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The Secret Ripples… Meet the characters…


Meet the Male protagonist Maanav Deshmukh

the end….yet the beginning


Two years later

Padma rushed to reach her school building. She was running late today… like she usually did these days. As her car turned towards the main gate she saw Seema waiting as usual. She smiled at the newly married woman whose cheeks turned red at every mention of her new husband, Keshav. They were married last month and Keshav had plunged into the Royal treasury-related work while Seema had continued to dedicate herself to Padma’s residential school.

The massive building was built in a mere six months, mainly because of the support of the people from their province and Koini and surrounding talukas. It was already houseful and the new construction of the additional building was in full force. The state government and local agencies too had come out in support of the initiative and Padma could never be happier. She had also got her mother’s charitable hospital remodelled and it now boasted of state of art facilities.

Padma had achieved all this in a little over a year and managed an infant who was now almost a toddler. Her son, Kartik. Shiv and her son…

Shiv… the very remembrance brought tears flooding so she tried to push his memories into the subconscious. But one look at Kartik, a miniature version of his father, and it all gushed back.

Padma sighed as she handed over Kartik to Seema, who had taken a strong liking for the kiddo, who in turn returned the favour! There was a small play unit for the children of the staff involved so thry could focus on their work without having to worry about their little children. Padma had seen to it that the play unit had an extended daycare center. Kartik loved his time there…

Padma kept herself occupied throughout the day and Kartik kept her busy but the nights were torturous. Her thoughts and dreams were filled with Shiv. Where was he? Did he even remember her?

As she sat on her office chair she stared at her nameplate on her mahogany desk.

Ms. Padmavati Raje, Principal.

She looked up at her mother’s garlanded photo frame.

“Aai… our dream has come true. A lot more girls have enrolled in our school than our expectations. And by the way… the Archeological Society of India has given us the go-ahead for the fort restoration. So, just as you had envisioned, the fort will be done thoroughly and the Idol of Maa Bhavani will be reinstated with complete rituals…”

She sighed as she remembered the turn of events in the last two years…

She had woken up to an empty infirmary room and though Seema kept coming in on and off to keep her company, she had already known Shiv had gone. The void in her heart had remained ever since.

She resumed the final walk of her studies and went through her fieldwork in autopilot. The days were spent getting the papers for the school building construction, ready and going to different government offices for the needed permissions. The King used his influence and the work was done faster than ever. She then got busy with the other detailing and Seema, and many others joined her in her endeavours. Keshav helped her a lot and she was witness to the romance blossoming further between Seema and Keshav. She tried her best to convince Chitnes kaka and her father and eventually succeeded.

A couple of months after Shiv had left, Padma felt dizzy at her fieldwork and extremely nauseated. She attributed it all to her hectic lifestyle till she realized she had missed her cycle. She couldn’t even remember when she had it last…

Her fears came true when she saw the two pink lines on the pregnancy kit. The King was upset but left the decision to her.

A month later, she declared she didn’t want to become the Queen or be a part of the Royal household. To her surprise, the King and the Royal court didn’t force her to change her decision. In fact she was now much closer to her baba who made it a point to visit her every evening. She took up residence close to the Palace. Seema moved in with her to take care of her during her morning sickness and rest of the pregnancy and she was only too grateful. She knew the baby was conceived on the night Shiv had come to deliver her locket.

The King had apologized to her about sending Shiv away.

“My darling, it was for your good. That man had no future. His father was a great man but never there for him. He has been through a lot in the Army and special ops… He wasn’t the right man for you, my child…” her baba had once told her during their meets when she was through her first trimester. “…But then watching you pine for him makes me question my decision…. I have tried dear… tried to contact him. But he seems to have disappeared… but my dear, if he loves you, he will come back for you. So just hang in there and we are all there for you…”

Padma had waited ever since.

Bhosale kaka, who she now knew as her biological father, met her once to apologise. “My wife told Aarti everything when she was barely three and when we were struggling a bit financially. We couldn’t have any more children too. I didn’t know this would impact Aarti…particularly after my wife passed away soon after. Then Majumdar took advantage of that and she tried to kill her older sister…I am so sorry…”

Padma had forgiven Aarti despite everything. Aarti was in a mental asylum, seeking treatment for Bipolar disorder way up north and Bhosale kaka had left the court to be close to Aarti to take care of her.

The new political atmosphere was conducive to development in Koini, and Majumdar’s cronies were all behind bars. Shiv had left his original house keys for her and transferred the property in her name. She often visited Koini to take care of the house and the luscious mango orchard that she nurtured. It was after all…the same place where she had first met Shiv.

She spent a long time in the groves on the weekends with Kartik. He had just begun to walk steadily a couple of months ago and loved the grove. He attempted to hold the trunk of the trees and stand steadily in an attempt to climb them and would then plop on the muddy ground. He would then turn back and look at Padma guiltily smiling his cherubic grin.

Padma would often blink back tears because Kartik reminded of Shiv smiling at her with his eyes full of love.

Would Shiv ever be back?

The chiming of the clock brought her back to the present.

Padma blinked back tears and spent the rest of the day engrossed in paperwork regarding the new building and the latest sports arena she had planned for the girls. Her main focus was self-defense training for young girls. There was a file full of new applications already for the new building.

Her alarm rang a little before 6 PM and she knew why she had set it for today. Seema walked in with a squirming Kartik.

“Are you sure Padma di? Do you want me to keep Kartik with me?” Seema asked

“No.. Seema. Kartik needs to go. It’s important. And we have to do this alone. It’s fine…” Padma began to pack her things.

She put a sleepy Kartik in the car seat and drove her way to Shiv’s home in Koini. As per her instructions, the compound outside the house had been cleaned and the reconstruction of the house was also through. She laid Kartik on the bed and walked into the kitchen. She cooked a simple meal of Khichidi and placed it in a plate before the photo frame of Maa Bhavani. She has specially commissioned the frame. It was a simple sparkle-coated lami frame enclosing the beautiful picture of Maa. Tuja Bhavani.

It was Shiv’s mother’s death anniversary today. Padma also placed a box with a single anklet.

“Hey Maa, Please accept my prayers, and I hope her soul rests in peace….I don’t have any of her pictures except for this anklet that belonged to her.”

She joined her hands and blinked back tears. Shiv had mentioned his mother who was murdered but it was made to look like suicide. He never spoke anything else but now that Padma was a mother herself, she understood the emotion involved. She couldn’t bear to stay away from Kartik. Even a common cold would keep her awake for nights.

A few hours later she put Kartik to bed after dinner and sat outside on the stairs leading to the house. A string of lights lit up the path to the outer perimeter, where she had grown bushes filled with marigolds. She sat leaning against the outer pillar and was soon fast asleep.

A little later some noise woke her up and she sat up to see a jeep halt at the entrance of the compound. She stood up, dusting her clothes and wondered if she had to rush and pick Kartik, but then the driver got out and began walking towards her. In the headlights, she first saw his silhouette and her heart began to pace wildly… As he reached the compound the lights fell on his facial contours, and she bent forward on her knees, trying to breathe.

Tears fell unhindered as she heard him rush towards her…

She almost fell off the stairs but he held her, pulling her up close to him. He hugged her tightly as she cried her lungs out. Two years of pent-up emotions made their way out, threatening to drown everything around her in its wake.

She inhaled his Vanilla fragrance as he patted her back.

“Princess…my darling… please don’t cry…” his voice cracked and she looked up to see his eyes with unshed tears glistening in the lights she had newly installed.

“I… am no longer a Princess, Shiv. I am just…Padma. Shiv’s Padma…”

His tears fell as he closed the gap between their lips. He kissed her like he was starved for days and she was his first plate of food. Their arms were all over each other, and he lifted her taking her inside the house.

Right then, Kartik woke up and began to cry, startling Shiv. Padma chuckled and held his hand, dragging him along to where Kartik sat up puzzled and cried even more as he saw he was getting attention.

“Shiv… meet our son, Kartik…”  She declared as she walked towards the bed and lifted the crying boy.

She saw Shiv staring at them as if in a daze with tears streaming down his face.

“So… it was all true… there was a child…My child… my son…” Shiv uttered hoarsely.

“What?” Padma was confused.

Shaking his head, Shiv walked toward them and held up his trembling hands. Kartik stared wide-eyed and looked back at Padma.

“Kartik, baby… it’s Papa… would you say hello?”

Kartik smiled and waved. Shiv tickled him, and Kartik jumped into his waiting arms in a couple of minutes, nuzzling his sleepy head against Shadow’s stubble.

Padma chuckled at the similarity between the mother and son. They both loved Shiv’s stubble!

Kartik slept a few minutes later, and Padma helped Shiv place the baby in the bed. He hugged her as they stood watching their creation sleep without a care in the world.

A little later, she took him towards the photo frame of the Goddess, and he sighed.

“You remembered…?” he whispered.

“Yes… I did. Since the house was ready, I thought she should get her due…”

Shiv turned and hugged her bursting into tears.

She held him rubbing his back, and found herself crying too. “Shiv… its ok…she knows…”

He held her away and grasped her shoulders. “Padma… I am sorry I was away… you had to do all this alone… but thank you. Thank you for bringing Kartik into this world…I… I have something for you…”

He opened his backpack and removed a pouch. Then, drawing out an anklet, he held it up.

“This belonged to my mother… her only possession with me… I wanted to propose to you and found nothing personal to give you….” He went on his knee and said, “…Padma, for what I have put you through, I don’t deserve you. But I can’t live without you anymore… will you marry me?”

She smiled and rubbed her eyes.

“Yes, Shiv… I will. And there is something I have to show you.” She walked towards her bag and took out the box she had earlier placed before the Goddess’s frame. Then, she took out the other anklet even as he appeared stunned.

“Shiv, my mother had taken this with her that day years ago. She said she didn’t want your mother’s name to be tainted. So I had taken it after she passed along with a few other items from her chamber because this reminded me of the young boy crying alone in the grove when his mother died.

Shiv helped her wear the anklets.

Later as they lay satiated, staring at the dark ceiling, Shiv held her close and kissed her forehead.

“Padma… I am back for good.”

“I know, Shiv. I knew you would be back… but where were you these two years and why didn’t you keep in touch…?” She fought back the tears.

His hold got tighter as he said, “Padma I had to become worthy of you. I got back to the field for a year and then officially retired. I then put my plan into action, and I am all set to open my security service. Manav, Avinash and Anandi will be joining me eventually. They are all completing their last missions as we talk.”

“Wow… really?” Suddenly the two-year-old turmoil was washed away.

“And I had my eyes on you… after the initial months. I was told you were seen with a child and I couldn’t believe my ears… I only hoped it was mine, Padma and … I can’t even express what this means to me…”

She pulled him closer. “Shiv… this is real. You, me and Kartik. We are a family… got it? So what are your plans now?”

He chuckled as she changed the topic.

“Yes, my darling… I have registered the name Special Protection Services where we will cater to bodyguard requirements across the country and abroad if needed. In addition, I have mobilised men and women from across the country who would be interested in taking up assignments…”

As he continued to tell her about his plans, Padma’s heart swelled. How much she loved this man.

“…And Princess…there is something very important I have to tell you…”

“I am not a Princess anymore…”

“To me, you will always remain my Princess.” He kissed her deeply and under the flickering rays of the crescent moon peeping through the window he continued. “…I love you darling… I love you so much , both you and our boy…I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you…”

They kissed and went ahead to cover up for the time lost.

Later as Shiv slept, Padma looked at his face and smiled… she was glad to have her family complete.

Here was the man who had stolen her heart ever since she was a little girl.. he was her man… her bodyguard.

©Priya Nayak-Gole


Chapter 33

She saw her aai lie on her side bleeding even as she uttered her name… yes her mother called her out. Could she have helped her? But why did she just stand and watch and not do anything? Why was she frozen to the floor… why did she look up to Maa Bhavani? Was it because aai was looking at the Goddess’s idol too? What did aai want to tell her? Did her aai see her?

Someone pulled her hand and dragged her out of the dark cavern, but she couldn’t walk much. She heard some screams that got dissolved in the torrential rains that drenched her. But she was still in her stupor.

Then she saw his face… it was Shiv… he was pretty young. He lifted her on his shoulders and ran through the woods. A little later, he sat with her, and she could sense the feeble tinge of vanilla essence. It was a massive relief from that obnoxious odour that had filled the fort premises….

What about her mother…? Was she alright? What about Chouhan kaka?

The next moment she was in the nightclub, the blaring noise they called music vibrated through her bones, and she thought she would feel them in solitude as well. But she was disoriented yet again… She had never sleepwalked before. What was happening to her? That horrible odour… she wanted to throw up her drink. And then someone grabbed her… Someone who knew her. But none knew she was here… except Aarti. Even Aarti’s friends weren’t supposed to know her identity… they didn’t recognize her. So then how did the man know?

Her head was heavy and she was drowsy…

“…That bitch deserves this… not her right…. It should have been mine…”

Who was screaming? Her head was pounding and she saw that man coming closer to her… where was Aarti? She was supposed to watch over her too. Padma looked up at the swelling crowd and saw Aarti’s dress as she disappeared into the crowd, her black gown peeking very slightly.

“…Had you done your job well… we wouldn’t be struggling like this…”

Would she stop screeching? Who is that?

The sea of people moved like the waves before her eyes even as the strobe lights of the club flickered away to glory., Padma saw Aarti’s shining velvet bag disappear along with her…. That’s it… that was the bag with the crown they found in the woods.

Did Aarti take the crown? Nothing made sense…

“…get rid of her just like the rest… she can’t see those girls… Saheb will kill us.”

Will she shut up?

Twice Padma was stuck in her senses and couldn’t move… first in the fort and now in the nightclub. And then Shiv turned up to save her yet again… He took her out, and she experienced her first kiss… the mephitic odour replaced by the pure vanilla … along with the feel of his lips…

“…She should wake up now… she has seen me…” Aarti’s voice rummaged its way through her senses.

Her eyes opened, and she found herself sprawled on the hard floor… her blurred vision cleared and fixed on Maa Bhavani idol. She was in the fort. Exactly where her aai had been…

She realised her hands and legs were tied and she lay curved in a fetal position the hard ground digging painfully into her shoulder. The place reeked of the foul odour and she realised she had been kidnapped…

But why Aarti of all the people? Her eyes filled as she thought about their childhood and growing up together… she blindly trusted Aarti. Bile rose in her throat, thinking of what had happened to her mother and Chouhan kaka… even her father.

How many people did these people kill and for what? How did Aarti fare in the larger frame of things?

“So the Princess has woken up…” Aarti walked before her, a smirk on her face. Padma had never seen Aarti in this manner.

“Aa… Aarti…? What’s…all… this…?” Her voice was hoarse.

“Shut up bitch… just shut up… I am no longer at your mercy… no longer will I wear your hand-downs or used clothes, no longer will I settle for something less good than you…” Aarti was panting even as Padma watched the spittle fly off her mouth as she fumed.

“Why…? Why are you so an… angry?” Padma was puzzled at Aarti’s weird behaviour.

“ You don’t know, bitch? You still don’t know…? Of course you are the docile Princess… so full of herself she doesn’t know anything… any…damn…thing…”

“Aarti, please… stop…”

“NO….” Aarti screamed, her voice reverberating through the limited confines. Was it day or night Padma didn’t know. She was too stunned about the turnaround by whom she considered her bestie…

Aarti moved towards her and kicked her in the shins. She yelped in pain. “You bitch do you have nine lives? Every goddamn attempt on your life and you survive… Why because of some saviour? Where do these saviours come from? Was it Shadow? Anyway he wont guess where you are. He is no longer in Koini. By the time he arrives…if at all… it would be too late… for you…” She chuckled.

“Why… Why Aarti…? Why are you doing this…?”

“Because, bitch you don’t deserve anything you own… the Royal life… the crown… nothing…”

“THAT’S ENOUGH, GIRL…” A baritone boomed and Padma heard footsteps behind her. She was facing the wall lying sideways and her shin throbbed where Aarti had kicked her.

“But Sir…” Aarti protested.

“…I SAID ENOUGH AND THAT MEANS ITS ENOUGH…” the man walked and moved in front of Padma. He was huge and well built and familiar… Of course, he was MLA Majumdar. Besides him, a man limped a bit and smiled slyly, but his crooked nose stood out in the light provided by the flame torches. There was no doubt he was the one who tried to force himself on her in the nightclub that night years ago.

So all this was planned. Did Aarti plan it?

“My Dear Princess… I have conveyed this so many times that the crown doesn’t belong to a delicate head like yours… why are you royals so stubborn? Why do you want to hold on to all the wealth in the name of legacy. Still, I stayed away but the Queen had to come and disrupt my ‘business’. So what if I took little girls away… they were so poor anyways. They would have died of hunger in the tribal belts… So I gave them a chance to live just by trading their bodies. So what was wrong with this?”

YouYou are wrong… every way Majumdar…” Padma spoke hoarsely as rage surged up her spine.

Aarti kicked her once again. Padma bit her lip to keep from screaming. She didn’t want to let them know they intimidated her. Somehow she felt stronger… was it because of her mother? Or Shiv? Their confidence in her?

“What… do you all want…?” She managed to speak amidst the agony.

“Now… dear Princess… now you have come to the point.” Majumdaar smiled, revealing a bright set of teeth making him look monstrous as the shadows danced on his face. A man brought him a wooden crate lying somewhere and he sat on it crossing one leg over the other.

“So princess…” he continued. “…As I said, your late mother had something belonging to me… and I tried every way to get it from her. Unfortunately, I had to kill her right here, where you lay pitifully. The woman was tenacious but stupid. What was the need to do all that? Was that worth dying? But I have a kind heart… I will let you go. Just give me what is mine…”

“What… what are you talking about?” Padma knew he probably meant the chip from her locket.

“Your mother wouldn’t have left it anywhere but with you… so Princess, one last chance. Give it to me. You have lost the throne anyway. The King is no more and I have the crown…. TOnce you are out of the way it won’t take me long to get the vote in my favour and abolish you Royals forever. There won’t be anyone left….” He laughed maniacal laughter.

“HEY, WAIT… THE CROWN…IT BELONGS TO ME…” Aarti yelled and Padma wondered what was going on. She still didn’t understand Aarti’s role in all this.

“Silence young girl… silence…” Majumdar raised his palms towards Aarti.

“No Sir, this isn’t correct. You promised me the crown if I got her here. I am the one who deserves the crown and not her… I got it for you. I did everything you told me…So I get to become the queen…”

“Shut-up girl…looks like you are trying to bite more than you can chew. What did you do? Drugged the Princess twice and gave us the inside intel… stole the crown, poisoned her and stabbed that maid… but were you successful? No… We wouldn’t have had this discussion today if you had done your job well… so shut up and watch.”

“You… You can kill her now and finish it all. There is no one to save her here.” Aarti spoke in a menacing tone that sent chills down Padma’s spine.

“You don’t get to make the decisions, girl… I do…”

“But she is not the legitimate heir… they chose me first…” Aarti cried out, and Padma stared at her, stunned.

Majumdar roared a hearty laugh once again. He stood up and paced for a few seconds before returning and standing before her.

“Look, Princess… I have nothing against you. I only need what your mother left with you… That’s all. I shall let you go…”

“WHAT…? LET HER GO…?” Aarti surged ahead and stood facing Majumdar. “…I deserve that life… not HER…if she lives, I won’t get to live my life… I don’t want to go back to my rotten life…”

“Aarti… what the hell… are you talking about?” Padma struggled. She had to know.

“Hello…. Quiet both of you. I am not interested in your drama. I only want what’s mine.” Majumdar roared and Aarti fumed. He turned towards Padma and gestured to his men. One of them moved and dragged her up so she could sit, holding her legs close. “So Princess…where is it?”


“I don’t know… what you are asking for…”

“I think I will have no choice but to kill you…”

Padma looked up and saw Majumdar hold a stone… where did he have it? In his pockets? Wait…. Padma remembered. It was the same stone she had seen him hit her mother with. Yes… It was now clear. Majumdar had killed her mother.

“It was you… you monster… you killed my mother… I saw you do it…Maa Bhavani will punish you for everything…”

“Shut up idiot… I don’t believe in your Maa Bhavani. I believe in money… only MONEY…money is strength and your mother took that away from me… I have struggled for years but no more. That boyfriend of yours, he thought he was invincible… just like his father. I arranged for people to take care of him… He was trying to hide in a shady motel… but my men would have killed him by now…”

“NO….YOU RASCAL….NO….” Padma screamed till she lost her voice and her throat constricted as emotion contracted her muscles. No Shiv couldn’t be dead… if he was then she didn’t have a reason to live. “…In that case… you may kill me as well… because I am not going to reveal anything.”

“Fine… go meet your mother…” Majumdar raised his hand to strike her when something hit his hand. He screamed profanities and dropped the stone next to Padma.

Padma looked up to see his hand was bleeding. In a fraction of a minute she heard clicks and the men around them fell clutching at their hands, their weapons all lying around.

She heard footsteps and looked up to see four masked people… One of them rushed towards her and untied her hands and legs. She didn’t have to be told who he was. As soon as she was released she hugged him tightly.

“Don’t worry Princess… you are safe now.”

“Cut the melodrama…” Aarti screamed. “…you will never get the crown… I have it with me…”

“The crown doesn’t belong to you…” Shiv tried to reason with her.

“IT does…” The King and Queen had asked for my father’s younger daughter to foster and that was me. But my mother came out carrying her and the Queen chose her instead. She didn’t deserve it all… I did. This was all mine…”

“What…?” Padma couldn’t believe what she heard. Was she Bhosale kaka’s biological daughter?

“It’s game over Majumdar, we have recorded everything here… live-streamed to different law enforcement agencies simultaneously… the CRPF is on its way to arrest you…And you Aarti can dream big, living the rest of your life in jail….” Shiv spoke.

Padma looked around and saw the other three tie up the men. Shiv then nodded to one of them and he walked towards the tiger and did something. A rumbling sounded and a trap door opened. The man got down while Majumdar screamed.

“NO…NO…. DON’T GO THERE…. ITS MINE….” He screamed

In about ten minutes the man walked out with a line of teenage girls all dressed up gaudily and Padma didn’t have to be told what was in store for them. Everyone was watching the events unfold wide-eyed… when all of a sudden Aarti launched at Padma. Padma fell on the floor and Aarti raised a knife. But before she could get it down a click sounded and she screamed before dropping the knife.. Not to give up, she picked the stone but Shiv held her hand and twisted it till she dropped it.

“There is nothing more than what destiny has in store for an individual, Aarti…” Shiv said.

In the next couple of hours, the CRPF cuffed everyone and took them away. Of course, they had to protect the prisoners from the wrath of the public that had gathered outside the fort. But somehow, the public rage subdued for years got the better of them and before they could call for reinforcements, Majumdar and his men were kicked and hit… the others were gravely injured but eventually Majumdar passed.

Shiv held Padma close to him and carried her outside to a waiting vehicle. The people wanted to talk to her, but she clung to Shiv. She had enough experience to last a lifetime. Padma saw the other three had disappeared just the way they had silently come. She was sure one of them was Maanav.

Shiv got her back to the Palace where the doctors treated her for her injuries. A little later as she lay in the infirmary with Shiv holding her hand, a silent communication between them, the door barged open. Shiv instantly left her hand and stood in attention.

She watched wide-eyed as her father strode in all elegance. He walked up to her and hugged her.


“Oh my child… you are my child… I hope you understand that. We may not have sired you but we loved you… always.” He hugged her tightly and she sobbed,

“I am so glad… baba… you are alive…and for me… you are my baba…”

“I am sorry my darling for what you had to go through. But this was done on Shadow’s advice. I had to go in hiding…”

After a few moments, her sedation began to take effect and she dozed off.


Shiv walked behind the King as the man left the Princess’s room in the infirmary. They walked outside and stood on the lawns.

“So young man… I am proud of you.” The King spoke.

“Thank you, your Highness…”

“…Exactly. I am glad you know where you stand, young man.” The King interrupted him.

“Your Highness…”

The king held up his hand.

“Your job here is done. You can now leave….”


“…It’s an order, young man. I promise to give you the best of recommendations… This is your last hour in the Palace premises. After that, you will be considered an intruder. Am I clear enough…?”

Shiv nodded

The King continued. “ I have worked hard to build this all for my daughter. I will now have to get her settled. She has to marry into a good family to maintain her strength as the Queen. She will need to be with someone her equal…”

Shiv nodded.

“…I am glad, young man that you understand. I hope we never meet again.”

Shiv watched the King walk away, taking his heart’s massive chunk. Tears streamed down his cheeks. He knew this day would come but didn’t know it would be a huge blow. He looked at the infirmary window once again… for the last time.

“I love you Padma… forever…” he said softly as he turned around and walked away.


©Priya Nayak-Gole

the plot thickens…

Chapter 32

Padma had lost her appetite. She only stared at the balcony whenever she wasn’t forcing herself to study. Her fieldwork had been postponed indefinitely, and she gathered the few children of the Palace aides to teach them. Teaching was something she loved the most. She realized she was born to be a teacher.

Padma sighed as she stared at her favorite fountain. How she wished she could give this up. Royalty was not for her. She didn’t have it in her to be the Queen. Even her aai never liked it and her baba never forced aai… But her parents never shared the conventional couple relationship. Whether it was because they were Royalty, she didn’t know, but she didn’t want to have such a formal relationship with her partner.

Her thoughts immediately drifted towards Shiv. It was almost a week since she last saw him, and she missed him like hell. She hoped he would at least talk to her. Keshav had met her that morning, but he hadn’t heard from Shiv either. She prayed Shiv would be fine. He had to be…

She looked at the fountain yet again. The water gurgle in rhythm soothed her but also increased her turmoil as she recalled her time near the waterfall. She would give up anything to be with Shiv just once at that place…

Padma felt the cold breeze on her cheeks and realized she had been crying. Wiping away tears, she began to prepare for the upcoming class for the children. Thank God for those blessings; these children distracted her from her splintering heart.

Nights, however, were the worst. She missed Shiv’s warmth, his touch, his voice… just about everything. She would hug her pillow close to her chest and cry her heart out.

Aarti, too was conspicuous with her absence. Where was she when Padma needed her the most?



Shiv paced across his room in the motel. The tiny shady place was the only location Maanav could manage close to Koini. He couldn’t risk staying in his old house because he knew people were keeping an eye on the place. His cover had blown already, and he couldn’t put the Princess in further danger.

Padma… his Princess, the love of his life. He wished to drop everything for just a glimpse of her at that moment. She had confessed to him, but he had held back. He almost told her twice the last night he met her but refrained the last minute. He couldn’t give her false hopes. He had no future. She was all set to become Queen, and the road to the same had been paved for her. So she would need to marry into a family of repute fit for the Queen. He was nowhere close.

His background had nothing to boast about. His father was never there and his mother was… well, lesser said the better. He had grown on the wrong side of the town and had rage filled in his soul till Padma had come along and doused the flames with her tenderness… by her mere presence. Something about her calmed him. He had become a better person. He had seen horrible stuff worldwide in his stint in the Special Ops and had been damaged from within. But Padma had reversed it all and made him want to live.

But what would life be without Padma? Would he go back to special ops? His superior had sent in a word through Razor… to reconsider retirement and join back.

To be honest to himself… he was tired of running around right from childhood. He wanted to settle somewhere, put down his roots, and have a family where he would be a good father in the best ways possible. The thought brought in a vision of Padma standing against the palace balcony with her belly filled with his child…. No… he had to rein in his thoughts. All that couldn’t happen.

Guilt engulfed him as he thought of the moments of passion in her arms, and his heart churned. He shouldn’t have done it, but he lost control even when he returned the locket to her. She did that to him every time…

She was his breath, his elixir for all emotional conflicts. How would he live without her?

There was a knock pattern on the motel door, and he knew it was Maanav. As he opened the door, both Maanav and Avinash ‘Razor’ walked in, shutting the door behind them.

Shiv dismissed all other thoughts and got back to the game. He had to get his bearings together if he had to save Padma for good.

The door knock came in the pattern once again, and all three looked at each other, surprise etched on their faces. Was it…?

Maanav rushed to open the door, and like a duft of breeze, the lady in black rushed in, taking her place on the couch without any greeting formalities. There was a deep recovered gash on her cheek from one of her accomplishments in Baghdad. That was Anadi ‘Lolita’, Avinash’s twin and their fourth close friend.

Shiv got her a glass of water that she gulped in a go.

“Anandi, what are you doing here….?” Avinash asked her. “…weren’t you in Uganda?”

Anandi shoved her palm aside and stared at the blank wall of the motel as if focussing on the mold lining the corner. The other three knew it better than to pester her for an answer. But Shiv was happy they were all together after years.

Maanav spread open a map on the rickety center table.

“Here…” he said, pointing towards Koini village, a small uneven drawing. “…this is our current location. Koini. Now, as per the chip details that my tech guy managed to decipher only yesterday, hoards of  ‘packages’ were delivered at this point all those years ago. The packages consisted of young girls in their teens and barely above twenty. They were then taken to the fort for the cleansing process… and the gullible parents were told they were the select ones to become Devdasis. The parents and guardians were given some money to keep quiet about it, saying it was the wish of Maa Bhavani and anyone going against them would incur Her wrath….”

He halted as Anandi strutted and sat on the adjoining couch, watching the proceedings intently.

“…these girls were then shifted to the cities and sold into flesh trades. A couple of those came in few years later and tried to complain… but were silenced permanently.”

“How come all this went unnoticed by authorities? However corrupt they are, these cant be hidden for long. Why did no one notice the transport of these girls through Koini….?” Anandi asked. Shiv noticed she was fuming. He knew this hit a nerve. There was some dark history behind her weird behaviours, but none discussed their childhood details in the Gurukul.

“That’s because they didn’t take the usual routes. Instead, they took secret routes…” Maanav replied, showing the marking on the map.

“…through the fort” Shiv completed his statement.

“Yes. This is the path you discovered when you stayed near the fort, behind the falls.” Maanav pointed to the area on the map.

“But this is all from the chip from years ago… what about recent times? No news?” Anandi asked again.

“That’s because…” Shiv continued. “…the Queen had threatened to expose them all with proof. She had caught wind of their activities. But the Royals didn’t have direct jurisdiction. However, later she must have found out about the clandestine activities in the fort that belonged to her family, which she had inherited. So she must have taken charge. But eventually was killed. However no matter what the perps didn’t find and evidence on her. Also after the Queen’s death, the vigilance tightened, and the fort was inaccessible for years because the King was on the case….However, there was news about the package very recently, and the fort will be used once again for the rendezvous. Only, this time the girls aren’t local…”

“Who is the bloody monster?” Thundered Anandi.

“It’s the upcoming MP Rajendra Majumdar… The evidence in the chip points towards him. There are many other details like illegal quarrying, land grabbing, initiation of riots etc. He had to keep his image clean after getting the ticket from the high command party. But cash flow has dried up, and he has been stirring things again….” Shiv sighed and continued. “…The only other way to access funds was through the royal treasury. If he got everyone to vote against the King, then the Government would eventually take over by default, which means he gets to lay his hands on the Royal Booty…”

“So, what is the plan?” Anandi asked, impatient as ever.

“Well, we have the plan in place. The girls are being held somewhere else but they will be brought to the fort. Its done when the Moonlight is at the lowest, usually on the Amavasya nights as per the evidence in the chip. That means…”

“…Tonight”. Anandi completed.

All nodded, and there was a moment of silence as each was lost in thought.

“There is one thing I don’t understand here…” Anandi spoke, skepticism evident in her voice. “…while I would enjoy torturing those demons, why can’t we just hand over this evidence to the high authorities?”

“That’s because…” Shiv explained. “…the safety of those girls whose locations are unknown is priority and also… the Princess… we have to know who is trying to kill her. It’s an insider.”

Anandi crossed her hands and stared at Shiv.

“Don’t tell me… are you…do you love this lady? The Princess?” Shiv saw a trace of a smile on her face.

He felt Avinash trying to control his chuckle while Maanav held up his poker face.

“Alright, alright…” Anandi shook her head and continued. “…I am sure you have a plan. I can bet on my life that you already know who that insiderSo spillSpill it all out and lets see how we can give our best.”

In the next half, an hour the four of them brainstormed the pros and cons of their plan.

At the end of it, Maanav asked. “Shadow, are you… sure about this?”

Shadow inhaled deeply. He knew there was a huge risk involved for what he had planned but that was needed to end this permanently and get to the bottom of everything. The law required concrete evidence and he would provide it.

They began to get ready for the night showdown, even as Maanav mobilized their team and the gadgets!




Padma rested on her bed after a light early dinner that she had taken only on Seema’s persistence. There was a knock, and Aarti entered.

“Where were you, Aarti?” Padma asked

“I had put my life and reputation on the line for you Padma… I thought enough was enough. I had to find details for you. By the way…” Aarti stopped and shut the door, latching it from the inside. “….Padma, I found out who killed Aaisaheb.”

Padma sat up straight, all alert. “Wha… what are you talking about, Aarti?”

“I got to access files, and through a friend in cyber security, I got the police reports. Babasaheb had got it classified because it would bring dishonor to the family…”

“Come to the point, Aarti…” Her head was spinning with the deluge of emotions with every passing moment.

“The point is… aaisaheb was murdered by none other than her bodyguard…. Chouhan kaka….”

“…what rubbish, Aarti… do you even know what you are talking about?”

“Its you who is in the dark, Padma. First, the father screws up everything for the Royal family and then the son arrives out of the blue and completes the honours….”

“That’s enough, Aarti… enough… I won’t hear anything more against Chouhan kaka or Shiv. You are mistaken.” Padma was panting by now.

“If you chose to live in the fool’s paradise, then so it be, Padma. But just think. Only Chouhan kaka had access to everything the aaisaheb did. She trusted him blindly. He was probably killed by his cronies when something must have gone wrong… As for Shiv or Shadow… where was he all this while? Where was he when his father worked here? And why did he come suddenly, leaving a lucrative career? What is the vested interest? You need to get your head out of the sand, Padma and think.”

“No… I don’t believe all this… this is all false…” Padma wailed.

“In that case, why don’t you confront your Shadow or Shiv?” Aarti declared.

“What? But… where is Shiv? Do you know?” She was worried about Shiv all the more.

“I do, and that’s why I said he is not who he claims he is. He is a cheat, out to get the best compensation for his father, who apparently died in the line of duty…. By the way, I have to show you something as well. For that, we have to leave through our secret passage. Are you game?”

“Fine…” Padma stood up. “… let’s go. I want to meet Shiv in your presence and clear it all. You will know it’s all a misunderstanding.”

“lets see, Padma, lets see…” Aarti spoke, folding her hands as Padma began to change her clothes.

They escaped through the Palace’s west wing the same way they always did and came to the perimeter wall.

“Hey, wait… Aarti… camera.” Padma gasped.

“Don’t worry, Padma, it doesn’t work.” Aarti chuckled.

What? How did Aarti know all this? And why was the perimeter camera not working?

Padma pushed the doubts to the back burner. At the moment, she needed to meet Shiv. She had to make things clear to Aarti…

Padma was surprised to see the hole in the wall. She had thought it was all sealed. The barbed fence too was broken… But before she could think, Aarti nudged her.

“Come on Padma, let’s move before someone sees us…”

Half-heartedly, she passed the area, and they were soon in the adjoining woods. The only light source was Aarti’s mobile phone torch, and soon in the piercing sounds of the night breeze and the crickets making a racket, they reached a spot in the centre.

“What are we doing here Aarti?”

“I followed Shiv once and found him digging something here. I was too scared so I couldn’t tell anyone or confront him… today let’s see what he has hidden here.”

Aarti began to dig with her fingers as Padma held the torch. With every passing moment, her heart increased its pace. Her heart told her Shiv wasn’t in the wrong, and Aarti had misunderstood everything in her concern for Padma…

Aarti was digging furiously, and soon there emerged a velvet bag… Aarti pulled it out.

“What is this?” Aarti spoke aloud and opened the rope tying the bag.

Wait… Padma had seen that bag somewhere…

Aarti opened it and in the light of the phone torch, their eyes fell on the glittering stones of the Royal crown…

“Oh My God… Padma…here is the missing crown…that means that asshole Shadow had stolen it… It was easy for him to do it in the commotion on the coronation day. He is such a scoundrel…”

Padma dropped the mobile phone and held the nearby tree trunk as the world swayed before her. She wanted to throw up… no… this couldn’t be happening.

“Relax Padma…” Aarti helped her stand straight. “… be thankful that we got to know about his misdeeds. We will hand him over to the police soon. Who knows, he may be the one who got you shot… then acted like he was your savior. His eyes must have been on the crown all the time… the one who has the crown  has the power…”

Aarti drawled on but Padma wasn’t listening. She slid down on the damp mud wanting the earth to open up and swallow her that instant.

After a while, she saw Aarti place the crown back in the bag and then in her backpack… Padma hadn’t even seen her bring her backpack.

She wasn’t convinced Shiv could do this. No… her mother couldn’t trust the wrong man and her gut feeling told her Shiv wasn’t at fault. Then who wanted her dead? Who would benefit from her death besides the perps who killed her mother and Chouhan kaka…

“…You should get moving Padma… let’s contact the police and…” Aarti continued.

“…NO… WAIT…” Padma held up her hand. A strange kind of an odour swarmed into her nostrils. Again it was very familiar.. where had she experienced it? She hated the putridity so much she wanted to gag…

“What is it Padma? How much more proof do you need?”

“No Aarti… I know it cant be Shiv or Chouhan kaka for that matter…”

“You are an idiot Padma… come on…” Aarti held her hand and jerked it. “…lets go to the police…”

Padma released her hand with a jerk and replied, “…No Aarti… I am not going anywhere. I will wait for Shiv to come and tell me the truth.”

Padma turned to go towards the palace, the mephitic odour growing by the instant… something was wrong.

“No, Padma… you cant do this…” Aarti’s tone had changed and she held her hand yet again.

But before she could resist a hand held something against her nose from behind her and the world began to spin.

Before she was engulfed into the throes of darkness…. She suddenly remembered. This was the same odour she had experienced that night when her mother died…


©Priya Nayak-Gole


Shiv returns

Chapter 31

Padma clutched her head as it throbbed even as the room swirled around her. She thought she would throw up. How could Shadow… Shiv… do that? She thought they shared something exceptional. She was in love with him… so much that she missed him every minute.

His words, his confidence, his protective streak, his touch… every aspect had left a deep mark on her soul. But was this a flowery mark or a gangrenating wound? Time will tell.

Aarti moved and gripped her hand.

“Padma, I know this is hard. I can see that you are in love with him… its so obvious. But stop pining for him, Padma. You have a lot of responsibility here. Wait lets watch the news…” Aarti switched on the TV in her room. Padma never watched TV, it never interested her except for the occasional news.


“The violence in Koini and its neighboring areas intensified as the demand for knowledge about the King got out of hand. The public wants to know what happened to their beloved King. There are rumors about him being murdered by the same elements who killed the beloved Queen and her bodyguard years ago in the ‘Shivgadh’ fort. The case remains unresolved to date….”

Padma gasped as the visuals of people pelting stones and torching vehicles played on the screen.

The anchor continued. “…there is also widespread discontent about the heir apparent. A faction of the public, including Maharashtra’s political bigwigs, are up in arms regarding Princess Padmavati ascending the throne, especially since she is unmarried. The other group supports the Princess irrespective of her marital status. It remains to be seen what the royal court decides since the throne can’t be vacant for long. The Princess was engaged to be married for a long time. Why did the marriage not materialise yet? Nonetheless, one can only wait and watch as the CRPF has been called to maintain law and order…”

Padma switched off the TV and sank back into the cushions against the headrest. She had let her guard down… just enjoyed a bit without a care in the world or the enforced etiquettes for a Princess. Shiv had her back. He had protected her from all harm and put his life on the line. He couldn’t be the bad guy, could he? Chauhan kaka spoke highly about his son… he was so proud of the young boy.

Her mother blindly trusted Chauhan kaka and performed his wife’s last rites, too, and that’s when when Padma first met Shiv. She couldn’t doubt her mother’s judgement, could she? Did her mother die because of trusting the wrong people?

Nothing made sense. Someone in her circle had tried to kill her at least thrice, and Shiv had stood in between her life and death.

“Padma, are you sure you didn’t tell that Shiv anything at all?” Aarti’s cautious tone brought her out of her thoughts.

Feeling the energy sap out of her body, Padma whispered, “Aarti, I have to sleep now. Please, can we do this another time?”

Aarti sighed and stood up.

“Fine, Padma. As you wish. I shall come tomorrow…alright? You should rest now.”

After Aarti left, Padma let her dams break and turned into her pillow as she let her emotions engulf her.

She didn’t know how long she had slept, but she had the same nightmare about her mother and woke up with a start.

Involuntarily she took her hand towards her neck to clutch the locket, but it wasn’t there. She recalled giving it to Shiv. She had given him everything… her trust, body, mind, and soul. Did he trample over all that and walk away? But why would he do that? Did he even love her? Or was she just a means to an end? Where he wanted to solve the murder case? Did her father know about Shiv?

There was a knock at her door, and Seema walked in with her dinner. She didn’t have an appetite, but she finished a few morcels on Seema’s insistence. She felt terrible for the young girl who had to face the attack because of her.

After Seema left, Padma laid back on her bed and stared at the broken door hinge that was once covering her balcony. It was the same one that Shiv had broken through to reach her when she had fallen almost dead. Of course, he had been injured but that didn’t deter him from saving her life.

Tears streamed down unhindered as she gripped her blanket, dragging it close to her chin. How she missed her mother… How she missed Shiv…

A couple of days passed in the depressive stupor and no matter how much Seema or Aarti tried they couldn’t get her to speak or eat well. Finally, two days after she was back, Keshav visited her late in the evening. He had gone on a trip regarding the revenue meet and was finally back. He looked tremendously fatigued.

“Padma, why are you doing this?” he asked in a resigned voice

“Keshav….” She said, sniffling back tears. “…Keshav… I don’t understand anything. Why did Shadow do it? Why did he hide things from me?”

“Padma, it was all for your safety. He spoke with me before he left after dropping you back at the palace. He is not the villain here, Padma. If you are alive today, its because of him and you know that, right?”

“I don’t understand anything anymore, Keshav. He is Chauhan Kaka’s son… did you know that?”

“Yes.. he had told me on the day he took you away from here. I also know his name is Shiv.”

“Why didn’t he feel the need to hide that fact from me? I adored Chauhan kaka…”

“Padma, things have to be revealed only when the time is right and then there are things too painful to reveal. So you should give him time, Padma.”

“Keshav, Shiv was privy to all that happened in my life but I don’t know anything about him. I didn’t even know baba was no more… while I enjoyed…”

Padma wiped the never-ending flow of tears. But, the guilt refused to go away.

“Padma, I know how devastated you are. But your safety is of paramount importance from now on. The ordinance will soon come into effect and you will be crowned Queen. You don’t have to be married anymore. Your baba has done the needful….”

“But Keshav I have no idea how to run my life, let alone a kingdom….”

“We are all there to support you, Padma, it’s a legacy you have to carry forward. There is an all-important meeting regarding your nomination, and the Royal court is fighting tooth and nail to retain your legacy for you. So please, Padma, get it together, alright?”

“What about the perps… Aai, baba, Chauhan kaka… all of them. They are after me too and Seema was also caught in the crossfire. How long will this continue, Keshav?”

Exasperation was setting in, and Padma’s head reeled.

“Padma, it will be over very soon. Shiv had got some important breakthroughs. Don’t worry…”

“That means… he wasn’t here for revenge?” Padma felt like a fool for asking the question.

“What do you think, Padma? The best revenge for him would be to let you die. So why would he take huge risks to save you? And now he is slogging it out with his team to end this all… Padma, don’t worry. Just trust Shiv, alright?”

Padma nodded as Keshav patted her head and left the room.

She felt stupid for even doubting Shiv, given all that had transpired between them. But why did Aarti say so? Why did she hate Shiv so much?

Padma remembered Shiv asking her only to trust Keshav and Seema. But why didn’t he mention Aarti? He knew Aarti was Padma’s closest friend. Aarti had always been her confidante and was worried about her.

Padma rubbed her temples. Her head throbbed. She wished Shiv would talk to her… at least once. She thought she deserved at least that much. But, she promised herself… she wouldn’t ask him anything he wouldn’t want to tell her.

Her eyes welled up again, and she turned to face her mother’s portrait away from the balcony.

As the tears escaped the confines of her eyelids, she wondered if she would ever see Shiv again.

She didn’t want to be the Queen. She knew nothing about the politics involved, and she didn’t want to be a puppet at the hands of the royal court. She had received the threat about her crown. So would it stop if she declared she didn’t want to be the Queen?


She was lost in thought, with sleep eluding her till late.

She heard a creaking sound. Initially, she dismissed it, thinking it was a fragment of her imagination, but it came again. She sat up scared, the darkness in her room receiving the only little light from the tiny electrical bulb above her mother’s portrait.

Heart pacing, she lay still, trying to hear the noise again, her eyes glued to the balcony. And then she saw…a silhouette of a man trying to enter.

She didn’t need any light to know who it was.

Throwing her covers, she rushed towards the balcony. Shiv barely landed inside when she leapt into his waiting arms.

“Princess…” he whispered, holding her tightly against him as if she would disappear if he loosened his hold.

She dug her head into his chest and sobbed, grabbing his jacket at his back where she had circled her hands.

“Princess… it’s OK, Princess… all is fine… don’t cry…”

“Shiv… oh God … I missed you. I don’t want anything else in this world…. Can you take me away from here, Shiv?” She spoke, earnestly looking into his eyes but not loosening her hold.

He kissed her forehead.

“I wouldn’t like anything better, Princess, than you in my life. I… I… I have a duty to finish. I have promised the King and also my father. So I will be gone for a while…” Padma began to protest, but he shook his head. “…listen to me, Princess, I have to complete what my father and the honorable Queen had started years ago. But before that, I had to give you something…”

He moved apart and he took out a chain, In the flicker of the lighting in the darkroom she saw it was her locket…

“Oh Shiv, this is…”

“… It’s your locket. I just repaired it, Princess. I know it’s important to you and thought you should have it. Here you go”

Unhooking the chain, he drove it around her neck and hooked it back. His touch on her neck brought back memories from the safe house, and she bit her lower lip hard to keep it from trembling and shut her eyelids. He had ruined her for anyone else.

She felt his warm, rough fingertips trying to pry away her lip.

“Don’t, Princess… don’t do it. I am not worth your tears….” Did she hear his voice crack?

She opened her eyes and let the tears flow. He palmed her face as he stared into her eyes, and she leaned into his touch. She knew at that moment, she wouldn’t be able to live without him… She never thought she would develop feelings for someone so much. But her heart was no longer under her control as it paced for him…

“Shiv…” she whispered.

She thought he was getting indecisive, but in the next moment, he slammed his mouth into hers. As they began to nip and such each other, she realized how much she missed him, wanted him… needed him. Their groans blended into each other even as he pulled her closer, grabbing her buttocks. Finally, she didn’t need any more push, and at his gentle nudge, she climbed on him, circling his torso with her legs, her hands around his neck as they didn’t bother to pause. She was giddy with pleasure and thought she would climax soon.

She felt him move, and the kiss ended as he dropped her on her bed. He pounced on her as she welcomed his taut body with her softness.

Within seconds her silky robe left her to gather on the floor while he stared at her balancing himself with his arms on either of his sides.

“You will be the death of me Princess…” he whispered and stared at her with an intensity she had never seen in him before.

She drove her hands over his bulged biceps and then cupped his cheeks… her favourite texture, his stubble, tempted her to the core. She held his neck and pulled him close, not wanting to be away even momentarily.

He kissed her face and nipped her neck, softly blowing warm air over where his teeth had just sunk in, igniting the beginnings of a climax in her belly. He moved lower and lower, kissing her body and leaving wet trails that felt cold in the gentle breeze blowing in through the open balcony. He further reached her sacred point, and she reflexly adducted her thighs, gasping.

He gently separated her thighs, kissed her inner thighs, and gave time to each side. He then blew over her entrance… Padma’s breath hitched as she felt wetness pooling at her apex… eyes shut, she grabbed the headrest above her arching her body like a stretching cat.

“Look at me… Princess…” Shiv’s breathy voice sent the waves cascading inside her body and she had already begun spasming.

She opened her eyes and saw him waiting at her entrance, looking at her. The flickering shadows on his face further aroused her. When had he discarded his clothes, she didn’t know; she was immersed in the throes of physical pleasure he had been inflicting on her.

Her eyes fell on his enormous manhood at full mast waiting to fill her and she licked her lips.

“Don’t…do… that…Princess…” he spoke in a hoarse voice and she was glad she did that to him.

“Shiv… don’t … delay anymore…” She pleaded, unsure of her voice.

He didn’t need any more permission and he plunged inside her softness, filling her to the brim. She arched high up the bed and landed back. He began to slide in and out of her wetness; she needed only a few seconds before she climbed up to the peak of passion and exploded, seeing stars in its wake.

Before she could scale down he intensified the pace and finally, she felt him erupt his warmth inside her womb before screaming her name and falling beside her. She had already consulted her doctor after arriving and she was in the clear. Though a bit disappointed, she was also relieved. She wasn’t in the right state of mind for any added responsibility.

Shiv gathered her satiated body in his arms and kissed her once again. They remained like that for a while, after which he got up and got dressed.

“Where… are you going, Shiv…?” She was alarmed.

“Princess…” He moved towards her and cupped her face as she sat on the bed, suddenly conscious of her nakedness. “…I have a job to complete, remember? Let me go, my dear… I …I… I have to go…” He looked away and rubbed his face.

What did he want to tell her? That he loved her?

“Did you see the …chip from the locket?” She asked.

“Yes Princess, but the information is highly classified and telling you would endanger you further and I won’t take that chance.” He spoke as a matter of fact.

She looked away annoyed.

“Princess, please listen to me carefully. Do not trust anyone but Keshav. I will be in touch with him…”

“…But…” She interrupted. What the hell was that?

“…Please, Princess, listen to me just this once. And trust me… this is the last part… You have been so strong all these years. Just a while more. I promise you.” He spoke gently, and she had to blink back tears as she nodded.

Before she knew he kissed her and left the room the way he arrived.

A sense of doom descended on Padma. She felt… as if it was the last time she would see him.

No… she shuddered. No…God…please, no… Keep him safe. She prayed.


©Priya Nayak-Gole

Padma distressed…


Chapter 30

Padma was panting as she struggled to breathe. The adrenaline from their escapade from the safe house came crashing down now that they were running in the wilderness, sticking to the canopy of shadows formed by the lush flora…

Shadow… Shiv, and how she loved the name. Right from his name, he complimented her every step of the way. He had been her support even before she had known him. He had been her saviour.

Even now, as he dragged her, looking ahead for dangers and clearing the path for her, he was the epitome of focus. She was very slow and lagged in pace, but not once did he complain.

They had run for a long time, and she had lost track of time. Her legs were numb, and she thought she would collapse at any moment. But she didn’t want to complain, knowing Shiv was thinking, planning and running for the two of them…

He suddenly came to a halt, and she realized they were in a little clearing. The place reeked of decaying foliage, but she was OK with anything with Shiv by her side.

Shiv cleared a little area and made her sit. He then offered her water and a granola bar that she wolfed instantly. He sat back on his haunches and lifted her foot. She gasped at the sudden surge of arousal at his touch. His calloused palms against her soft calf ignited the unsatiable longing…

To avoid making a fool of herself, she glances up towards the sky. The beautiful aquamarine spots peeking through the marquee of glittering trees and their offshoots. The gentle breeze that found its way through those gaps refreshed her filling her with hope. But she knew a lot of it was because of this man before her who was nursing a wound on her foot she didn’t even know existed.

He tied another handkerchief around her big toe. She was bleeding and she didn’t even know about it.

“Princess… it must have been so painful. Why didn’t you tell me to stop…”

“Shiv…” she loved the feel of his name on her lips. “…It’s just that I didn’t want us to stop… you are working overtime and facing dangers. So instead of fighting for me, I prefer you stay away from them…”

He stared at her, his expression somewhere in between anger and kindness. Finally, he stood up and held his hand ahead. She placed hers in his even as he pulled her up.

“It’s a short distance now, Princess… Maybe another half an hour. I think…” he looked around. “…We have left them far away to trace our scents!!”

“But… Shiv… where are we headed to?”

“We are going back to the Palace, Princess… you will be safe there….”

Her heart fell. That means he would leave soon. He must have sensed her change in mood.

“Princess…” he held her shoulders. “… you are a warrior too. Despite everything, you have held up so well. I have the clues and will work to end this once and for all. But I need you safe before that and the Palace is the best bet for now. So I have arranged security there…”

“…the safest place…” she interrupted him. “…is right next to you Shiv. I feel confident when you are around. But I understand… I may only be an obstacle.”

“No Princess… it isn’t like that. I won’t be able to take this battle to its logical end if you are in danger.”

“But Shiv, if something happens to you, I won’t be able to live. I can’t lose anyone anymore.” She wailed.

She felt his grip on her shoulder tighten as if he was indecisive.

They walked towards the Palace; she supported herself with his hand as he held her close. Would this be the last time he held her? She didn’t know but decided to make the best of the remaining moments with him. At the moment, she wasn’t a Princess. She was an ordinary woman in love with the enigma beside her. A girl could dream, after all.


She could finally see the topmost structure of the Palace at a distance, and mixed feelings engulfed her. She was glad to get back home in a familiar and predictable situation and, hopefully, see her baba… But on the other hand, she wondered if this was the last time she would see him.

“Princess… there is something I need your help with.”

“What is it, Shiv?”

“I need that… locket. I want to check it out. It may have something left behind by your mother.”

She saw that Shiv was hesitating and though it was otherwise difficult for her to part with the locket, she handed it over to him.

He twisted and turned it over till the tiny diamond stone in between pricked his thumb. He pressed it further, and to Padma’s surprise, the locket cracked open.

There was a chip in it, and Shiv carefully placed it in a box in his backpack. Then, turning towards Padma he said, “Princess, promise me you will stay put. It would help if you didn’t trust anyone except Keshav and Seema.”

Why was he doing this, Padma wondered, but she nodded.

They soon reached the road leading to the Palace, and she saw Shiv stiffen and go on instant guard. She had seen the other side of his personality and a softer and romantic one at that and hoped he would feel free to live his life away from the dangers he faced.

She was lost in her thoughts as the short distance was the longest in her heart. She was getting teary that she would not be seeing him anymore…Why would he stay back after he found the perps… if he did? He wouldn’t want to be saddled with her and her Royal baggage.

Suddenly a gust of wind blew, shaking her out of her reverie, and Shiv instantly moved to cover her. His gesture touched her. He was always there to protect her in every way. What would happen from now on?

She recovered soon enough as they continued to walk ahead, and it was then she saw torn banners and stone strewn on the roads.

“What is all this Shiv? And why is my baba’s picture on those banners?”

Though they were torn, she could make out her father’s pictures.

“Princess, let’s get inside the Palace first. You can’t be out like this…”

She stood rooted to the spot.

“Shiv… please stop this. Right at this instant. Stop hiding stuff from me, especially since it concerns me. Tell me about all this, and don’t feign ignorance because I know you are aware of it all.” She was trembling inside, but she had to hold on to the façade of being strong enough.

“Princess… please”

“No Shiv… I deserve to know. What is all this?”

“Fine… then listen…” Shiv began. He was visibly irritated as he continued. “…His Highness was found dead…”

The ground under her feet gave away and she swayed. Shiv caught her but she was numb. No… not her baba

“Princess… please… stay strong, dear…” he spoke softly, but they only fueled her anger.

“Since… since when have you known this, Shiv?” She blinked back tears and questioned him.

Shiv rubbed his face and looked away. “Shiv… please tell me…” She sounded desperate.

“Princess… please…” he swayed his arms.

“ITS AN ORDER, SHADOW…” she screamed using all her energy and saw him look stunned at her outburst. But she was frustrated.

“Princess, it was… the day we left the palace…”

She fell behind and raised her hand when he came closer to support her.

“So… all this while you knew and yet you chose to hide such an important matter… I didn’t even get to see my father…” She sat on the road and held her head in her palms.

“Princess… I am sorry. But we have to reach the Palace soon. This place isn’t very safe given the unrest.”

“No place is safe anymore for me, Shiv. I am not going anywhere now till I find out what happened to my father and mother.” She declared, not knowing what took over her grieving mind.


“Princess…” Shiv came closer.

“Stop it Shadow… I will not allow you anymore to interfere in my life… I shall take it from here….” Padma was shattered as she uttered the words.

“Princess, I won’t leave till I finish this…”

“Shadow… I don’t permit this. You may leave…” Her chest constricted.

Shiv took out a tiny box from his pocket.

“I am sorry, Princess, it had to come to this, but I am authorized to protect you and do my duty already by someone higher than you.”

Padma frowned and looked on as he opened the box and produced a beautiful signet ring… oH GOD… it was the one missing from her father’s finger.

“How the hell do you have this Shadow?”  She was finding it difficult to breathe as anxiety got the better of her.

“The King himself gave it, and it’s proof that he wanted me to protect you. So, Princess, I won’t be leaving you alone by order.” Shiv spoke in a lethal neutral tone, and Padma felt the shivers run through her body.

She stood on wobbly legs, and Shiv texted something as he supported her to walk ahead. They soon reached the Palace’s outer gates, and Kesha was there to welcome her. The Royal ambulance van was ready, and she was frisked away into it. She heard Keshav call out to Shadow, but the IV inserted into her veins began its job faster, and she was plunged into darkness.

Padma woke up to the soft music playing in the background and instantly knew she was in her room in the Palace. She saw Seema rush towards her and text someone. Probably inform Keshav that she was awake.

Seema supported her to sit upright and helped her to sip water. Her body felt as if she had been run over by vehicles.

Keshav rushed inside her room.

“Padma… are you alright?”

Suddenly the moments before her walk to the Palace swarmed before her eyes.

“Keshav… did you know about… baba…?”

He silently nodded while Seema avoided eye contact. Padma’s eyes fell on the teasing bit of her bandage seen through a gap in the buttons of Seema’s shirt. The woman was still recovering.

“Padma… Babasaheb… left us all…” Keshav rubbed his eyes and Seema sniffed back tears.

Padma held her knees to her chest as her dams broke. She sobbed, held close by Seema and Keshav.

She had lost everything that mattered to her, including a chance at her first and only love. She was remorseful about having the time of her life in the wilderness, unaware of the fact that her father was no more…

Dusk was setting in, and Seema had helped her with her dinner.

“Seema, do you remember the face of the person who did that to you?”

Seema shook her head.

“No, Your Highness, I couldn’t see the person. He was covered entirely in black, including a black facemask. But the guy wasn’t very tall or hefty… in fact, he was a little taller than me and frail. But had tremendous strength….”

Just then Aarti barged into the room and Seema bowed to move aside. Aarti gave the young woman a scornful look as she exited the room.

“What is this Padma? I am away for a while and everything here is topsy-turvy…  So sorry to hear about Babasaheb… I couldn’t believe it…” She sat close to Padma and hugged her.

Padma was relieved to see her best friend.

“I missed you Aarti… so much.”

“Don’t worry Padma, I am here for you. I am not going anywhere.” Aarti assured her and continued, “…By the way, where is that hotshot, Bodyguard… Shadow or whatever his name is.”

“He left…” Padma whispered. She couldn’t tell Aarti how much she missed him every second of the time she was awake. She was angry too, but her love for him eclipsed everything else.

“He turned out to be such a coward…” Aarti looked at her for a few seconds. Then, “…wait… you are in love with him?”

Padma looked at Aarti suddenly. “What…? What are you talking about?”

“I can make out Padma…we are best friends, remember…?” Aarti took her hand in hers. “…But Padma he isn’t the right man for you. You know nothing about him.”

“Aarti cut it out… I will probably not see him anymore…” Every word further inundated her core, submerging her in the waves of grief.

“But Padma… did you give him anything?”


“I mean… I don’t trust the man one bit, and I hope you haven’t given him anything besides your heart…” Aarti griped her hand further.

Did Aarti know something she didn’t? Padma wondered.

“Aarti… please tell me… what do you know about all this? You were busy finding answers… weren’t you?”

Aarti looked away and then nodded.

“Yes, Padma, my college trip was just an excuse because I had to find some answers. That man Shadow… he bothered me a lot so I checked him out. It took a lot of internet surfing to connect the dots and I finally hit the jackpot… yesterday.”

“What is it? Who is Shadow?” Padma’s curiosity had touched the zenith, and she didn’t care to switch on the lights as darkness enveloped them, with the only luminance provided by the sole oil lamp placed before her mother’s photo.

The pale shadows danced softly, haunting her to the core as Aarti spoke.

“That man Shadow was here for his revenge…”

Heart pacing Padma tried to clutch the non-existing locket. “What revenge… Aarti?”

“Revenge for his father, Padma…”

“Who… is his father?” Padma could barely hear her voice as grief and anger clogged her throat. Even Aarti knew more than her.

“Padma, brace yourself dear…” Aarti closed the distance between them and gripped her hands yet again. “…That Shadow is Shiv… his real name…”

“…Real name is Shiv Ranjan…” Padma blurted.

“Padma, his real name is Shiv Ranjan Chauhan… does the surname ring a bell?”

Padma’s head began to reel… The house in the mountains, where Chauhan kaka visited, Shadow knew all about her and her mother… everything now made sense, including her father’s ring with Shadow…

“Aarti Shadow is…”

“…yes, you guessed it right, Padma. He is Chauhan kaka’s son. He is from the Army and has returned on sabbatical to exact revenge for his father…”

©Priya Nayak-Gole

The escapade….


Chapter 29

Shiv paced the narrow confines of the cabin acutely aware of the love of his life upstairs probably brooding and not sleeping. It was 4 AM, almost an hour since he had returned from the rendezvous with Maanav. His sharp eyes had seen the Shadow at the window move indicating Padma was not sleeping.

It also flattered him that she was waiting for him. Was it out of concern for him or fear of being left alone in the remote wilderness? He wasn’t sure. But from what he knew about Padma, it was the former. These feelings were very new to him… No one had been bothered about him before, not at this personal level.

Given the realization about his late mother, all he wanted was to be hugged by Padma, and remain engulfed in her caring warmth. The softness of her bosom as she cradled his head gave him a kind of bliss beyond physical gratification. Did he damage their relationship forever?

But he never stood a chance, did he? She was royalty and he was just… He couldn’t undo what transpired in the heat of the moment, but it clenched his heart to arrive at a decision. He wouldn’t get close to her. It would be easier to part that way; he would be able to survive the heartbreak…. Probably.

He still needed to get information out of her. The evidence was there somewhere, and he didn’t have a clue. Time was running out, and he barely had hours before marching gun-blazing to the fort. Without hard evidence, everything would be at stake.

He had to think hard.

Just then, he heard a crash outside. It probably was a weak tree that fell. But immediately on high alert, he swiped off the tiny lantern flame, plunging the house into complete darkness. Princess Padma’s safety was of utmost importance, and he rushed upstairs.

She had locked her door, as she had for the last couple of days.

“Princess…” He whispered as loudly as possible, trying to figure out any movement or noise outside. So far, so good. But his gut instinct said otherwise. Did he hear the crackling of leaves? He wasn’t sure. He wasn’t able to focus, given the situation at hand. He could have taken a dozen men down any other time, irrespective of their hideouts. But tonight, the Princess’s safety held predominance.

There was no sound. He knocked slightly louder.

“Princess… please open the door. I need to check if you are OK…”

No response. His adrenaline was pumping at a gigantic pace and all he could think about was her safety.

He couldn’t wait anymore. He used his uninjured shoulder to break open the door using all his might. In two hits the door separated from its hinges and hung precariously close to falling off. He rushed in but the Princess wasn’t in her bed. Then, before panic set in completely, he heard her. He didn’t care about being caught and using his pen torch, he pointed in the direction of the weak muffle.

Padma sat in the corner of the room with her knees bent and close to her body. He didn’t need more light to know she was scared to the core. Shutting down the light source, he rushed toward her. He had to calm her down before explaining the situation and he hoped he had the time.

He sat on his haunches in front of her and tried to hold her hand, but she pulled it away and began to hyperventilate.

“Princess… it’s me… don’t be scared. I am here for you. Nothing’s going to happen to you on my watch… I promised, remember?” He spoke softly, keeping his senses wide open to note any change in surroundings.

He felt her shudder and made his move to get closer to her. This time she didn’t resist as he pulled her closer to him. Instead, she readily went into his arms, and he hugged her tightly. He realized he needed the contact more than her. He was relieved that she still trusted him and vowed to get her to safety even if he had to risk his life. He rubbed her back till the shudder stopped. He knew they had to get out ASAP but this was important too.

“Sha…Shadow, I got that dream again… it was distorted again… I saw that man in the raincoat was running after me… I am so scared Shadow…” Her grip around his torso tightened as she spoke into his chest.

“Princess…” he whispered, drawing her away unwillingly but not leaving contact. “…we have to leave this place. I think it’s compromised. I am not sure, but I can’t take chances.”

She stiffened, and he cured himself.

“Shadow, how did anyone find out about this place?”

“Fails me Princess… but we have to leave. Are you ready?” He asked gently, holding her face in her palms. He felt her nod, her tears shining in the limited nocturnal luminance.

Dawn would soon break, and they would be sitting ducks. He had to escape with her before that. She moved back to her position and straightened herself dusting her clothes, and he was in awe of her poise despite their situation. Then, pushing his feelings aside, he got into combat mode.

Unknown to her, he had seen the trap door. It had to be there since his father had built it and his old man never left loose ends. The man always planned backups. Shiv picked up his backpack he had kept ready for contingencies like this one.

He held out his hand, and in the darkness, he saw he staring at the window clutching her locket. The piece of jewellery she never parted with shone in the break of dawn and was the only luminant piece in the room. Then, it hit him like a thunderbolt… the locket.

It had something to do with the evidence. Padma had mentioned the Queen gifting it to her on her sixteenth birthday… the day the woman met her maker. So the Princess kept it with her as a reminder of her mother.

Would she let him check it? Would she doubt his motives? He rubbed his face… now was not the time of the place to contemplate the matters of the heart.

He held out his hand before her and as she left her locket to place her hand in his, he saw the red dot… dancing on her face. And then a second one on her chest and third maneuvering its way on the wall towards him.

Oh Goodness… snipers… what the hell was that?

He dragged her unsuspecting body towards the floor even as shots were fired. The bullets chipped the plaster coating on the wall surface. Padma probably didn’t realize the gravity of the situation till then. She tightened the grip on his hand, and he knew she would be horrified given the sudden turn of events.

He dragged her further downstairs even as the frenzy of bullets ripped apart the walls. They barely made it out of the room in time and he pulled her towards his room even as he spied the stray red dot following them close… very close.

He moved the frame propped up against the wall with the same color that camouflaged its presence and hoped that he wasn’t too late. His foresight had helped and the latch he had loosened earlier worked to his advantage. He pushed Padma inside as soon as he opened the door and shut it after him latching it from inside.

The shots ricocheted off the door and they could hear the boom in the hollow chamber. He hadn’t seen this part earlier and had no clue where the chamber led to. It was crude and lined by unplastered walls. Stones were protruding as he observed with the light from his pentorch.

He looked around and saw a huge boulder. Moving the Princess to the side. He pushed the boulder with all his might and saw the Princess do the same. He overcame emotions… getting back to the operative mode he kept pushing. Finally, the boulder moved towards the door. That would give them more time, he fathomed. Holding Padma’s hand, he ran the distance, not knowing where they were headed.


He halted a little when he felt Padma tire. Placing the pentorch on a nearby stone, he helped her sit on a jutting boulder and offered her some water from the bottle he had packed. He chuckled as she gulped it all in one go, with some of it spilling down her throat. She didn’t know what it did to him. He looked away and inhaled deeply. She was the death of him!

He felt her pull his hand and looked down.

“Sha… Shadow… you are bleeding. Oh God did the bullet hit you?” Padma had horror written all over her face.

He then realised his hand was bleeding. He shuffled through his backpack and found a cotton cloth. When he took it out, Padma snatched it from him and tied it around his wrist. He knew the bullet had just grazed him but was touched to see her put an act that she was strong. She looked up at him, emotions shining in her eyes.


“…Shadow… why… why do you have to go to these lengths? You are no ordinary bodyguard…”

“And you are no ordinary woman, Princess. It’s a privilege to be at your service.” Shadow retorted.

The Princess began to sob and he pulled her close. It gave him a sense of reassurance that she was fine so far.

“It’s going to be OK, Princess….” He spoke softly.

Suddenly she moved away, still holding his hand. “Shadow, don’t ever let this happen.”

“What, Princess?”

“Even if I am annoyed, don’t… don’t keep away. It was hell not talking to you. I thought you were annoyed with my antics….”

“…No, Princess….” he tried to tell her.

“…Do you know how it was with you going off and me waiting… at times, I wondered if you would be back….”

“…I would never leave you, Princess….” He didn’t know why he even said that.

“…I thought… Shadow… I thought…” She looked into his eyes even as her tears refused to cease. “…I thought something had happened…to you… I can’t imagine…”

He could hold it no longer as he slammed his lips. They devoured each other as if there was no tomorrow as if the future lay bleak, and these were their last moments on the planet. They were inseparable as their bodies were joined, as they gripped each other tightly… It was as if either of them were worried that the other would disappear if the hold got loose.

Shiv could hear their rapid breathing and the suckling sounds amalgamated, and then there were moans… he didn’t know where they emerged. The sounds were enhanced in the close confines of the never-ending chamber. He feasted on her soft lips, and their tongues competed as they clashed to outdo each other.

Padma pulled away suddenly. “Shadow… “ She looked into his eyes, breathing heavily through her swollen lips. “…Please take me…right here… right now…” Her hands gripped his lapels as if it was her favorite thing to do.

“But Princess…” There was nothing he wanted more than to remain sheathed inside her soft wetness, but she was a Princess for crying aloud.

“…No Buts Shadow… this life is so uncertain and I do not want to miss out on the only good. I don’t know if I shall survive this though I trust you over everything. So for once Shadow… please let me feel I am alive…” She pleaded.

Their clothes lay strewn on the floor in the next couple of minutes. Shiv wanted to take it slow so as not to hurt her, but he didn’t know if he could control his pace any more than his racing heart. He couldn’t provide her with a soft backrest so he lifted her and she wrapped her legs around his torso. The rust shining in her gullible eyes did him in and he didn’t care about the rough wall digging into his upper back.

He stared into her eyes as he stormed inside her warmth and her tightness as she sheathed him made him lose control.

“I… won’t…. last…. long, Princess…” he whispered every stroke, and she gripped his mane. She bent and bit his ear, the soft tinge causing him to shatter.

She shuddered as she climaxed, and her walls milked him dry while he screamed her name…

They held each other close as they descended from the pinnacles of passion. He kissed her lightly all over her face, surprised at his tenderness. Since when had he become putty in her hands?

They dressed and began their sojourn. It was time Shiv decided… he had to tell her.

“It’s Shiv…” he spoke


“My name… it’s Shiv Ranjan…” he didn’t know why he left out his surname, but he couldn’t get himself to reveal it.

She squeezed his hand and smiled, melting away all his woes that instant.

“Shiv…” She whispered and he stopped walking. “..Shiv, I… I love you.” She smiled, and right then, he knew it would be impossible to stay away from her.


©Priya Nayak-Gole

the layers begin to peel…..


  Chapter 28

Shiv rubbed his face. Hands on his hips, he stood with his head lowered, trying Bullet’s number yet again. It had been two days since the Princess had dropped a bomb on him. She remembered that day in the mango grove when his mother had passed.

Though it made him happy, it also troubled him because even the thought of separating from the Princess was torturous.

Padma had stomped away after he had been silent and not answered her question. He knew she would be mad, and rightly so. He knew everything about her, but she was in the dark. He had only fed her tidbits of information.

And then… he couldn’t control his libido. Shiv placed the burner back in his jeans pocket and looked behind where a trail of wilderness spread its hues. Somewhere up, there was the house where Padma sat brooding. They hadn’t exchanged a word in the last couple of days. But fortunately, she was eating whatever he was providing her with. For that, he was grateful. Despite living a princess’s life with all the comforts in the world, she didn’t hesitate. He could never forgive himself if her health were to take a downward spiral.

He sighed… He knew what they shared was beyond physical gratification. He berated himself umpteen times… she was a virgin for crying out aloud. But he was experienced and now was sure she had ruined him for every other woman. For the first time, his heart was involved… the way she shattered in his arms was something he would take to his grave.

He couldn’t let this go on for long… it would be difficult to break away. He had lost his head when she had moved closer. If the tightness in his pants were any indication, he wasn’t still over her. He missed her. He missed being close to her, talking to her. Missed her infectious laughter. He had smiled for the first time in years when he was with her. He had forgotten protection… something he would never do. He had meant to discuss that with her but now wasn’t the time… he had to wait for her. But Padma did that to him, making him lose his equilibrium. He couldn’t afford that, especially when she was still in danger.

His phone buzzed with an incoming message.

‘meet me behind Koini post office…urgent’

Maanav was dependable. He had informed in yesterday’s update about finding some information. There was turmoil and rioting and people had taken to the streets demanding to see the King after the rumor of his demise had been floated.

Maanav and Shiv, in cahoots with Keshav, had decided to keep the news about the King’s death under wraps to avoid political unrest. But now that the rumors were out, there were demonstrations and gatherings with slogans and chanting, demanding to know about the King’s well-being. Last evening the police chowky was torched along with a couple of State Transport buses after evicting the passengers. There were no casualties, thankfully.

The Royal court was silent over the matter, and the locals demanded to see the Princess offering their support. However, if Padma had to assume the responsibilities, she would have to tie the knot as per the rules. Keshav and the other elders were contemplating solutions in closed-door meetings. They were all told the Princess was recuperating in her room and was not to be disturbed for another week. Keshav and Seema were handling the secrecy at that end.

So basically, he had a few more days, after which he would have to return to the palace.

Shiv met Maanav in the dark lane behind the Post office. Death silence prevailed in the area after two groups of people clashed about who would take over the throne versus abolishing Royalty altogether. Shiv saw torn cloth banners left behind by the protesters. He wondered if anyone participating in rioting even knew what they were doing.

His gut instinct told him they were instigated… but by whom? Majumdar? Would he take such a risk with upcoming State elections?

He heard the hoot from the lonely corner and knew Maanav had seen him despite his camouflage tactics. His friends could find him anyhow…

“What’s up, Bullet?” He spoke, standing in the corner turnaround, his eyes scanning the environment.

“New piece of news is going to upturn everything…”

“What’s that?”

“There is a piece of news about the Princess…”

That made his ears straighter, and Shadow walked further closer towards the turn where Maanav stood in hiding.

“What… about her?”

“I got to know from an old geezer out there who was fishing. He had known the King’s father’s driver. The old hound was probably in delirium given his age, and no one took notice of the ragged old man who loved to fish… But he spilt the news that the Queen couldn’t sire children. So Princess Padmavati being the biological child of the Royal couple seems questionable.”

“What?” Shiv felt the earth slip under his feet.

Suddenly everything made sense… Someone was out there to discredit the Princess, probably because she didn’t have Royal blood. But why kill her?

“I think Shadow, you have to tell her everything now…She doesn’t know about the King, does she?” Maanav asked

Shiv shook his head. “No, she doesn’t… She doesn’t even know I have an idea of where the crown may be…”

“So when do we raid the tunnel? Our guys are ready, and by the way, Razor is joining us too on this…”

“Razor is back…?” Shiv asked in surprise. His friend Avinash Razor Thakur was somewhere in the Himalayan foothills on a special mission for the Government. “…Mission accomplished…?”

“Razor has been dismissed from active service…” Maanav said softly.

“Is… is he hurt?” Shiv asked in concern for his close friend.

“No idea, Shadow. He seemed fine on the phone at least… but you know how it is in the projects… we cannot tell it all. We only struggle as the turmoils churn their way in our guts…”

“But I am glad he will be there. I can’t trust anyone apart from the three of you to have my back.” Shadow said. He knew what their lives as special operatives entailed. PTSD was cruel and played havoc with their lives. He had almost given up on everything, but the Princess had provided him with a new lease of life.

“So when do we make that hike?” Maanav brought him back to the present.

“When is the fort festival?” Shadow asked

“It’s in five days from now…”

“In that case, we have to make a move quickly…” Shiv mentally calculated. “…You know the way from inside the fort. I shall come from behind the falls where I found an entrance. I am sure it leads to the fort cellar. We will meet there tomorrow at 2 AM… I am positive the crown and other stolen artefacts would be found there…”

“…Roger that Shadow. I think Razor will be here by noon. I shall mobilise the boys. Let’s do this. But there is something else too.”

“What is it, Bullet?”

“Evidence… the Queen, had found out something sinister and she was meticulous with record keeping. We need to find that evidence, and we will have our perp on a platter.”

“Yes… I am aware of it. But so far I haven’t found it anywhere. I almost ransacked the late Queen’s chamber but nada… I have checked every nook and corner of the Princess’s room even torn the photo frames apart before joining them together. But found nothing. The walls are clean too… No hollows, no vaults. Where could the evidence be?”

“Shadow think harder. I am sure the location has something to do with the Princess. Try talking to her and see if she gives away anything. Because even if we find treasure out there or the crown, it will help the Princess ascend the throne, but some documents can question her credibility as an heir and evidence we need for convicting our perps.”

“I am on it, Bullet…” Shadow sighed again. Padma was giving him the silent treatment. He had to get into her good books yet again, get her to talk to him, and trust him again. He had to use gentle coaxing or a bit of force and though he hated himself for it, he knew just the way.

“Shadow there is…er… one other thing you need to know…” Maanav spoke, hesitating.

Shiv wondered why Maanav was discreet and shying away from talking to him. He could sense the guy’s mood when they met a while ago… something was amiss. However, Shiv knew it wasn’t the situation because they had been through worse as operatives.

“What is it, Maanav?” Shiv used the man’s given name, indicating he was dead serious.

“Its… it’s about your mother…”

Shiv’s heart stalled. What was Bullet talking about? For years his mother had been on the backburner. Now suddenly, hearing about her caused the memories to gush in. Her indifference towards him, her indiscretions with the other man, and finally the vision of her lifeless grotesque body hanging from the roof….

“What… what is it?”

“Shadow, the old man I told you about kept ranting about old days when he spoke about that beautiful woman on the hills who lived with her hardworking son and the absentee husband. I knew it was about you because the hill was haunted, and no one wanted to build homes there at the time. So… he mentioned … he was there that night when that tall man and another one who limped went up the hill in the dead of night. This man couldn’t sleep and was strolling out in the dark. But he always had poor eyesight and couldn’t make out anything beyond the silhouettes. They rushed out in some time, and the next day the woman was found dead….” Shiv began to palpitate as Maanav continued. “…Shadow, my gut tells me it was a homicide and not suicide… can you think about anything? Remember anything?”

Shiv shut his eyes even as the vision of his mother’s limp body swarmed in, messing with his head. And right then, it struck him… he had been so busy pushing the image back into his subconsciousness all these years that he didn’t realise the fact starting at him.

His mother hung a foot above the mud flooring of his house barely. The roof wasn’t too high but there was no stool or stone or brick on which she could stand… His mother was always well dressed and no matter what she wouldn’t have used the saree she was wearing to hang herself… it wasn’t a cotton saree either. His mother wore cotton sarees to bed… and finally, Shiv swore loudly, unconcerned about his surroundings and Maanav had to emerge out of his hiding to check him out.

“What the hell, buddy…do you want centre stage here?” Maanav looked around and patted Shiv on the back.

“I saw it that night…but it didn’t strike me to date…” Shiv muttered.

“What did you see? You were only fifteen buddy… what do you remember from then?”

“The anklet…” Shiv looked at Maanav. “…Bullet that anklet I told you about… the one I found in the fort tunnel…”

“Yes… you mentioned it belonged to your mother… but it was just one of the pair… wasn’t it?”

“Yes…” Shiv continued to stare at Maanav, feeling the unhindered wetness on his cheeks. “… I now recall seeing the other one… it was on her feet that night… just one foot… as she hung… and then…” he rubbed his face as further realization struck. Why didn’t it get to him all these years?

“…and what, Shadow?”

“…the remaining anklet… was gone… later… when they laid her on the hearse…”



©Priya Nayak-Gole

passionate bliss…

Chapter 27

Padma stirred, stretching her arms above her head and her back hit a hard wall of flesh…

Suddenly the antics from last night came flooding into her mind along with the bright rays of the morning sun playing a peek-a-boo with the canopy of the glorious flora around the house.

She blushed and smiled, pulling up the blanket that had slipped below her chest. It was modesty personified as she dug her face into his arm that had served as her pillow. She had the best sleep in years, and she was like a purring kitten waiting to be stroked and petted.

She felt a warm, calloused palm spreading against her belly and a fresh wave of arousal made its way up her body. She shivered and moved her lower back.

“Continue to do that Princess, and you will have to skip breakfast…” He muttered into her ear, his warm breath brushing away her curls covering her lobe, and that shiver passed through her body yet again. Her apex throbbed as she felt wetness pooling in, and she arched her back further, feeling his harness prod her lower back. Her brazenness stunned her. She was a virgin till last night, and today she had turned into someone she didn’t know, that too in the heart of wilderness with a man who was a stranger yet someone her soul knew only too well.

His hand crawled its way from her stomach to her wet apex, and as he slipped in a stiff finger into the secret crevice, she yelped and further arched her back, closing her eyes shut. His hand below her head snaked around, covering her and grabbed her aching bosom. His finger below created havoc with her insides, his other hand kneaded her and pinched her aroused nipple.

She didn’t last, and before she knew it, she screamed her orgasm and crashed back into his waiting torso. He barely wasted any time as he licked her lobe, preparing her for another round of earth-shattering climax. He spread her legs, and his thick ready manhood made its smooth way to where it belonged.

Her insides throbbed as she engulfed his full length, and he began his rocking movements, his hand gripping her hips and the other hand playing nestled between her breasts, holding her close. She shattered within the initial few strokes, and he followed her soon, her walls closing around his length once again.

“Padmaaaaa…..” He harshly growled into her ear and her insides quivered yet again even after she had her release.

They lay glued to each other, her back to his chest, and she would have loved to lay like that for eternity but nature called.

He helped her get up and as she relieved herself, he began to heat water for her on the makeshift stove. She didn’t know from where it had emerged but was glad for the person’s foresight, whoever it was.

She needed that hot water to clean up though she wanted his marks to be etched on her body forever as it did on her soul.

She walked with a wide-based gait given the slight pain in her apex, not that she would have refused another round. Especially when she walked into the kitchen and saw Shadow prepare bread toast for her, wearing only… goddamn it, a narrow bath towel. It did everything to send her imagination into a frenzy and she licked her lips. Right then, Shadow turned around and smiled as if he had caught her in the act. She blushed and sat on the chair he had placed near the lone table as he placed a couple of paper plates on it.

“Sorry Princess, but I can’t offer the royal cutlery…” Shadow looked away.

She stood up and walked towards him. Holding his hand in hers, she said, “Hey Shadow, I am glad I am in this situation in a way… because I am with you. I wouldn’t have had this any other way… So relax, OK?”

“But Princess…”

“…Padma…” She interrupted him. “…call me Padma, Shadow. I like the sound of my name when you say it.”

“I can’t Princess…” He held her shoulders, burning her skin with his warmth through her sundress. “…I am your bodyguard, and despite my feelings for you, I must perform my duty. Your life is at stake, and I can’t let anything happen to you.”

Padma’s nodded as her eyes filled.

“I know I am being repetitive here… but Shadow, when do you think this will be over?”

“Soon Princess… very soon. I had set the ball rolling already when I had gone to get the groceries. Bullet has mobilized a team and I am coordinating with him. We are trying to locate the crown and, most importantly Princess…” He pushed that unruly lock away from her face. “…I have to find the evidence that the Queen had left behind…”

Padma straightened. Guilt ate her insides. How could she forget what had happened to her mother and Chauhan kaka? How could she be so selfish in catering to her own needs and forget why she was away from the palace?

Bile rose in her food pipe as nausea clouded her ability to think. She felt dizzy and would have collapsed if Shadow wouldn’t have held her. He lifted her and carried her upstairs into his room. He lay her on the bed they had passionately shared sometime back.

He wiped her face with a wet cloth and got her a glass of water.

“Princess…” Shadow spoke with concern filled in his voice. “…I am sorry… I didn’t mean to upset you…I…”

She gripped his hand. “Shadow… don’t… apologize. I don’t regret being with you… But I was selfish…” She couldn’t control the tears flowing as the dam burst.

He lay next to her and gathered her in his arms. She nestled her head in the crook of his neck as if it was customized for her and wept. He rubbed her back even as she held his back, pushing herself into him… Somehow his touch, his warmth and his voice soothed her and she felt better.

After a few minutes, she asked him. “Shadow… what evidence are you talking about?”

Shadow sighed.

“Princess, your mother, had unearthed a sinister plot about possible women and child trafficking… she probably was killed because of that…”

A shudder ran through her as she remembered the gruesome night.

“Shadow I don’t remember the details of that night… but you were there. You saved me… dropped me back to the Palace on that bench… Did you see the killer?”

“Unfortunately, Princess, I was at the wrong angle and couldn’t… But you are in danger because the perp thinks you saw him.”

Padma was shivering, and she felt him cover them with the blanket yet again, his body warmth gradually seeping into her fully clothed body.

“Don’t worry Princess, I shall not let anything happen to you…” he hugged her tightly and Padma drifted off to sleep.

She woke a little later to light pecks on her forehead and was deluged by his vanilla-sprinkled warmth. She didn’t know how he had the fragrance on him given that they had been away for a while now. Did he carry the spray with him?

“Princess, let’s have something and go for a stroll. The climate is beautiful after the downpour,” Shadow purred into her ear, and despite everything, she realised she wouldn’t want to trade the moment for anything else in the world.

She nodded, and Shadow kissed her forehead and reluctantly walked out of the room. Padma stretched lazily and smiled to herself. She touched her belly where Shadow had placed his palm moments earlier. When did she have her last contraceptive pill? She had been recommended one in her last check-up to streamline her monthly cycles that were creating havoc with unbearable pain. But she didn’t remember when she had the last pill. Was it on the day she was poisoned? But even before that, she had been irregular… When was her last cycle?

She was blank but was surprised that she wasn’t scared about the outcome of what had transpired between Shadow and her. She learnt she would be thrilled to be with a child… Shadow’s child. At the same time though, her heart fell thinking about what Shadow felt. Was he just duty-bound and overcome with passion given their situations? No… he wasn’t a shallow person.

She sighed. She would cross the bridge when she came to it. Then, with a jolt, she realised she no longer cared about the Royal etiquettes.

After a light breakfast of bread and butter, she walked alongside Shadow towards the waterfalls, where she was greeted by the misty breeze humming and trying to compete with the gigantic roar. She had always loved the waterfall roar. At times in extreme solitude of the night, she thought she could hear it at her Palace window as well.

“Princess, do you want to go right there?” Shadow asked pointing towards an extended rock that looked like a vast portion of a cave and was surrounded by the fall.

“Won’t it be risky… I mean, if I slip…”

“Trust me, Princess… you will have the time of your life. I promise…” Shadow convinced her.

He took her along the mushy pathway made through the decaying foliage that grew under the tall trees as they walked parallelly along the mighty water body pooled below the falls. After a while, they reached a rocky hillock and Shadow pulled her through a narrow path carved between the rock and she suddenly found herself on the rock she had just seen moments ago.

As if reading her thoughts, Shadow said. “Princess, the path we came back gets filled with water after Sunset and the water recedes and disappears at Sunrise. It’s an amazing phenomenon, right?”

Padma only nodded… How did he know the region better than her? She hadn’t even heard of this phenomenon and she was the crowned Princess for crying out loud. But she knew there would be no point in asking Shadow. His lips were sealed.

Shadow tugged at her hand, bringing her out of her reverie. She took off her shoes which were already soiled from her tryst earlier night, and walked barefoot on the cold rock. Surprisingly the rock surrounded by the gush of the falls was damp but not slippery. She was amazed at nature’s wonder.

“Princess, why don’t you enjoy this view for a while? I want to look around a bit.” Shadow told her as he left her hand.

Padma nodded, spellbound by the beauty of the acqua beauty around her to bother about where Shadow went. She sat for a while lost in thought.

What was in store for her? She was the crowned Princess, madly in love with a commoner she knew nothing about. Not even his name. For the first time in her life, she had followed her heart without permission from her brain. For once she lived like a woman without the royal burden where she was expected to behave in a particular manner.

She hugged herself. Most of all, she had committed blasphemy… Not only had she slept with a man without the matrimonial bondage but also enjoyed it and was probably carrying his child. She had left caution to the wind.

Padma gripped the locket yet again even as the divine watery visuals blurred further with her unshed tears.

Aai…” She remembered her mother. “…would you have approved of what I did? Do you like Shadow? You often spoke about soulmates being a rarity…”

She remembered many evenings whenever she spent time with her mother, she saw the Queen stare into oblivion with a wishful look.

“Padma, bala (child)…” Her Aai would say. “…Fortunate are those who get to live with their soulmates. Unconditional love is a bond that cannot be broken irrespective of the caste, creed, family background, socioeconomic status etc…It’s a unique kind of compatibility…”

Aai, were you not happy with baba?” Padma spoke to herself. Except for rare photo ops, the King and Queen never displayed close physical contact, now that Padma remembered. Was their relationship a ruse?

“Was there someone else, aai…?” Padma was shocked to even think of something so absurd. “…Aai… I think Shadow is the one for me… I don’t know if we can be together or if baba will ever allow it… but bless me aai… I need you all the more now. I miss you.” Padma whispered and clutched at the locket with a vigour that indented into her palm.

Suddenly she felt Shadow’s presence, and before she knew he came behind her and hugged her to him.

“Hush… Princess, don’t cry. I promise you this will be over soon…”  Shadow assured her.

She turned into his arms. She had to speak loudly to hear herself above the waterfall gush.

“Shadow… how much do you know about my mother?”

“A little, Princess.” He looked away.

“In that case…” She moved away from the solace of his arms. It was time to get things out of the horse’s mouth. “…Why did she visit you when your mother died all those years ago…?”

Shadow’s shocked face proved her point. All she knew so far was just the tip of the iceberg.



©Priya Nayak-Gole


Chapter 26

Padma shivered as the heavy draft of wind hit her through the open window in her room upstairs. She had been glued to the window sill from the time she had latched the front door and rushed upstairs, watching Shadow go away and finally disappear into the trees.

She didn’t know the time, and lad lost track of it ever since she had the ‘accident’. Her heart fluttered as she thought of Shadow rushing to save her. If not for his gusto, she would have met her maker that night. And here he was yet again, protecting her by taking her away.

Though she didn’t like the circumstances nor the fact that he kept stuff from her, she didn’t mind. She hated to be cooped up in the palace like a caged bird. She didn’t like belonging to the royal family, just like her mother. She felt suffocated especially post her engagement…

Padma smiled as she saw a couple of chirping birds squabbling over a piece of eatable. She missed her outlet in the woods behind the palace. The wall was tightly sealed these days. Her father must have found out. She missed being with nature. It gave her solitude.. Nature taught her patience and calmed her restlessness. Nature was home…

The still fighting birds also reminded her of how she would fight with Aarti and Keshav while growing up. Once in a while, Seema would join them, but she was a silent spectator. Padma wasn’t surprised Keshav was attracted to the composed girl who was matured beyond her age. She was happy for her best friend. Keshav deserved all the happiness in the world at least a partner who loved him back.

She wondered where Aarti was these days. Aarti always shared stuff with her, and she missed their camaraderie ever since Aarti was busy with her studies. But Padma was glad Aarti found her calling in biotechnology and studied in one of the good universities. She hoped Aarti too, would find her soulmate someday.

But had she found hers? She was sure she had. Padma felt the familiar flutter in her heart when she thought of Shadow. She only yearned to be closer to him, and this was ever since he had saved her in the nightclub on her eighteenth birthday.

She always felt his presence around her even when he wasn’t physically present. Like she felt the breeze touching her face was his caress as he consoled her, she just felt right being with him. As if the jigsaw puzzle of her life fit itself perfectly.

That was why she missed him even here in the woods when he wasn’t present. Her soul didn’t realize the separation was temporary.

Padma felt wetness on her cheeks as it felt chilled and realized she was crying… She wasn’t very emotional, but Shadow made her feel the roller coaster of emotions. Shadow knew about Keshav and Seema, it appeared. It meant he also knew about her sham of an engagement… Did he also know she was single? Did he realize she loved him for years?

Padma hugged herself. She was hungry and reached for the chocolate bars he had left for her. She had never lazed around in her life before, without a care in the world and though she was all alone in the wilderness, she loved it. She only wished Shadow was with her, enjoying the scenic beauty of nature, the vivid picturesque greenery with hues of psychedelic flora. And all the visuals superimposed by the gigantic roar of the falls. She wished there were no villains out there waiting to stake a claim on her life.

Padma shook her head and lay on the bed. Soon she fell asleep.

Chauhan kaka tied up and lying on the floor and he seemed… brutally injured and… dead. She could feel the wetness dripping on her, probably from the heavy downpour somewhere around her. Thunder and lightening played hide and seek, and in the flashes of the intense light, she saw the idol of Devi maa, the brilliant eyes of the Goddess watching in rage. The temple bells rang heavily as they moved in the strong winds, the loud sounds immersing in the cacophony of nature’s fury lashed outside… Padma stood glued to the floor and remained a mute spectator. The silhouette of a heavy man moved and struck someone else… she always had pixelled visuals but today, everything seemed clearer. But whom did the man hit, and why did her heart break into a million pieces…?

There was a scream, and Padma sat up on her bed, panting. Despite the chill, she was sweating profusely, and a strange fear gnawed on her. Why did she see kaka in the dream? Was it because she was near the falls, and it reminded her of him? Was it all from some memory? She knew she had blacked out on her sixteenth birthday night. After that, she didn’t remember anything, but that was the day Chauhan kaka and her mother were killed. She only had some broken images so far every time she had a nightmare, but today it was vivid… So who was the other person killed… It seemed like a woman. Was it… her mother?

Was she a witness to her mother’s murder?

Padma lay back on the mattress and curled up into a fetal position as tears flew unhindered as she sobbed into oblivion. How could she forget her mother’s last moments if she was present in the fort?

In all these years, she suddenly realized she had only missed her mother, but today was the first time she wondered how much her mother and Chauhan kaka must have suffered before their gruesome end. She hadn’t been shown the bodies… just informed about the deaths.

Padma wailed, her cries shielded by the roar of the falls and the heavy rain that had just begun. A loud flash of lightning struck, followed by the thunderclaps and Padma shivered. The subconscious memories from that fateful night in the fort sprang up, engulfing her in pain. She clutched at her locket and cried her heart out.

Her mother was murdered right before her eyes, and she didn’t remember it… guilt ate her insides. The perp hadn’t been found as yet. She could have told the police or informed her father if she remembered. Where was her father? Did he have any information related to the murders? Were the attacks on her life planned because she had witnessed it all?

Who was that man in the raincoat? She couldn’t see him clearly, but something about him was familiar. Padma grabbed her hair with her other hand and continued to cry… But, just like the downpour outside, her cries didn’t cease.

Did Shadow know all this? She remembered waking up twice on the same bench in the palace garden. She was sure Shadow had saved her in the club that night. Was he the one who had saved her that night of the murders? Which meant…. He had witnessed it all too…

Then why did he not tell her or tell the police? Why didn’t he tell the king?

She sat up startled by a blast of lightning that lit up the room for a brief moment and suddenly realised it was dark. How long had she slept? All that had transpired following her poisoning and the running away along with this hike had drained her out of her energy.

She had been comfortable enough to sleep through it all today and berated herself.

Where was Shadow? He was to be back after a few hours. But it was dark and pouring heavily. Was he alright?

Ignoring her pounding headache, she wiped her cheeks even as fresh tears took their place. She strutted towards the window sill. To her horror, she saw the pool of water gathered outside. The entire flowerbed was submerged, and due to cloudy night she couldn’t see anything except pitch darkness. The house was built on a stilt, so so far, she was safe. She mentally thanked the thoughtfulness of the person who had built it and also wondered how Shadow knew about this place. That man… would he ever tell her about himself or forever stay in the Shadows?

Despite everything she worried for him… he had gone a long way downhill. Was he alright? She could hear her heart racing as a strange kind of fear for Shadow’s safety churned its way up her throat.

She rushed downstairs and tumbled in the dark… but the shooting pain in her knee as it hit the floor didn’t deter her from finding the pen torch she knew she had seen on the table earlier in the day. She didn’t have an umbrella for protection from the rain. Yet she ran out. She had barely stepped out; she fell headlong into the water gathered. The cold blast hit her hard as the chilled water clung to her through her clothes. Padma gathered her wits and began to wade her way through the calf-deep waters.

Fortunately, the pen torch still worked and though the visibility wasn’t great, she felt better watching the thin, cracked stream of light that couldn’t go beyond the pool of water up to a couple of feet ahead.

She didn’t know how long she walked, but the water had crossed her hips, and suddenly the pen torch died. The pitch-black darkness caught her unawares, and she looked around to see the clutter of dark moving trees straight out of the ghost stories she had heard from the nannies in childhood, each making horrific patterns against the slightly less dark skies. There was no moon or the spread of stars, probably sheathed by the heavy hovering clouds.

She went blank for a moment before fear raged in and she realized she was lost. Was she going to her watery grave? She began to cry yet again… further aggravated when she thought if something untoward had happened to Shadow….

She felt something around her legs… was that a water snake? There could be anything in the wilderness. She screamed and flailed her limbs, splashing water as she began to run in circles. It went on for a while; she was tired and sapped off all energy.

She was about to faint and said a soft prayer when a pair of familiar strong hands held her. She didn’t have to open her eyes to know who it was. Not only was it a known touch but the vanilla essence which was synonymous with Shadow, instantly calmed her down.

She felt him lift her over his shoulders as he waded through the muddy waters and before she knew, they were back in the house. She had been out for so long but the distance covered was just 5 minutes away?

Shadow put her down in the drawing-room and since the power was out he lit the lantern even as she sat on the floor hugging her legs close to her body. Now that the adrenaline had subsided she began to feel the chills. In the soft glow of the lantern she saw Shadow running around placing some polythene bags in the makeshift pantry, and then he rushed upstairs to bring a towel. He sat on his hunches in front of her and held out the towel. She grabbed it and covered herself, but the shivering continued… more due to the emotional roller coasters than the actual cold.

A little later, dressed in a clean set of clothes, she sat on Shadow’s bed, sipping on hot chocolate milk Shadow had prepared. He was dressed in loose track pants and… goodness he was shirtless, and only a towel covered his broad shoulders. He sat crosslegs facing her, and in the lumination provided by the humble lantern, his rugged features were accentuated, and she wanted nothing more than to go into his arms.

“Why Princess…? Why did you go out there… it would have been dangerous.” Shadow spoke softly as he sipped his milk.

“I was… worried about you… took long…”

“I was caught in the rain so had to wait a bit, Princess. But what you did was reckless… what if…”

“…nothing happened, right?” She interrupted him abruptly and her tone must have stunned him for he looked up at her suddenly.

“Princess…” She could see him struggle to maintain his composure. “…I knew the landscape well and with the noise you were making I could hear you and reached you right in time. What if you had… fallen and lost consciousness in the water…? Where would I… I … searched?” He rubbed his face and she felt for him.

“I… I am sorry Shadow but I… remembered…. That night of the murders…. In the fort. You saved me then too, right?” she finished her cup and placed it down, the tremors in her limbs beginning to return with a vengeance and she hugged herself.

She could see he was shocked. He looked away and finished his drink. Taking both their cups he went downstairs and returned with a thick blanket.

“There was this one blanket in the pantry. Use it… you should feel better.” He said and covered her trembling body with it.

She held the edges close trying to drive away the chill…

Shadow? It was you that night as well…” This time she didn’t ask.

He didn’t say a word but just sat next to her his hand spread on his folded knees and his head bent.

Frustration crept up her spine at his dearth of answers and secrecy.

Shadow, stop hiding things from me now. I am at the vortex of all this. It all began because of me witnessing the murders… But I followed my mother from what I can remember. What were you doing there?”

NO answer.

Lightening struck yet again and this time it was the mother of thunders that roared so hard Padma felt the vibrations pass through her shivering body. She reflexly moved closer to Shadow trying to gain some of his warmth and… more.

“You could at least tell me your given name, Shadow…” She could barely hear herself and felt him stiffen.

She realised what she just did and prepared to move away when his hand covered her shoulder and pulled her closer to him. She placed her cheek against his hard chest and felt it cold. She moved back and took off the blanket.

“Here…” she held it out to him. “… Let’s both use it.” His gesture touched her. He always sacrificed for her.

Shadow hesitated for a moment but took the blanket, and as she got closer to him, he covered them both. She felt his hand on her arm as he rubbed it, his warmth seeping into her soul. But her heart and stomach did the somersaults. After moments of silence, she looked up at him raising her chin, and he looked down into her eyes. She further turned towards him and placed her palm on his bare chest just above the heart. She felt his heart beat wildly and heard him suck in a harsh breath despite the nature’s cacophony playing its tunes outside.

He bent down and kissed her. She opened up to him and tasted the chocolate lingering on his tongue as their mouths fused. She raised her hand and pulled him closer towards her, but there was no resistance as if they were waiting for each other…

His tongue plundered her soft mouth exploring every nook and corner, sucking her lower lips, gently nipping at it while his hand pulled her closer. Her t-shirt was no barrier, and she could feel the heat where his chest met hers, blanket long forgotten. They kept kissing and she found herself sprawled on the mattress on her back with Shadow over her supporting himself on his elbow. His hand moved down towards her chest, and as he touched her globe, she bucked up above the mattress and gasped.

He released her and moved away as he stared into her eyes. She kept panting as the waves of arousal flowed through her charged body. She wanted him with every pore of her body… she wanted Shadow.

She raised her hands and held his cheeks, the feel of his stubble now her favorite texture.

He covered her hand with his. “Princess… I won’t be able to control myself tonight… We should… stop here…”

“What if… I don’t want you… to control?” she spoke, shocked at her brazen self

“Princess…” he whispered.

“Life is short Shadow… and full of uncertainty….” She blinked back tears. “… I have been in love with you for a long time… I don’t know what the future holds but for now… Shadow, I want you… I need you… please…”

Before she could complete, he slammed against her mouth. This time he wasn’t soft and pliable but as if he was the voraciously hungry and the predator in him was unleashed. Again, he wildly suched at her lips and this time he was sprawled on her, his legs on either side while she hugged his bareback, pulling him even closer.

He moved apart to remove the cloth barriers separating them and covered her mouth yet again…

His hand moved between their bodies as he fondled her soft mounds and pinched her peaks. She sprang upwards against him as the flashbulbs flew behind her lids, mimicking the onslaught of lightning. She had never felt such fireworks before.

Shadow explored her body with his hands even as she shuddered and peaked twice before he moved towards her thighs and spread them.

He looked at her and in the fading glow of the lantern she saw an expression on his face she couldn’t fathom. Buts he knew he wanted her with an equal fervor.

“Princess… it may pain…” he spoke hesitantly.

She nodded and licked her swollen lips. Before she knew he plunged inside her secret cavern, stunning her to silence, and she gasped at the intrusion. She couldn’t see him well in the dark but realized he was massive and filled her to her core.

He got back to plundering her mouth as he slid in and out of her wetness and she circled his torso with her legs. the crescendo had just begun…

The notes moved upward, tune after tune in her fogged brain as he continued with his task, and finally, he hit a spot that sent her spiraling down the precipice.

He grunted and screamed her name for the first time and she felt something warm inside her body. Once again, she was raised up and thrown downhill as he collapsed next to her, pulling her close….

Shadow got a wet cloth and cleaned her as their breathing returned to normal. He helped her dress; given the physical and emotional turmoil for the day, she had no strength remaining. He joined her on the bed, taking her into his arms dragging the lone blanket over them, and before she knew sleep took over.

This time there were no nightmares.


©Priya Nayak-Gole