Chapter 11 the ‘parcel’ is secured


Chapter 11

Nitya’s voice caught in her throat as she almost attempted to scream… the beads of sweat lining her forehead had long cascaded down her back and her kurta now stuck to her body. She almost lost her balance as she gasped watching the sight unfold before her.

What was Sajid doing here? Or was it Ashfaq?

She must have made some noise… because the very next moment Sajid raised his head from the slumped position on the chair. He was looking towards the window where she stood and was struggling to focus given the crusting blood from his forehead where he had been hit earlier, impeding his line of vision.

She moved back but the unsteady tin couldn’t hold any longer and she fell with a crash. She rolled over and hid in the shed reflexly hoping no one heard the noise. It would be futile hiding in the shed if someone were to come along. She waited with bated breath, eyes wide in fear. What if someone caught her? She would be done for… what would happen to Naman?

As she scrambled further deep into the tiny shed, it felt like a de ja vu. And like the flash of lightening that split the cloud above in the dark skies, her memory came back. The tall man was the same guy who had threatened her mother years ago and it was the same night they had left the house they lived in… Hugging her knees close she sobbed trying to muffle the sounds by digging her mouth into her arm on the side.

That only meant those people were still after Nitya and Naman… Appa what is it that they want from us? If Nitya knew it, she would have given it to them in a jiffy, not bothering what it contained or what it could do…

But for now, she had to escape from this Godforsaken place and return home. A glance into her mobile phone showed it was close to 7.30 PM… oh goodness the time had flown with jet speed. Naman would get worried if she didn’t reach before his bedtime. He couldn’t retire for the night without her patting him even to date. Trying to get her pounding heart under control she glanced once more at the window, wondering what would happen to Sajid or Ashfaq or whoever he was…

Shaking her head she made a move outside as the rains began their fury. She didn’t have an umbrella and somehow didn’t have the sense to carry one along. But now wasn’t the time to ponder over it. She made her way towards the Minar pillar with the hospital building glow guiding her way. Fortunately, she hadn’t been caught and that wasn’t short of a miracle.

Her leg began to throb… the leg that was slightly burnt in those woods years ago. But she wasn’t hit there today… then why was the leg hurting? She didn’t know. It was probably because of fear having an upper hand… she limped her way to the large pillar that had hidden her earlier. But Maanav flooded her thoughts right then. He would have known what to do even at that age…

Mentally reprimanding herself, she peeped out to check the coast around if it was clear or not. The cars were gone and there was not a soul in sight. Thanking the Almighty for small blessings she sprinted across the straight road from where she had come. She hoped she wouldn’t lose her way in the pitch-wet darkness. She couldn’t even use her phone light at the risk of getting it wet. She always kept stuff in her pockets and rarely carried a separate purse or a bag. She never felt better about her decisions than today… a bag would have been a liability.

Her leg was numb and was beyond agonizing pain she encountered earlier as she ran. Her jeans were stuck to her legs. She wouldn’t have wanted pain at that moment but that also meant she couldn’t feel her leg and almost fell a few times before she made it outside.

Thank God the auto was still waiting for her. The driver rushed out in the rain and held out an umbrella.

“Beta, I was to call the police if you hadn’t come out in another 5 minutes…” The man’s concern filled voice made its way amidst the cacophony of the downpour.

She didn’t say a word but just got into the vehicle. The man didn’t probe either and started the auto.

The complete journey to Vasai station went in silence Nitya sat still locking her fingers into each other tightly and still in shock over what had happened. Wait… By ‘girl’ they meant her for sure… what on earth was with her family? Jewels, bonds, certificates, notarized papers?

They barely had any possessions as far as she could remember. Every bit of thing was sold when tough times came upon them. Her mother wouldn’t have suffered if she had what those people wanted. But even in her delirious state she never mentioned anything… That only meant she didn’t know either. And presently Nitya just had one bank account for her salary and other payment transactions. She kept her paper trail to a bare minimum. She had thought her fears had been put to rest but today’s onslaught on her senses, removed the plaster off her raw wounds and they were now bleeding… her heart was bleeding. She was never dependent on anyone in her life but today she wished there was someone she could share her agony with… she just wished for once, Naman was a typical kid.

Speaking of which, he would be sleepy? Or hungry? Or plain scared? She became aware of her surroundings on time as they approached Vasai station and she got off.

“Will you be alright, beta?” the man asked and Nitya was overcome with emotions. She struggled not to cry. She couldn’t… not till she was back home. She nodded and paid him. he refused the extra fare and just told her to be safe and stay away from the place she had just visited.

Nitya was on auto pilot throughout the journey back home. Curious looks at her drenched-to-the skin state with swollen eyes and dazed look, from co-passengers on the train, didn’t move her. Nothing affected her after what she witnessed that evening…

She dragged her numb leg as she approached her house. Fortunately, Kamble kaka was still waiting for her. Naman had not eaten a morsel but was apparently engrossed on his ‘computer’ for hours. She could hear the musical sounds coming from his room like it happened whenever he hit the keys. Kamble kaka was still looking at her with concern written all over his face probably at her condition.

He turned to go back to his house as Nitya thanked him profusely for helping her out today.

As Nitya held the door to shut it, she stopped. Kamble kaka too halted in his tracks….

From Naman’s room came a beautiful symphony, a different but soulful melody as Naman hit the keys. Every other time the notes were gibberish and out of tune. It used to be irritating especially for their mother but eventually it had become redundant.

But that night it was different. Kamble kaka came back and they both went to Naman’s room.

“Nitya, don’t you think something is… different with the boy today?” kaka said.

Nitya didn’t want to share what happened with Naman in the class that morning… gosh it all seemed like days ago. She only nodded. Was her brother still traumatised? But he usually reacted to stress with a meltdown. Still, as they both peeped into Naman’s dark lair, they saw the scrawny Naman hunched upon the instrument with a strange curiosity… for a moment Nitya wondered if her brother was truly a special child. He looked just like a typical geek on his gadget.

Nitya slowly walked towards Naman and placed a careful palm on his slender shoulder.

But Naman who normally would respond to his sister, was an epitome of concentration. His untouched cinnamon-tea cup stood still witnessing the young genius type his way to something only he understood but the melody was unmistakenly something she had heard her father play ages ago… Remembering a few words from the album, Nitya googled the words. It was a popular album called the ‘Ripples Genesis…’  from 1976.

But why was that tune playing from whatever Naman was doing…? This was something that was built over 15 years ago by her father. It was then sent to them and they received it a few years ago. She also thought about the letters in the cupboard that she had recently read…

Did Appa want to convey any message to them? Oh dear… were those people after this gruff instrument…???? This was so primitive… just like some musical keys and her father loved to build things like this. Then what was in it? Was it such a threat that they were hell bent on destroying her peace?

But for now, she had to get Naman out of the digital trance.

“Naman, please talk to akka…”

Naman continued to furiously type and then after 5 minutes he stilled. He smiled as his face lit up in the glow of the laptop. No one would say he had issues… his face was a paragon of innocence.

“What is it Naman? Did you… what did you find?”

Akka… Naman gotcha” he said stereotypically. Like he always did whenever he solved a math problem or anything of the sort.

“What did you get?”

“Naman gotcha… round 2 attack… Mumbai”

Her heart skipped a beat. She rushed to close the tiny window and kneeled before him holding his hands in hers. And after a quick glance at a stunned kaka, she asked softly.

“Naman what… did… you… find?”

“Ap… Ap…Appa… Mumbai attack round 2… water… ripples. Naman gotcha…” he continued to smile and though nothing that he said made sense to her, she knew they were in trouble…

Deep… deep trouble.

She helped Naman shut the instrument after promising him a new USB keyboard that he always wanted. She served him dinner and all the while kaka and she exchanged looks as he ate without a word, lost in his thoughts. Both waited for Naman to retire to bed and the guy was so excited he took a while to fall asleep.

“Kaka, I am so scared now…” Nitya voiced her concerns. She finally explained all that had happened in the computer institute as well as in Vasai.

“Nitya… why didn’t you tell me all this? And why did you go there alone? What if something would have happened to you?” Kaka exclaimed.

“Actually kaka, I was too shocked and angry at Sajid… but now I don’t know what to do. Kaka, do you think they wanted this crude instrument?”

“I knew your Appa well. He never did anything without reason. If he had sent this to you, that means, there was something for you all…. like a message he was trying to convey.

Nitya took out the letters and Kamble kaka went through all of them. He shook his head looking as confused as her when she had read the one addressed to her. Some sort of code language… and now this music coming through but still incomplete.

“kaka, Appa mentioned I should take help. But what should I require help for? And from whom?”

Kaka paced along the tiny drawing room of her house while she sat on the cot rocking back and forth as they tried to figure things out.

Kaka sighed as he came to a halt.

“I always knew that Sajid was no good. He had trouble written all over him. I am surprised he let the bit of information about his place out like that before you. As far as I know those kinds of people are very careful…”

“What kind of people… kaka? And how did I get involved? Did Sajid target me on purpose for the last 5 years? But I didn’t share anything personal with him… I still can’t believe it. But that means…” She stood with a start. “…that means Naman is in danger? Oh goodness… I should just hand this instrument to them, shouldn’t I?” She was sweating profusely but not because of the heat.

“No Nitya. Do you think if you do that, they will let you live? You have seen their hideout for what it truly is and not what they have been showcasing to the world…” Kaka now sat on the rickety cot and continued. “…but Nitya if you think deeply, and analyse, this instrument is a guarantee of your safety at least for now. Till the time it’s with you they can’t harm you or they would have done that a long time ago. I suggest to wait this out. Let me talk to someone I know… from my Army days. I had taken voluntary discharge due to health reasons but I was in touch with one of my seniors who is no longer in the Army. Let me talk to him… it’s difficult to contact him but I will try. Let’s hand it over to the authorities and also tell them about all this… Vasai I mean.”

Nitya tried to interrupt but he held up his hand. “Nitya, I think you both should move in with me. I have an extra room and since Naman knows me there shouldn’t be a problem. My house is away from the main gate and no one can see it directly. I rarely have visitors since I am not very active outside but if we do, I have installed cameras outside so that shouldn’t be a problem….”

Why on earth did Kaka instal cameras? This was a lower middle-class housing society. Who would want to steal here? Was there something kaka wasn’t telling her? But at that moment she couldn’t think of anything else. She had to keep Naman away from social glare and any other place would mean having to handle his meltdown. It would call for attention and give them away.

So, at the dead of the night, Nitya and a drowsy Naman hugging his ‘computer’ swiftly moved into Kamble kaka’s home. Nitya only took a few of her and Naman’s clothes and the letters. Kaka advised her not to clear the house. It should look lived in.


That night at around 3AM, Kamble kaka checked in on his young guests who were fast asleep. Naman was sleepy as it is but even Nitya, despite all that happened, was fatigued to the core and with the throbbing leg, popped in a painkiller and was dead to the world. He smiled as he shut the door to their room.

He walked into his room and after latching the door, he opened his cupboard and drew out a box. He opened it and took out a mobile phone. It was an old model that wasn’t available anymore. He dialled a number from memory and waited. In between he pressed a different  number combination. After a while the green light shone indicating a secure connection.

He spoke. “Hello, Captain Rawat, Unit 2 reporting. Its time. The parcel is secured along with the holders. What are my instructions?”



(Disclaimer: This is a piece of fiction using the backdrop of the attack that happened and any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely coincidental. This doesn’t attempt to change history or facts.)

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