Chapter 9
That evening he was prompt as usual. He looked very happy as well. She had never seen him smile continuously for over a couple of seconds. He was even grinning today she could see the skin crinkling in the corners of his beautiful browns. She was glad she took the lead to ask him about that room. He seemed enthusiastic and thrilled as if he was waiting for her to make the first move.
As soon as they arrived at his home they had a simple dinner. Then he held her hand and took her to his bedroom. He opened his walk-in closet and took out a gift wrapped box.
“This is for you… Open it” He said giving her the gift.
She smiled and tore open the wrapper. She opened the cardboard box. Inside was a beautiful jumpsuit made with sequences throughout. She blinked at the shine. She kept the box on the nearby table and held up the outfit. Wait… was that…a hole? She saw there were holes where her breasts were to be as well as her armpits. Similarly there was another hole at the location of where her apex would be. These were all covered by a flap. It was backless. The outfit was extremely erotic.
“Preeti…change into this…” He said huskily. “…once you are done, come upstairs…”
She nodded as he left the room. Her heart thudding she wore the jumpsuit. It was as if custom made for her. Once she tied the lacy straps at the back, she looked at herself in the adjoining mirror. She looked like a vision. The man had taste. She thought amusingly.
She took the stairs upwards one at a time fidgeting with her fingers to control the flutter in her belly. She didn’t know what to expect from this man. He was an enigma. Every day spent with him, every night of passion was different from the other. It was as if every day they began afresh. But still she felt closer to him than anyone else. It was beyond the insatiable physical attraction.
She reached the heavy door and knocked. He opened the door almost immediately and moved so that she could enter the room. He had switched on the lights which lighted up the entire room. It was so stunning she caught her breath. It was then she saw he had worn a loose pant of the identical material as hers. It hugged his toned hips and legs and she could see the bulge of his arousal. She licked her lips in anticipation. He reached a drawer and took out a blindfold. It was beautiful. He held it up and looked at her as if asking her permission. She nodded and he put it on her. To her surprise she wasn’t scared.
He held her hand and led her to the bed. “Just lie down and enjoy alright?” He whispered in her ears. She almost came right there. As she lay waiting she realised the room had grown colder than when she had entered. She felt the bed dip as he climbed near her legs.
“Spread your legs for me…” He spoke in a commanding tone
She obliged. She was longing to do it. Immediately she felt the blast of cool air at her core. The flap must have moved and exposed the tender area. The next moment something soft touched her clit. Oh God! She was so wet with just that… The soft thing moved along her slit with a little pressure around her nub. She started to shiver as the impending orgasm started to take root in her belly. Then it was gone. What?
Barely a minute and then something hit her pussy. But instead of pain she felt the wave building up again. The next two hits saw her arch her body above the bed as she screamed her orgasm. The pressure was gone and it was replaced by…Oh heaven Almighty…his tongue. He lapped up her juices as if it was his dessert. He sucked at her clit and pushed something into her opening. She tensed instantly.
“Hey… relax…trust me… this is all about trust… I have got you…” He spoke in that breathy voice which had her insides quivering.
She calmed down as he continued the onslaught with his mouth and that thing proceeded inside her softness. Suddenly it touched her spot the very same indent which was her g-spot and she exploded again. She saw stars behind her closed eyes as the waves of orgasm kept flowing even after he had moved the…whatever it was. She was still at the peak of euphoria when she felt the flaps at her chest move. He started to suckle and pinched her other nipple. She thrashed the bed as waves after waves of pleasure swept her. Just as she thought he was finished, she felt him at her entrance and slamming into her so hard it rocked her core.
As she lay throbbing in the aftermath of multiple orgies she felt him come close. “Hope you enjoyed… thank you for the trust” he whispered. “…Up for some more?” He asked.
She nodded. Seriously she was turning into a horny bitch…correction HIS horny bitch.
“Can you bear a little pain?” He asked her.
She didn’t reply.
“Trust…Preeti. Do you?”
She nodded. Her blindfolds still on she felt him lift her hands and tied them to the roped dangling from the ceiling. They felt soft. Then he raised her leg and tied that and then raised the other leg too. Oh Lord she was in mid- air hanging by ropes over the bed.
“Hold on Preeti…” He said softly and she heard him move something which sounded like a pulley. She felt hers arms and legs getting tugged and wait… she was turning as well. Soon she was hanging face downwards over the bed and her limbs spread. It did pain her at the arms’ unused muscles. She had to exercise now on she realised with a snide.

She felt him come underneath her. He released her breasts threatening to spill out of the holes created in the outfit. So that was the purpose she realised. He repeated all that he had done earlier with her nipples and clit. But this time the pleasure was miles higher. She didn’t know if she had any more energy for another peak. Finally after a couple of rounds more of pleasuring her with different pressure hits with what he told her were whips, he released her ties. She collapsed in his arms as he carried her to the bath tub. Only then did he open her blindfold and undressed her. She saw the satisfaction on his face which was priceless. She almost slept off in the warm bath tub leaning against his back as he soaped her and fingered her. She too felt his rod prodding at her lower back and she pushed her hand behind to grip him.
“Oh Gosh… you are killing me Preeti…” He grunted. She smiled as she moved her hands up and down on his enlarged shaft gradually increasing her pace till he cried out his release in her palm hugging her tightly and pushing his head into her shoulder blades. He carried her to the bedroom covering her in the bath towels. As he laid her on his bed, she pulled him close putting her arms around his neck.
“Gautam… I love you…” She declared looking into his eyes. She chuckled as she let go her hold, and even before her head hit the pillow she was fast asleep.
The next morning when she was awake, he was not in the bed. In fact there was no crease on his side of the bed indicating he probably didn’t sleep next to her that night. For the first time ever since they got intimate, he didn’t sleep with her after the coital pleasures they shared. She got up to see her clothes neatly folded and placed on the chair. Strange, because he never did that anytime she was here. She heard some sounds from the kitchen. But before she left for freshening up she saw the letter. It was pinned up the mirror. He knew she loved to see herself in that mirror daily. She actually liked to see her face just after the early morning orgies …
With her heartbeat going faster than usual she detached the letter and read it. It was written in his impeccable handwriting.
I have had to leave early. Urgent work. Will be away for a few days. In a no network zone will text you once back. My housekeeper will be in kitchen. Don’t go without breakfast.
What? Did he actually run away? Was it because she declared her love for him?
Her heart sank. So that was it? He retreated at the first mention of the word? Was she just a lay for him? Last time he had left, it took 12 years to reconnect. How long this time? Her gut feeling told her something was not right here. She took in a deep breath and wiping the tears streaming down her cheeks went to the washroom. She didn’t feel like eating anything. She didn’t even speak to the surprised housekeeper and left the house. She took a UBER to office and reached earlier than her usual time. She opened her locked drawer and took out her tab. She realised she had not read any recent news for last few days. She was so taken in by Gautam and his enigma she didn’t have time or energy for anything. He had occupied all her thoughts during her waking hours. She recently got to know his name was Gautam Rathore when she read his nameplate outside his house. But he was never forthcoming about any information about him. Why? Was it all one sided? No, she didn’t think so. His passion spoke a different language all together. He definitely was in it as well. Well, only time would tell…
She booted up her tab and checked the latest Alwar news.
Inauguration of Sengar diamonds Pvt ltd tomorrow…
…To coincide with the auspicious day of the engagement of their daughter Rewa Sengar with real estate magnate Vikram Singh. In what seems to be a hush hush family affair…
What? Rewa didi was getting engaged and she didn’t even bother to tell her? They had spoken just yesterday… She checked her phone. But there were no messages either. Though she thought nothing would affect her, she was feeling let down. Why didn’t anyone from her family bother to inform her? Strange are the ways of the world she thought. Suddenly she missed home. Off late she had been feeling homesick. Maybe because she had achieved success on her own and had no more goals… But that was till Gautam came in.
Rewa didi would be so worried. She quickly dialled her cousin’s number. It was answered at the first ring.
“hello Rewa didi?”
“So you got the time to call? Too busy is it?”
“No didi…I didn’t know… I just found out the engagement is tomorrow.”
“Oh is it? As if you were interested in coming here… you have nothing to do with me isn’t it. Even yesterday you were so uninterested” Rewa wailed.
“No…No…didi.. But why are you going through all this. What about Suyash?
“Preeti, you know I don’t have a say in… anything. You were fortunate enough to escape when you did… I don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow….”
“Didi why don’t you speak with the groom…Vikram Singh?….I am sure he would understand.”
“I tried… but I have barely spoken with him. Everyone was around. I got his number and called him some days back but of no use. He is always busy with his businesses. Preeti…I can’t do this…” Rewa was crying now.
“Look Didi, I am leaving for Alwar at the earliest… don’t worry…just hang on…. I will book the air ticket so by tomorrow early morning I will be there at home…”
“Really…? Preeti…come soon. I will be waiting.” Relief evident in Rewa’s voice.
Preeti cut the call and got busy checking out flight tickets for Jaipur from there she would take a cab for Alwar. But before that she had to speak with her boss. She had neglected work for a couple of days. She had to catch up today. So she plunged into it losing herself into the gruelling workload waiting for her. Her boss looked apologetically at her as she asked for a fortnight long leave to be sanctioned.
“Preeti, you know how precariously we are hanging here… just got our asses saved from getting fired. We have been given huge targets for this month. See, this order just arrived from the board of directors. They want more productivity without increasing manpower. You have to motivate your juniors. If they leave at this stage then it will be difficult for us to meet the demands…” he went on and on, his every word heightening her anxiety.
By the time she got the fifteen day leave sanctioned, got her other work done and delegated the rest of the duties to her subordinate, it was 10PM. She checked the flights available. It was raining heavily so she crossed her fingers with the hope of getting through. Her only option turned out to be a 6AM flight to Jaipur.
She rushed to her apartment and hurriedly filled her suitcase. She decided to catch a few winks before leaving to the airport.
She woke up with a jolt… She saw Gautam in the black mask and laughing at her as he removed it off his face. Oh God what an incubus. To her surprise she was more anxious now than when she got the other nightmares. She shook her head and checked the time. Thank Goodness she didn’t oversleep. But it was raining heavily as she left her apartment.
She had booked a cab but to her horror her area was water logged. There was knee deep water. She should have left for the airport earlier instead of sleeping. But she was dead on her feet and needed the energy. She couldn’t afford to collapse. She waded through the flood water hoping that her suitcase was as good as it claimed when she paid a bomb for it last year. She just had to reach Alwer. Rest she could figure out there.

She was drenched from head to toe. Unfortunately, she did reach the airport in the rickety vehicle which broke down twice on the way. But the flight was cancelled due to visibility issues. She waited along with the hundreds of stranded passengers. Her mobile battery was draining and she didn’t want to risk charging it at the airport in the crowd. So she texted Rewa about her situation and promised to reach her at the earliest and then she shut her phone.
She had never felt so low in her life before. Her love life…if she could even call it that was in doldrums with Gautam running away… yes he actually ran away. No text or calls from the so-called caring man. She didn’t feel being watched over too. This only meant that he wasn’t in picture anymore. She felt like a fool. She had treaded on a path of no return. Did she make a mistake by announcing her love to him? It looked like it… Did she lose him…forever? Why did the very thought break her heart….
Copyright Disclaimer: All content posted here is a work of fiction and original work based on the author’s imagination. There is no intention to disrespect any person or faith. Any resemblance to any person living or dead or any community is purely coincidental. No part of the content can be copied, reproduced or posted anywhere else either entirely or in parts, without the consent of the author.