What just happened….

Chapter 12 Keith drove along the long driveway… lined with palm trees and bushes of...

Their moments….

#adultcontentalert Chapter 37 The texts had unsettled her already fragile emotional state and Ria was anxious...

the truth…Angie…

Chapter 16 Simrat vigorously wiped her tears as she sprinted along the shoreline, even as...

revelations galore

Chapter 31 The light falling on their eyes woke them up as they lay in...

Published Novel

It’s a race against time and destiny… Prolific hostage negotiator and criminal profiler for the...

Hello, I am Priya Nayak-Gole.

This website is built with the sole aim of bringing together all my work under one roof. It contains full-length 'novels', Short stories, including Minitales and poetries.

I love to read and review books as well so do check out the Book review section. Last but not the least, most of my work often includes disability and mental health awareness. Check out the segment 'Clinicologues'

The stories are all a figment of my imagination and an attempt to weave words and build up the fiction villa. I hope you all like it. Looking forward to hearing from you!


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Ongoing Story..

When Phoenix Rose…

(This is a 500-word story for the Artoons Inn contest. Prompt: Write a story where...

Book Review: MahaJaya

 Author: Alpna Das Sharma The book is a beautiful modern-day take on the epic Mahabharata....

Book Review: Diary, Deceit and Death

Author: Sonia Chatterjee This book is the second in the Raya Ray adventure series, but...


their first fight…

Chapter 12 Keshav was in high spirits… He had literally finished his day's work in...

fire and ice…

Chapter 20 They walked into what Kajal felt was a different world. As they stepped...

caught in the closet??

Chapter 12 Preeti woke up to the noise outside her room. She was initially disoriented...


Chapter 19 The next afternoon as they boarded the train for return, Avanti had been...

My Mystifying Rendezvous

(My flash fiction entry for the theme: Face to Face on the Arttoons Writer's...

the Kolhapur visit…

Chapter 29 “…how could you do this to me Avu…? Why do you still want...

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