
Chapter 25

With trembling legs for support, Anshuman followed Kasim through the first floor to the corner-most room. The door was shut and Anshuman typed in a code for digital access. There was a beep and the door clicked open accelerating Anshumanโ€™s heartbeats. The unfailing antiseptic odor hit him first followed by the stead-fast beep of the monitors in sync with what looked like a ventilator. Right in the middle of the huge bed there lay a frail body or what remained of a bodyโ€ฆ it was more like a skeleton. Anshumanโ€™s legs gave away and Kasim held him to steady him as his body was wreaked by sobs. He held the foot bar of the bed and cried watching what remained of his sister.

She could have easily passed off as a carcassโ€ฆ if not for the beeping of the ventilator. He wished for once she could be freed from the torture of being forced to breathe. The facial skin and muscle were barely there and everything had sunk in. Contractures had formed in her wasted limbs which were bent and stiff under the thin cotton blanket. The eyes were shut but were sunk deeply into their orbitsโ€ฆ there was barely any hair on her scalp and her lips were partly open where the tube was put in and it was a miracle she had sustained so farโ€ฆ Oh Meeraโ€ฆ what was her destinyโ€ฆ? Her life had ricocheted in so many ways he didnโ€™t even know where it had landed or what she was destined to face even when she was not living. He had desperately wished to see her but not like this. At this moment he wished she were deadโ€ฆ that brought about a fresh bout of tears.

โ€œโ€ฆWhy Kasimโ€ฆ whyโ€ฆ? Why Meeraโ€ฆ why did she have to suffer like thisโ€ฆ?โ€ he wailed sitting on the floor beside the bed.

Kasim patted his back. โ€œโ€ฆ Anshuman I am taking her to the UK with me โ€ฆ I will arrange for the best care for herโ€ฆ though she canโ€™tโ€ฆ I meanโ€ฆ I will see to it Manpreets knows herโ€ฆโ€

Suddenly Anshuman looked up. โ€œโ€ฆManpreetโ€ฆ has he seen herโ€ฆ?โ€

Kasim shook his head. โ€œโ€ฆNo not yetโ€ฆ he had been crying incessantly while Simrat tried to fight off my menโ€ฆ we had to sedate themโ€ฆthey are fineโ€ฆ I had a doctor see themโ€ฆโ€

Anshuman rubbed his face. โ€œโ€ฆThough I want to hate you Kasimโ€ฆ I love Meera too much for thatโ€ฆ I know she was very happy with youโ€ฆ I saw a picture of you two togetherโ€ฆ Simrat had it but your face was not clearโ€ฆ she lookedโ€ฆ at peaceโ€ฆKasimโ€ฆ? Can I request you somethingโ€ฆ?โ€

Kasim looked at him and nodded. โ€œโ€ฆAnshuman, Meera adored youโ€ฆ said you were a father figure to her and she often spoke about you whenever we talkedโ€ฆ so I have the utmost respect for youโ€ฆ just tell me manโ€ฆโ€

Anshuman stood up and walked towards him. Keeping a hand on his shoulder, he inhaled deeply. โ€œโ€ฆKasimโ€ฆ justโ€ฆ pleaseโ€ฆ let her goโ€ฆโ€ Anshuman swallowed hard as he tried to take control of his failing emotions.

Kasim jerked away and his hand fell to his side. โ€œ..what the hell Anshumanโ€ฆ do you know what you are sayingโ€ฆ? She is your sisterโ€ฆโ€

โ€œโ€ฆLook at her Kasimโ€ฆ she is vegetativeโ€ฆ my heart breaks tooโ€ฆ I have lived the last decade looking for herโ€ฆ do you think this is easyโ€ฆ? But Kasimโ€ฆ she is in painโ€ฆ even if she can’t feel itโ€ฆ she doesnโ€™t know anything thatโ€™s going onโ€ฆ its injustice to herโ€ฆ she is gone alreadyโ€ฆ let’s release her bodyโ€ฆKasimโ€ฆ free her from the tortureโ€ฆ she had had enoughโ€ฆโ€ Anshuman held his face n his palms as he cried his heart out.

โ€œโ€ฆAnshumanโ€ฆ I have lived all these years only in the hope of seeing her and Manpreetโ€ฆ Meera was my Oxygen all these yearsโ€ฆ at least I know she is here physicallyโ€ฆโ€

โ€œโ€ฆPlease Kasimโ€ฆ oh Godโ€ฆ help my sisterโ€ฆI can’t bear thisโ€ฆโ€

Just then as if the heavens answered his plea, the instruments started to beep frantically and before they could react, Meera flatlined.

Kasim screamed into his walkie-talkie to call for the doctor while also calling out Meeraโ€™s name as if she was just waiting to wake up from the deep stupor. Kasim started pacing berserkly with tears streaming down his bearded cheeksโ€ฆ โ€œโ€ฆNoโ€ฆMeera Donโ€™tโ€ฆ donโ€™t leave meโ€ฆ pleaseโ€ฆ NOโ€ฆโ€ he wailed with flailing arms.

Anshuman stood transfixed and suddenly the door opened and Simrat rushed inโ€ฆ followed by his guards. She stood rooted near the bed and stared at Meeraโ€™s corpseโ€ฆ Anshuman moved towards her and he didnโ€™t know who moved first but they were in each other’s arms as she cried into his chest. Finally, the gravity of the situation started to sink in and Anshuman sobbed into her hairโ€ฆ He had not expected to see Meera and since December he had assumed her deadโ€ฆ but now as Meeraโ€™s mortal remains lay before him he couldnโ€™t contain it. It was as if she was waiting for him to breathe her lastโ€ฆ she waited for a decade for her loving brotherโ€ฆ

Just then there were sounds of shots fired and Kasim looked around confused. Anshuman looked at Simrat. He silently asked about Manpreet. She nodded which meant she had it under controlโ€ฆ how did she get to the room escaping Kasimโ€™s men was beyond him.  But he was grateful she was here sharing his turmoil. Kasim brandished a pistol and pointed towards them. โ€œโ€ฆI didnโ€™t want to do this Anshumanโ€ฆ but looks like you have given me no choiceโ€ฆโ€ He was hyperventilating as if ensnared by some evil forcesโ€ฆ his bloodshot eyes threatening to fall apart the look on his face blankโ€ฆas if he was on some hallucinogenโ€ฆ What was going onโ€ฆ? The door burst open and Amandeep along with two other men barged in with blazing guns.

Simrat pushed Anshuman to the floor. He heard Amandeepโ€™s voice. โ€œโ€ฆDrop it Kasimโ€ฆ it’s over nowโ€ฆ we have Manpreet safely back with usโ€ฆyou are under arrestโ€ฆ we have recovered evidence against forgery and forceful occupancy of Passionโ€ฆthen money laundering and fake identityโ€ฆ the dead bodies of Ruby and other members of the sleeper cells have been recovered but one of them survived and he gave us the location of the hidden ledgersโ€ฆ so it’s game over Kasimโ€ฆ enoughโ€ฆโ€

Kasim laughed hysterically. โ€œโ€ฆI have lived all my life for my fatherโ€ฆ that old bastard took control and later that swine Haiderโ€ฆ but no moreโ€ฆ no one can control me anymoreโ€ฆ Anshumanโ€ฆ manโ€ฆ take care of Manpreetโ€ฆ I know you willโ€ฆ I am joining my Meeraโ€ฆโ€

Anshuman scrambled to get up just to see Kasim pull the trigger on himself and his lifeless body and gore fell on the bed next to Meera.

Anshuman stood fixed to the ground shocked at the events that transpired, even as Simrat and other members took control of the situation. Very soon it was time to move the bodies and Meeraโ€™s corpse was handed over to him for the last rites.

Later early in the morning, a shocked and confused Manpreet lit the pyre to the ongoing chanting of hymns. Anshuman and Simrat stood on either of his sides and though dazed the boy demonstrated a matured poise. as the flames rose to the skies, Simrat shed tears for the departed soul and Manpreet hugged Anshuman. They waited till the embers faded and Anshuman looked up towards the sky saying a silent prayer. He hoped Meera would now rest in peaceโ€ฆ

Anshuman thanked the villagers of Sancoale especially Abenazer, Beatrice, and Albert for their vigilance and support to the SOP. Rewa and Amandeep had left after completing the formalities. Kasimโ€™s identity was not revealed to the villagers and the army retreated the way they had come without anyone knowing about the classified operation. The bodies of Kasimโ€™s men were also taken away by the army to identify and go ahead with other proceedings they deemed fit.

Closure finally came in from all directionsโ€ฆ.

ยฉpriyagole. No part of the story can be copied or shared anywhere without the consent of the writer.

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  1. Awwwwww! Amazing chapter! Wonderful story! Brilliantly penned! Sad that the story ended but will wait for another story of yours.

  2. Sad tht meera had to leave.. But the love the bond penned amazing… U are an amazing writer Priya ๐Ÿ˜Š… Loved it…

  3. Super awesome story Priya, thanks dear for sharing the site, the story was amazing as all yr stories are,Meera was just waiting for her brother to b by her side to breathe her last n know that her son is in safe hands,
    Would love to read more beautiful stories from u,do begin a new one soon n plz do send me a message if possible to read the new one

  4. What an end…just wished Meera shouldnt have been in that state and shape ..she would have been in a bliss…loving husband and son…Kaders misfortune too…atleast she was in peace finally …truly loved the story to core…wonderful closure๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’ž


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