happily ever after…


After two years…

“Sonia…. Sonia….oops be careful darling. Amma will be hurt…” Ria looked down at her daughter who was just around 15 months old but a handful already. A dimpled smile with beautiful black eyes… an exact miniature version of Gaurav, looked up at her. Little Sonia loved her toy horses and to Gaurav’s utmost delight had shown affinity towards the elegant beasts ever since they had introduced her to Shiva when she had been four months of age. Shiva had somehow taken a liking to the tiny human and had showed leaps in his improvement with her around. Ria and Gaurav visited Parijaat at least once in fifteen days and she often stayed back for a week end or two with Sonia. Ria had decided not to get to her centre right now for few years at least as she wished to be a full-time mother to Sonia and loved to keep the house now that Keith had left. On their insistence Keith had branched out on his own and free-lanced full time with his expertise. But he made it a point to visit them once a week at least.

Ria hoisted Sonia’s giggling form on her hip as she continued to stir paneer makhani for dinner. Gaurav would be home in another couple of hours if the surgery finished on time or else Keith would have to arrange to deliver food to him at the hospital.

Ria switched of the gas stove and took her sleepy daughter back into her old room which was now their daughter’s room. Gaurav himself had decorated it before she came along. Ria smiled looking around at the adorable nursery filled with pink hues…with traces of white to balance the shades. The crib was specially made to order in white wood and it was a beautiful combination of wood and a special varnish which was non-toxic and lined with eco-friendly soft material so that the little one didn’t hurt herself. The bed was made by the women in Parijaath…it was their gift to their Dada…There was a small single seater sofa for her when she lactated their daughter or when Gaurav rushed to pacify the little one. They had seen to it that Sonia slept independently right from the second month and she was never fussy except when she was colicky.

Ria gave her a quick bath and fed her porridge. It was nearing 8PM and Sonia’s eyes were drooping shut. Ria tucked her in and within a minute she was asleep. She stared at her daughter’s sleeping form as the last two years unfolded before her.

The media had had a field day making different speculations about an unknown person from Dubai who had created trouble for Gaurav. As for Gaurav’s past, Ansari had conceded and Sujata was in jail in Dubai for supplying drugs, cheating and forgery. Apparently, she had these other cases against her in Dubai and was in for a long haul. Ria had visited the hospital to meet Ansari along with Gaurav and Ashok Chitthappa. He had requested to see her to apologise to both Gaurav and Ria. Gaurav in turn had arranged for the best treatment possible for Ansari and had seen him off safely to Dubai along with the officials. Ria couldn’t have been prouder of her husband.

Ria had been back from the hospital but her blood pressure was shooting up badly and so she had spent almost the entire pregnancy in their hospital. She had almost the entire staff fussing over her. Preeti who was recently married was frequently visiting her, so did Ria’s parents. But they had to vacate the quarters and move to their hometown and Gaurav had helped them with the transition as well. Her mother had come back for her delivery and had stayed with her for a couple of months. All this time though, Gaurav rarely left her side. She had persuaded him to reapply for his practice license. On her insistence he had started attending workshops and upgrading his skills. Just after Sonia was born, he had assisted in his first surgery. Again, she had pushed him and he travelled to different places throughout last year, gaining experience in specific surgical procedures. She often stayed in Parijaat during his absence. Finally, when Sonia was almost a year old, he did his first independent surgery after over eight years. Ria remembered that day when he had come home after his first independent surgery and hugged her tight. That night when they had made love he had cried as he had shattered in her arms. She had rubbed his back and kissed his tears away.

Ria smiled as she thought of his love making skills. They didn’t get time like earlier days due to his schedule and she being busy with Sonia and taking care of their home. But she loved snatching time for quickies…she blushed as she thought about their early morning rendezvous today in the bathroom with Keith playing with Sonia right outside their bedroom. Ria had come to their bedroom to fold the bed linen and sort the room…

Gaurav never missed his extra activities as she addressed his past liking for kink… She was willing to try it for his sake but he had refused. He said he didn’t need any of that stuff anymore after she had come into his life… but still she had been curious and he had promised her someday…

Gaurav had stopped the demolition of the old hospital building as he said it held special memories of a special night for him. But she knew, besides the fact that they had their first date there, he was nostalgic about that place. Gaurav now ran a charitable hospital in his grandmother’s memory, from that place. He had handed over the admin work of his current commercial hospital over to his cousin. His relationship with his family was a little on the road to mend…especially with his cousins. His parents and some of the relatives had also visited them a couple of times to meet Ria and Sonia. Gaurav still wasn’t comfortable around his father and they were still cold to each other but Ria hoped that in the coming years things would smoothen up.

Ria had arranged for Kalyani and other women from Parijaath to have the exhibitions of handicrafts made by them and other women from the rural communities around…in her centre. She was happy to contribute to Parijaath. Gaurav was caught up with his surgical appointments, conferences and charity surgeries in the old hospital. Occasionally, he painted as well.

Ria sighed with contentment. She had a better relationship with her parents. Pooja was busy with her son and was also trying to complete her studies via distance education and she often spoke to her. Her parents were happy to be surrounded by their folks. Ria and Gaurav had visited them once when Sonia was a year old. They had celebrated her birthday in their hometown. Ria chuckled as she remembered her father dance holding a bewildered Sonia in his arms. He simply doted on his granddaughter…. Somehow, though she wasn’t very close to them, she thought the equations had changed and she mentally thanked her Chitthappa for the same. She just wanted her parents to be happy…

Ria came out of Sonia’s room and gently closed the door. She checked her mobile phone for seeing the time. Her maids had left for the day at 7PM and now it was nearing 10PM. She quickly freshened up and cleared the living room. Gaurav should be home any moment since he hadn’t called about any delays. As she moved along the living room, she looked all around her. Gaurav had filled an entire wall with their pictures. Some of their families but mostly of the three of them. A passage wall leading to their exit had some of his paintings. The old hospital building too had some paintings and he had planned an exhibition to raise funds for the charity.

She heard the alarm getting disengaged and moved towards the entrance, just in time to see the door shut. Gaurav entered giving her a bright smile. He kept his keys in the bowl and walked towards her. Holding her face he kissed her deeply and as she circled his neck his hands cupped her backside and he squeezed her buns tightly. Ria moaned…. She took her lips towards his ears and said, “Paneer makahni is waiting…”

Gaurav laughed a hearty laughter “…Trust you Ria to spoil my mood…”, Then he looked serious and said, “… I want my dessert first…” He lifted her short nightgown from the front and cupping her mound through her panty, gently massaged her…. Just the way she loved. She rubbed herself to his hands and kissed him hard. She didn’t know when they reached their bedroom, dropping their clothes on the way. Gaurav was now more comfortable with his scars and even went out swimming in public. Reactions didn’t bother him anymore. Most importantly, Sonia didn’t even flinch when she saw his back. She loved her father to the moon and back and that was enough a verdict for him.

As he pushed Ria on their bed, he climbed up spreading her legs. She placed a hand on his chest feeling the warmth of his heartbeat.  As his eyes shown with passion and love in the dimply lit bedroom, he wasted no time moving back and dropping his head between her things, relishing her….

Hours later, they both lay side by side, breathing hard, their dinner long forgotten… The bedroom clock chimed 12 midnight and Gaurav turned to her and kissed her hard. Holding her face in his palm as he climbed up on her with his legs on either side, he said, “Happy anniversary darling… Here’s wishing for many more blissful years of togetherness…”

Ria smiled as she saw the love in his eyes. Today was the day they had first actually met when he had given her the certificate as an intern. Life had come a full circle from that day but they celebrated that day as their anniversary. She whispered, “…Happy anniversary to you too, love…ummmm…” She moaned as he entered her….

She was living her dream…

… A dream where she had a chance to love and be loved!

Copyright Disclaimer: All content posted here is a work of fiction and original work based on the author’s imagination. There is no intention to disrespect any person or faith. Any resemblance to any person living or dead or any community is purely coincidental. No part of the content can be copied, reproduced or posted anywhere else either entirely or in parts, without the consent of the author.

Author note:

A huge thank you to all you wonderful readers who in a way helped me complete this story. I had conceptualised this one two years ago and written out a sketchy version of it. This platform gave me an opportunity to complete it and that was mainly because of your encouragement. So just a couple of words here… There is a little bit of Ria in everyone of us. We women are tenacious and strong and have it in us to achieve anything. We can face hardships thrown at us and can bear just about anything judiciously. We are the epitome of a complete package and the next time you lose hope or feel low just remember the inner strength you have.




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  1. Hi
    Stumbled across your stories through WP. You write so beautifully…. The pain, the angst, the euphoria… Thank you for the spell your words weave.
    Warm regards

  2. Just loved the story. You correctly said, every woman has a Ria in her. When we love someone,, weh go to any extent to be with them, be our parents or our husband…. The hardships by both Ria and gaurav , their struggle with their past, how the both overcome their past demons was too good


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