her back.. the water continued to fall on her face and it was then he took in one of her tight nipples in his warm mouth. She was on the fast track as the loofah was replaced by his fingers as they found their way into her wetness. She was in mid-air… ascending the pinnacles of pleasure rapidly. Her breath quickened. He released her and instantly hoisted her and as she balanced herself gripping his strong muscular shoulders, he slammed into her. He stilled as she engulfed him and then began his pace.

They didn’t last more than a minute. With barely a few strokes she screamed and gripped him tightly as the waves of pleasure shook her completely. And the next moment he grunted as he spilt into her… their pleasure cries mingled with the shower’s splash and the whispering dips on the glass panels around them. She slid down his body and they embraced each other beneath the unrelenting water.

Maanav switched off the shower and procured two bathrobes.

Holding her close he whispered into her ear. “I can’t wait for tonight, sweetheart… look what you have done to me….”

She shivered and stood on her toes as she spoke into his ears, mimicking him. “And its my turn tonight…” She got back and he hugged her tightly.

“Continue speaking like this and I won’t get any work done today…. Shadow may wonder what we are up to… common let’s get back to our rooms. Meet me in the office after breakfast.” Giving her a pat on her buttocks that made her squeal, he rushed out of the gym. She followed him after 5 minutes. The thrill of hiding their encounters from the rest of the people in the house was fun, she thought.

Soon they were assembled in the office and Naman was already hitting the keys. Nitya felt guilty about enjoying herself while danger stared at them outside the safe walls.

Maanav brushed past her and pressed her palm as he made his way next to Shadow. How did he know to calm her down?

The screen came to life as Shadow and Maanav stared at the footage. It was from a drone near Maanav’s house. A couple of people walked around the perimeter checking with people around about the location of the members after the blast. Shadow was on a call with someone who gave him the update.

“Wait… pause this… right here…” Nitya blurted not taking her eyes off the screen.

Maanav did it even as Shadow disconnected the call and looked at her and back at the screen.

“What is it Nitya, do you recognise anyone?” Shadow asked softly.

“Yes… that guy with a slight limp… I know him… see that bandage on his forehead?” Nitya pointed.

“Who is he?” this time it was Maanav as he walked closer to her.

“Its… Sajid aka… Ashfaq…” Nitya spoke in a whisper still scared from the memories in Virar that night.

Kamble kaka came ahead at that moment and adjusted his glasses as he stared at the screen.

“Oh yes…. this is Sajid. The rascal… look at the audacity… after all that’s happened.” Kaka cried out.

“Actually…” Nitya cleared her throat. “… from what I heard that evening, Ashfaq is being coerced into doing all this… he was forced to know me and date me….” she looked at Maanav who was frowning. “… not that we did though… but he was there a few times when I needed help with Amma or Naman…”

“Naman don’t like… no no… Sajid no no…” Naman began to rock and before Nitya could rush towards him, Maanav was right next to the boy and held his hand.

“Hey buddy, you don’t have to like anyone, alright? If you hate someone then go ahead… Its alright.” Maanav spoke to the boy and Naman instantly ceased rocking.

Shadow got back on the phone with his members on the other side of the glass wall. Nitya couldn’t hear much of the conversation but Shadow stood to his full height before her.

“Nitya, this was a huge breakthrough… I wasn’t getting much intel on that front. We will run a check on this Ashfaq… we will get something concrete soon. Meanwhile, I want you to tell us what exactly did you witness in that place that night…”

Nitya nodded. Kaka accompanied Naman for a video game session in his room. While here in the office Nitya sat across Maanav, Shadow and the other office operatives as she revealed what happened that evening in Virar. She was trembling by the time she came to the part where she fell and before making a run for the exit… and right then despite having an audience, Maanav was instantly next to her. If the others had an opinion on this, none of them showed it and Nitya was thankful for their discretion. Because she needed Maanav more than her next breath.

Shadow paced along the length of the office and none of them understood why… he stopped He indicated something to the other operators and they all got busy with their computers… Suddenly Shadow’s face lit up and he smiled.

“Nitya… we just got a tiny breakthrough…”

“What is it?” she waited with bated breath.

“I was getting a dead end every time I tried investigating this case… however I decided to go to the root of it all and guess what… we got a lead. About this Ashfaq.”

“Oh…” Her palm was cold and Maanav engulfed it in his warmth.

“What is it about Ashfaq, Shadow and what link?” Maanav was curious as hell.

“Well here goes. I checked how the parcel was delivered to your old residence 15 years ago… we traced stuff from there. Though it was ages ago we were lucky to get a docket number because digitisation had started post Y2K. So all data since 2003 is now available… Courier companies at that time were limited to a few and this was an international parcel. Your father sent it through someone he trusted and that man didn’t have the means to do it through hawala channels and went the direct legal way… leaving footprint behind. But…”

“…But what?” Nitya was impatient.

“But if we got this information so did they… hence they caught up with the man who did it all. It was a housekeeper-level man called Kadir. Your father trusted him probably and made him send the package…”

“So… Kadir is related to Ashfaq? I heard bits of it that evening from that man, who had threatened my mother.”

“Yes, Nitya…” Shadow replied. “… Ashfaq is Kadir’s grandson who had been forced to do this job in India.”


(Disclaimer: This is a piece of fiction using the backdrop of the attack that happened and any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely coincidental. This doesn’t attempt to change history or facts.)

Book review: The Vale Dweller


Author: Naveed Qazi

This story isn’t just another ordinary tale… it’s the grim reality of life in the troubled Kashmir valley from the eyes of a person who has grown up right in those circles. It’s a life story in a beautiful paradise marred by socio-political mess that has been there for ages. The protagonist speaks about his life in the valley, taking the reader on a picturesque sojourn and one feels as if you are a part of that part of town. He gives a firsthand account of the gut-wrenching situation that has uprooted the lives of locals beyond salvage. He meets different people across spectrums of life and we get a glimpse of those specks through their lenses. The reader learns that Kashmir isn’t different from any other state in the country… all the locals want is peace. They just want a life not tarnished by violence and uncertainty.

The vale dweller is a simple man, and it remains to see how much he can embrace the epochs of the city he lives in or does he represents the dirge for a dying city.

It’s a great read and the author’s writing style is intelligent. Without naming organisations, he has metaphorically used them and the reader can conclude accordingly.

Chapter 17 The Major Revelation

Chapter 17

“All ready…?” Maanav asked the 3 pairs of expectant eyes looking back at him. They just nodded.

Nitya was on autopilot, still unable to cope with the sudden turn of events. She also got to see different facets of Maanav as he changed roles efficiently. Fortunately, Naman was quick to adjust and he stood right next to Maanav and Nitya didn’t miss the glint in his eyes as he looked for instructions from Maanav. Nitya wondered how much Naman understood but she was proud of her brother for holding up the fort when everything around was collapsing. It was as if he didn’t have any syndrome but was a regular geek embroiled in the world of coding.

Maanav led the way to his bedroom and opened the walk-in closet. Nitya saw an amalgamation of clothing and they looked expensive as well. But why was he opening the closet? She got her answer…

Maanav moved one of the shelf lines and there was a button panel fixed to a wooden board behind. He typed in a few numbers and suddenly the panel lit up. There was a sound that seemed like someone unlatched a door and Maanav pushed the wooden board which actually was an iron one camouflaged with a coat of paint. Maanav stood aside after flicking on the lights and gestured to Naman to get in and the boy obeyed. Kaka followed and then Nitya hesitated at the entrance and looked at Maanav.

He smiled and nodded. “Trust me, ok? I know what I am doing.” He winked and she knew right then she was a goner. She nodded back and followed kaka. They were in a cavelike structure with a wall around them. It was probably carved into a huge rock. The fluorescent light was quite dim and the shadows of the crevises and protrusions in the surrounding walls seemed to come alive. It was quite spooky and every bit of the sound of their footsteps were accentuated. They moved ahead and stood at the start of a flight of rocky stairs.

Nitya looked back to see Maanav realign the wardrobe and shut its front door. He then entered a number in the panel and walked to their side before shutting it. It looked like a wall had closed. There was no sign of a door at all… Nitya looked wide-eyed at the transformation.

Maanav moved towards her and said, “That’s Shadow’s brainchild. You will meet him soon. He is brilliant with ideas. In fact, Naman is going to enjoy with Shadow…. Come…” he held out his hand and Nitya could only smile as she placed her hand in his.

Maanav with a large bag pack took the lead once again holding Nitya’s hand and surprisingly Naman followed diligently, holding the computer close to his chest like a prized possession. He refused to let anyone else hold it and Nitya was surprised to see him navigate the steep steps without much support. Though kaka was there behind the boy to help if needed Naman was the epitome of concentration and confidence. Nitya was teary thinking about how much her brother had blossomed in the last few days.

She looked at Maanav walking ahead flashing his torch and despite the long passage, she was surprised the trail seemed ventilated. Naman had claustrophobia but Maanav kept whistling a tune and Naman hummed the same. Nitya’s respect for Maanav rose notches higher. Despite being his sister, she treated Naman with kid gloves but Maanav had treated the boy like an adult and respected his opinions and caliber. That was why probably Naman was at his best behaviour and Maanav knew how to be there without actually supporting the boy.

After about 15 minutes of navigating the cul-de-sac they reached a place where the tunnel widened. Maanav gestured for them to halt and placed the bag pack down. He helped Naman keep the computer down as well and once again Nitya was stunned to see her brother was not tired at all… Kaka sat on a bag pack and Nitya could see the man was breathing heavily. He had been unwell not long ago and probably this level of excitement was too much for the senior citizen.

Maanav gave him water. They shared protein bars.

Maanav cleared his throat before he began. “Ok here’s the plan. We are going to a safe house. I had thought my house was fine, but it was proved otherwise. I wonder why our eyes couldn’t pick up the intruder. Nonetheless, we are on our way to Shadow’s special unit which doesn’t exist on the map and is very safe. Even satellite images can’t reach it because of the camouflage and that’s Shadow’s department….” Nitya could see the pride in Maanav’s eyes and his words as well and she was glad Maanav had someone so close to watch his back.

“So, Maanav, how far are we? How long do we have to walk more…?” Kaka asked.

“Not much, uncle. Another 15 minutes. Because this is an underground tunnel it looks like that. Otherwise, the safe house is just a 5-minute walk from my house.”

Nitya and kaka were stunned but Naman only smiled.

They continued their walk and as they neared the exit, Nitya could hear some kind of a gush. Was that water?

As of reading her mind, Maanav said. “Yes, Nitya, you guessed right. It’s the Dughdeshwar water fall… the origin actually. What the public sees is when the falls have traversed a few hundred feet. This place is off limits. So don’t worry…”

Nitya only nodded, the excitement draining her already and she was a physical trainer for crying out loud.

They reached the end of the trail and kaka looked like he would fall anytime. Maanav had been supporting the senior man while Nitya supported Naman, who was now struggling but not ready to let go of his prized possession.

There was a dead end and Nitya knew it was anything but a wall. She was right. Maanav placed his palm on it and there was a beep sound. Suddenly a panel formed itself on the wall. Maanav put in a few numbers and a similar process followed. The wall opened.

With Kaka in the lead they entered a bedroom closet very similar to Maanav’s back in his house. As Nitya looked around the tastefully done room, she heard Maanav speak something on his walkie talkie and within 5 min, the door to the bedroom opened. A giant-like man walked in and Nitya marveled at his poise. He was synonymous with ‘gentle giant’ Stunningly rugged and handsome and well built over 6 feet tall. He walked in and immediately took stock of the situation. Immediately Maanav and he hugged each other like long lost friends and Nitya didn’t need any introduction to know he was ‘Shadow’.


“Nitya, kaka and Naman, this is my closest friend and closer than any family I can ever have, Shiv or as we call him, Shadow. This is his operating house. Doubles up as a safe house and has underground access from my house as well as we just saw. We are going to stay here for a while.” Maanav looked at them and his face beamed of admiration for his friend.

After making the introductions, they were shown their respective rooms. These were much smaller than in Maanav’s home but still it was comfortable. Nitya wondered, if they were in the middle of no where and of the place was super secluded then who did the upkeep?

Her questions were answered yet again as she saw a middle-aged husband-wife pair, Raghav and Aparna who doubled up as housekeepers and cooks. Kaka immediately went off for his nap not wanting to eat anything whereas Nitya and Naman wolfed down a simple yet delicious lunch of chapati and potato bhaji along with buttermilk. Aparna was apologetic that they couldn’t make anything special because of the short notice. However, Nitya thanked them for the meal and helped Naman to his room. Maanav and Shadow had disappeared into their hideout.

She had been tired as well… and soon she dozed off.

She was abruptly woken up by a knock and she instantly sat up, dazed. The room was dark. How long was she out? She checked the time in her mobile phone. It was 7PM… oh goodness she had slept for 5 hours straight. She switched on the lights and answered the door.

Maanav stood waiting and her heart did somersaults right at that instant. He had worn a body-hugging black t-shirt and loose track pants. His jaw-dropping grin was plastered on his handsome face. The few days old stubble didn’t help her cause to settle her heart.

“Done with your beauty sleep…?”  he leaned forward and rested his elbow on the doorframe. “…I wouldn’t have woken you up but you need to see whats going on. Come to the dining and have some hot coffee and snacks. Then we can go into my lair. Naman is waiting for us.”

“Naman…?” She was still sleepy

“…Oh yes. Naman and Shadow have developed a strange partnership. The genius boy just unscrambled a few codes for Shadow’s other project. Shadow is the best in technology and among the select few this country have… and he was stuck with this project. Naman resolved it for him… do you still don’t believe, Nitya?” Maanav’s voice was soft this time as he asked the last question.

Nitya blinked back tears.

“hey…” he pushed an unruly curled lock away from her forehead as he leaned closer and the strong citrus fragrance swept her into his folds. She forgot to breathe. “…Its ok… Naman is OK… you are safe here. Naman is only going to move ahead in life… take that from me. Stop worrying about him, alright?” Maanav’s words were soft yet powerful.

She couldn’t hold back her tears. Years of struggle involving countless visits to doctors and therapists and educators had drained her out in every way. It all flashed before her eyes like a movie. Before she knew he wrapped her in his arms. She held him tightly as if her life depended on it and she didn’t even know when they moved back into her room and shut the door behind them.

She had switched on just a dim light and as she looked at him, his face a shadow of flickering emotions, strong and raw, her heart paced further. They had their moments cut short earlier… in fact from childhood. He was her elixir… even as children. Later during testing times in her life his memories helped her sail through and now he was in front of her in flesh and blood. She didn’t know anything else, didn’t want to know.

Even as she contemplated, his lips came crashing down on hers. Her moans filled the space around even as his hard stubbled lips feasted on her soft ones. For a moment he let go and looked into her eyes, probably checking for her reaction. But she missed him immediately and dragged him back, surprised at her audacity. His one hand held her hair and the other snaked along her back and gripped her buttock as he pulled her closer, not wanting to let even air pass through them.

She felt him hardening against her and gasped. Taking that moment his tongue made its way into her softness and she lost it. His tongue roamed her insides and she tasted coffee, Somewhere deep inside the roots of an arousal were sowed and it grew with a remarkable intensity shocking her to the core. She had never felt like that anytime before. As he plundered her mouth her hold over his hair heightened and she rose on her toes to accommodate him further.

She thought she would shatter right then as his hands began their exploration moving underneath her t-shirt. His calloused palm touching her bare soft skin sent her soaring high and before she could even reach her pinnacle, his phone buzzed….

Maanav swore beneath his breath a series of expletives she didn’t know existed in his vocabulary and rubbed his face moving away from her and answered the call.

She couldn’t believe this was happening to them. It was always the cup and the lip… would they ever have their union? She hugged herself, feeling the chill despite the warm climate.

She couldn’t hear him talk but he finished the call and came close to her. Placing his hands on her shoulder he spoke. “Nitya, you must come to the office. Naman has discovered something… get that letter from your father addressed to you…. And I promise tonight is ours…” he winked and left the room.


Nitya sported a smile as she had her re heated coffee and reached the ‘office’. Contrary to her expectations, the office was nothing short of a complete house on itself. There were a few employees in various cubicles in one side of the vast room. There was a glass partition separating the place from where they stood. In her segment there were 2 similar cubicles and Naman was seated in one of them engrossed in his world of codes. The music played like they had heard in Maanav’s room but this time there was a special monitor connected that kept showing something in dots and dashes. Nitya knew it was the morse code. Her heart fell … what on earth was happening? Kaka sat on a chair while Shadow kept a close watch over the proceedings, indicating to his team on the other side who were busy analysing the data he was sending across.

Maanav came close to her and held her palm and it was then she realized she had held it stiff. “Easy Nitya, easy… just relax. Shadow will manage it all. Don’t worry…” he leaned and said and the velvety feel of his voice along with the whiff of his talc worked wonders for her nerves.

Shadow turned around to speak but looked at their clasped hands and had an amused look on his face as he looked at Maanav. The two had some kind of a communication between them. Nitya tried to let go but Maanav gripped it further.

Clearing his throat, Shadow spoke. “Nitya, your father was a genius of the greatest order. From what we know so far he was duped into going to that country by a trusted friend and was forced to make something that shouldn’t have reached here… However, 26/7 happened. These here…” Shadow pointed towards the attached monitor. “…Your father probably tried to prevent it, but failed. However those b@#$%!^&ds were also trying a follow up attack unexpectedly on the Indian subcontinent… While we are busy securing Mumbai the attack was to be somewhere else where it was least expected and it was at a time when technology was sparse compared to what we have today… we would have been sitting goats…” Shadow continued as Nitya stared, tears flowing unhindered down her cheeks. Maanav held her close and rubbed her shoulders as she tried to fathom the new intel.

“But then how did you understand all this, Shadow? As far as I know we got no such intel those days and that’s when Dr. Mohandas was considered one of the accused.” Kaka questioned and Nitya wondered how much did he know at that time. But given that he was the only one who supported them, he had believed her father wasn’t one of the accused. She suddenly felt like a burden was lifted off her shoulders.

Shadow pointed again to the large monitor still with the codes. “As you see these are morse codes not put in directly but the musical notes formed them. It was a beautiful conversion into this format that I couldn’t dream of but this young man here deciphered it. The letters are scrambled though so its taking a while for my team to unscramble them to form words. However, one aspect is for sure, Nitya’s father caused a chaos when he deliberately messed up the codes. That’s what I think… he had guessed something wasn’t correct and he had this instrument sent as a package back in India. However, it wasn’t easy to decode it all and he knew someone extremely intelligent would decode it or it would never see the light of the day… either ways it was his way of preventing the attack…”

“Attack? Again?” kaka asked again.

“Yes. As per this data, the attack was planned that same year on the 6th of December the day remembered as the Babri Masjid demolition day… however, since whatever they wanted to use couldn’t be activated, they had to abort it.”

“Shadow, was that why they set shop in Virar-Vasai belt in Mumbai? To find answers?”

“From the looks of it, they must be desperate… even 15 years ago to set up such intricate and elaborate sinister plans would have cost them a lot and the morons obviously don’t have the grey matter to match Dr, Mohandas. I am sure whatever it is requires this instrument and the special codes to trigger. Which they can’t get from anywhere else… that’s the reason they were after this instrument and of course Naman because he is the catalyst for it all.”

Shadow looked at all 3 of them as they watched stunned. “Nitya, you should be proud of your father and I hope we clear his name through this. From what I am guessing he prevented a catastrophe…. Lets gradually find out what they were upto.”

Shadow declared a break for the day and while Naman chose to remain with Shadow, his new hero, in the office, kaka hurried into his room. Maanav and Nitya walked hand in hand and approached Nitya’s room. Maanav’s room was right next to hers.

With her back towards the door she stared into his eyes… the combination of what was just revealed to her about appa, along with her ever increasing feelings for Maanav was overwhelming.

Maanav too stood staring at her and given the darkness falling on his face in the dim light of the passageway, she couldn’t make out what he felt but he was breathing heavily and his grip on her hand tightened, She didn’t need anything else.

“Maanav…?” She whispered.

“Hmmm…” the quiver in his voice gave him away.

“You remember the promise you made earlier, right?” She waited with bated breath as he straightened to his complete height.

“I am a man of my word, sweetheart…” Maanav declared and she shrieked as he lifted her off her feet and rushed towards his room.



(Disclaimer: This is a piece of fiction using the backdrop of the attack that happened and any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely coincidental. This doesn’t attempt to change history or facts.)

Flash fiction: All over a plate of pani-puri


Here is my 250-word flash fiction for the following prompt by Artoons Inn

May be an image of text


All over a plate of pani-puri

I watched the two gobble up the pani-puri, unmindful of the stray juice drops sliding down their chin. That’s my forte… the customers here shed their etiquette and inhibitions, only to focus on the blend of the tastes bursting in their mouths. For years, I have witnessed relationships bloom over a plate of this delicacy.

While I stuff the ragda in the slightly cracked puri and dip it in the green minty waters and then in the orangish sweetness of the dates, multiple times I also hear and imbibe the surrounding conversations.

Afsana and Vasudev are now in their late 30s. I pride myself on the fact that they first met at my stall as teenagers, strangers, but fell in love gradually, all over a plate of pani-puri.

I saw them come hand-in-hand as their romance blossomed, to the day she cried because Saffron and green couldn’t blend in their households unlike in my puri. Probably the taste of my concoctions helped them forget their plight briefly. My heart broke too. All over a plate of pani-puri…

They met stealthily, regularly, as years passed… sharing their marital grievances right here amidst the din of the other customers so that no one would know, all over a plate of pani-puri.

A few days earlier, Afsana’s husband passed. Vasudev had been a divorcee for years. Today, to my utmost relief, he asked her, “Afsana, will you marry me…?”

Tears meandering down her cheeks, she said, “Yes”

All over a plate of pani-puri.


Chapter 16 The instrument

Chapter 16

He lost her?

“What… what are you saying, Maanav?” She looked up at him even as a stray tear meandered its way down her cheek.

“Nitya… I am sorry I met Naman behind your back but Kamble uncle was present throughout. I know I should have asked you but… but Nitya I didn’t have the courage to face you.” He left her and moved away drawing a hand over his fatigued face.

“Maanav, just… who are you?” She barely whispered and he turned around. He looked stricken and she wanted to give him a hug to console him. She reigned in her emotions.

He sighed and indicated to her to sit on the bed. When she did, he began pacing.

“Nitya, I have been a soldier… worked for the country, predominantly in the covert ops. I can’t tell you anything beyond that. I did that for almost a decade till recently when I was injured and my identity was compromised…” he walked for a moment and continued. “… I then joined my fellow comrade and close friend Shiv aka Shadow. He founded this Special Protection Services (SPS) and we are the bodyguards on special missions beyond just protecting our clients….” He came close to where she sat and got on his hunches in front of her. Holding her hands, he continued. “…In the wildest of my dreams, I didn’t know that my first client would be… you, Nitya. I had given up after trying for years through different means… it was like you had chosen to hide. What were you doing Nitya…?” The earnest look in his eyes in the dim light with strange shadows on his face caused by the incandescence, broke her heart.

She gripped his hands and bit her upper lip, trying to regain her composure. He seemed to understand her state and made light circles on the area between her thumb and index finger. She bent her head, trying to hide her tears, but he swiftly stood and sitting next to her on the bed, gathered her in his arms. She knew right at that moment… she was home. Maanav was home.

“Don’t worry, Nitya, everything’s going to be fine I promise.” He rubbed her back even as she cried her heart out. She didn’t know she had the lava bubbling within her, threatening to eat her insides… but today it had erupted. The years of turmoil all washed away in Maanav’s arms.

Maanav arranged the pillows on the headrest of the bed and sat in front of them. He pulled her closer and without an iota of hesitation, she moved into his waiting arms. Placing her head on his chest, she gripped his t-shirt. Now that she was paying attention, she felt the strong muscles beneath and a shiver ran through her body. How would it feel to have that mass against her? She smiled as he continued to rub her back. They weren’t lying down but it was still arousing. She had never been with a man who could stimulate her on all counts, like Maanav did. This wasn’t just physical… it was beyond that… way beyond.

Maanav switched off the bedside lamp and the room plunged into darkness.

“Nitya…?” Maanav purred.

“Hmm…?” She hoped he wouldn’t ask her to go back to her room. She was most comfortable now.

“Could you tell me why and how were you hiding… I mean no one and I mean the best of eyes didn’t catch you…I suspected something would have happened…” His hold tightened.

Nitya shut her eyes and dug her nose into his chest, the citrus talc he had used earlier, calming her surge of emotions. She had a whiff of the fragrance earlier when he had come close to give her tea. “I didn’t have a choice, Maanav. I don’t know how much you know about my life but at one time Amma felt threatened and it was affecting her sanity… Of course, I now know what those people were after… but at the time keeping Amma sane and Naman safe was my priority. No one could know about us.”

“But how long were you going to keep hiding…?”

“I don’t know, Maanav. I just don’t know. But how did you find us?” She rested her weight on her elbow as she rose and looked at his face in the darkness, his silhouette barely visible.

“That’s because of Kamble uncle… he stirred it up a few years ago….”

Now that got her attention. “What? Kamble kaka? But if he had the connections then he could have gotten rid of that computer and we could have had a better life…” She was exhausted and sleepy to the core and yet she was arguing. She had to get the answers.

“Nitya, I know it’s difficult to believe. I came into the picture only recently… However, Kamble uncle who is an ex-special op, made it a point to keep tabs on you 3. He was asked to wait… until Naman decoded that instrument.”

Speaking about timing… It suddenly struck her like a thunderbolt. She had always wondered why kaka had gone out of his way to help them. Speaking of which if kaka hadn’t been in the picture, it would have been next to impossible for her to manage everything alone. She remembered the times he had helped them not just with managing Naman or her mother’s moods, but also with money. She realised she wasn’t bitter at all, but a sense of gratitude settled in her heart and she said a mental prayer.

“Nitya, stop thinking about the past now…” Maanav said softly. “…Whatever happened, it’s water under the bridge and I strongly feel like our fathers conspired together… they were like partners in crime.” He chuckled and she went back to her favourite place on his chest.

He immediately held her close, and within minutes she was fast asleep.

The warm rays of the morning sun woke her up and she sat upright instantly. Maanav wasn’t around and she was lying on the bed, covered by the comforter. When had she come to this position, she didn’t remember. She was dead to the world, and she had never slept soundly like this for years before… She stretched and rushed out of the room before kaka saw her there. She didn’t want to give anyone the wrong idea…

She smiled as she tiptoed back to her room and locked herself in. She giggled like a teenager almost caught by her parents for breaking the curfew or being seen with a boyfriend.

After a shower, she went downstairs and the sight before her eyes melted her heart. Maanav and Naman sat together for breakfast and Maanav helped her brother to cut the omelette pieces. He made Naman serve tea, and she stood rooted to her spot on the staircase as she saw Naman being an epitome of concentration. He barely spilled tea and Maanav just gave him a nod and a pat on his hand. Naman looked at Maanav and she could see the hero worship in his eyes. Her heart stopped… what she would not give for this moment to freeze. She had never seen Naman bloom like he did in the past few days and despite the incident yesterday, he wasn’t traumatised. It was all because of Maanav.

Naman looked at her and smiled. The gap between his front big incisors looked endearing as he flashed his pearls. He rarely smiled like that… “Didi… tea… Naman, Maanav sit. No dropping.” He blurted excitedly.

She nodded and walked towards the duo. Maanav turned to look at her and her heart skipped a beat. He had worn a loose t-shirt and in that cosy dining area, they looked like a normal family. At the same time, her heart fell… this was only temporary and their lives were at risk. She shook her head. She would enjoy these moments. Naman was so happy… she didn’t want to burst his bubble.

“That’s so nice Naman, didi saw you pouring the tea. Good job there. You didn’t spill it.” She gave him a high-five and Naman stiffened his fingers and shook them like he always did whenever he got excited. She immediately looked at Maanav to see his reaction to this display by her brother… her heart pacing as she panicked. What would Maanav think of Naman? But to her surprise, Maanav too gave the boy a high-five and the next moment, Naman hugged Maanav, stunning her to the core. Naman couldn’t tolerate human touch in general, and she was the only exception. She teared up…and looked away.

“Naman, why don’t you go upstairs and start the computer? I shall join you in a few minutes.” Maanav said softly and Naman scampered away like a little boy who was just given his favourite chocolate.

Nitya felt his hand on her shoulder and turned around. She didn’t know what to say in the tsunami of emotions tugging her insides. She just looked into his eyes. The abyss of emotions, particularly kindness. No, he wasn’t pitying her, but she found trust… something she was so desperately looking for.

“Nitya… you don’t worry, alright? Naman is cool. He is brilliant… in fact, he is a genius. You probably don’t know what he had found…” He pointed in the direction where Naman had gone. “… you have a gem there. Naman is priceless, Nitya. You have done a great job with him.”

She didn’t know what came over her, but she hugged him instantly. He didn’t wait to hug her back. While she blinked back tears and gripped at his t-shirt-covered back as if her life depended on him, he bent and kissed her temple and then hovered tentatively lower till she could feel his warm breath on her earlobe. She stood still not wanting to disturb the moment, and then he kissed her ear. “Gosh, Nitya…” he whispered into her ear. “… I have been wanting to do since long…”

Her grip on his t-shirt tightened, and so did his embrace. The world disappeared, and she shut her eyes, tilting her head to give him access to her neck. He didn’t disappoint her and she felt the warmth swarming over her neck below her ears. He pecked at her slender neck and she thought she would collapse right there… giddy with excitement. Her heart was racing and so were the flutters in her stomach. Was this the moment she had waited for years? This felt so new, yet familiar. Because it was Maanav… she knew right then that it had always been Maanav all the way… even in his absence. No one could measure up to his image in her mind.

She felt a nip on her neck and gasped as he took a tiny bit of her skin in between his teeth. He let it go and blew on it… she was floating in mid-air…. safe in her bubble of trust and love. Yes, she was in love with Maanav; she always was. As a child and later even as an adult without knowing how he had turned out to be… The chill on her neck where he had nipped her sent shivers down her body and all she wished at that time was to lay somewhere and enclose him in her soft warmth. She knew he felt the same if the hard prodding against her stomach was any indication.

Maanav tightened his hold further and rested his chin on her head, sighing. She buried her nose in the crook of his neck, kissing the side of his Adam’s apple. She felt his tremble beneath her hands and the fact that she was the cause of it thrilled her to no end.

“Nitya… if you do that again then… I…” Maanav halted, and she felt him gulp. “…I won’t be able to contain it anymore… you know this isn’t a one-day wait, right?” He held her in front of him by her shoulders.

Nitya smiled and looked away… gosh, she was embarrassed. His grip hardened on her shoulder and she looked up into his eyes. He was frowning. “Nitya… while I don’t want this moment to end… there is something very pressing that needs to be taken care of. This sword hanging over our heads should be dealt with so we can get our lives back.” The yearning in his eyes gutted her.

She nodded… how could she think of her pleasure in such a situation, she wondered. He must have guessed her feelings. “Nitya…” he spoke softly. “… don’t berate yourself anymore. Remember, Naman is this amazing guy, and the reason is you… his determined didi. He revers you, Nitya and I remember how you spoke lovingly about him in childhood. He has come this far because of your efforts…. don’t ever feel guilty about anything…. got it?”

She nodded blinking back tears. Maanav had only met her, after years, but he knew the right things to tell her to make her feel better. Hand in hand, they walked together upstairs to Naman’s room. The boy was engrossed in tying something and didn’t bother about their intrusion. He was ricking steadily and Nitya knew he was upto something. He rocked only when he was about to do something big or he was reaching his target. Maanav gestured for her to wait while he left the room. Soon Naman halted, and she saw something flash on the worn-out screen. Some set of codes began to form and scroll upwards. Right then Naman began to rock furiously, and the music began to play… like the one that played on the night she left her house and moved with Kamble kaka. She got goosebumps and stared at the screen.

Right then Maanav walked in with a worn-out torn carton and sat next to Naman. Naman immediately ceased rocking and looked at Maanav. Her throat clogged yet again seeing the idol worship in Naman’s eyes for Maanav… Inhaling deeply, she watched the scene unfold before her. Was this the beginning of the end of tribulations for Naman and her? And how was Maanav connected? What exactly had their fathers planned?

Maanav opened a letter and gave it to her… it was addressed to him by his father. Right then she remembered her letters and rushed to her room to retrieve them. She had the good sense to take them along when they had left home.

Returning to Naman’s room, she placed both the letters on the side table and Maanav moved close to her. Her anxiety had shot up but a tiny whiff of that citrus and she calmed instantly. Maanav read through all the other letters and then the one addressed to her and was as confused as her. He kept thinking about it. “Nitya if you realise, both the fathers mentioned ‘saving the world...’ and ‘taking help’… something about ‘completing the circle... I don’t get this but what I have in my possession, from my father, should be a crucial link. That’s probably must be the ‘complete the cycle’ thing my father mentioned… rest this language by your father doesn’t make sense at the moment… but let’s hold on to what we have….” He was back in his operative mode and Nitya was still reeling with the findings. She wondered what their fathers discussed in the park all those years ago and she couldn’t wait to get to the bottom of it all.

Maanav unwrapped the contents of the box. He further removed the bubble wrap and even as Nitya and Naman watched with bated breaths. He removed an object that looked like an ancient cordless phone that was in vogue in the early 2000s. He looked at Naman’s instrument and then looked back at the sibling duo. Naman wheeled his revolving chair closer to the instrument. He took the object from Maanav’s hand and hovered around the instrument before placing it in the hollow in the corner. Suddenly the object lit up strangely and some kind of codes and incorrigible tunes began to play from his computer. Naman furiously got back to typing and Maanav placed his hand on Nitya’s clasped ones. She was a wreck.

The door to the room opened again and Kamble kaka walked in hurriedly. “Maanav where is your…?” He halted mid-sentence as he watched the display on the computer and they heard the tune change. The song now repeated, but the notes seemed complete.

“This is Ripples genesis… I know the melody…” Maanav declared. “…I have to report this…”

But before he could say anything or do anything further, Naman began a tirade. “Second one… attack… December… second attack… sequel attack… December…water attack again…. second attack…”. He began to rock. He was in his own world and tears streamed down Nitya’s cheeks. She knew Naman was in agony…

Maanav instantly walked closer to Naman and put his hand on the boy’s shoulders. “Hey buddy, you did well… you know that, right?”

Nitya was lost and so was kaka…

“Maanav this is it… this is the closure your fathers would have wanted. Let’s hand this over to the authorities…” Kaka said.

Maanav stood his height and pondered over the tune that kept playing in perfect synchrony.

“Wait uncle, we must resolve this. We just know things have matched but we don’t know what it is… let’s find it first. Some clue… somewhere… I must discuss this with Shadow…” Maanav spoke up and kaka instantly replied.

“…. Wait Maanav… I almost forgot the reason I came barging into the room… I was taking a walk around and I saw this man in overalls….”

Right then there was a huge bang… a blast and on instinct Maanav held Naman and fell to the floor with Naman underneath. Dragging out his hand, he pulled a stunned Nitya closer to the floor and Kamble kaka was sprawled next. There was no smoke, but Nitya could still feel the vibrations.

“….meant… that man was suspicious so I tried calling you… you didn’t answer, Maanav…” Kaka panted as he spoke.

But Maanav was already on his walkie-talkie. “Bullet here… we have been attacked…Plan B… Ok… Ok… over and out…”

He stood and pulled Naman along. He held out his hand for Nitya and Kaka stood up straightening his clothes.

“What… what was all that, Maanav? Is this place compromised? Was that a blast?” Nitya was worried.

They heard sirens from a distance and knew there would be a gathering of people by now. The perps wouldn’t linger for so long.

“Later, Nitya… for now we must make a move… Naman can I trust you with the instruments?” Maanav asked Naman to Nitya’s utmost surprise.

Naman scampered around the instrument console, unplugging it and dismantling it. Within a couple of minutes, he packed them and for a boy with poor dexterity, he had done a neat job. The blast didn’t seem to have disturbed him given his chirpy attitude, but Nitya knew it was because of Maanav. She was glad she didn’t have to deal with it all alone.

“So where are we going…? we have to escape the law enforcement gathering outside…” kaka said.

“Don’t worry uncle… the arrangements have been made… we will disappear. Through the wall… literally…” Maanav looked at a stunned Nitya and winked.



(Disclaimer: This is a piece of fiction using the backdrop of the attack that happened and any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely coincidental. This doesn’t attempt to change history or facts.)