Book review: Tinsel Town Affair

Author: Anjali Kirpalani   The story is about a 26-year-old wannabe actress Meghna Saxena and her...

Book Review: The Fire Ant’s Sting, desire diaries

Author: Kamalini Natesan Human desires manifest in innumerable forms. Ranging from a state of damnation...


#flashfiction story entry for a 500-word contest. Topic "Alter: you seem different..." Her chest heaved heavily...


Chapter 25 With trembling legs for support, Anshuman followed Kasim through the first floor to...

Shadow arrives!

Chapter 9 The solid antiseptic redolence wafted through her olfactories, jarring her from some deep...

Hello, I am Priya Nayak-Gole.

This website is built with the sole aim of bringing together all my work under one roof. It contains full-length 'novels', Short stories, including Minitales and poetries.

I love to read and review books as well so do check out the Book review section. Last but not the least, most of my work often includes disability and mental health awareness. Check out the segment 'Clinicologues'

The stories are all a figment of my imagination and an attempt to weave words and build up the fiction villa. I hope you all like it. Looking forward to hearing from you!


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Ongoing Story..

Book Review: Who Killed the Murderer

Author: Moitrayee Bhaduri This is the second book I am reading from the author's kitty...

Chapter 13 Maanav makes an appearance

Chapter 13 Nitya tossed around in the strange bed for a while after which she...

Chapter 12 Maanav’s new operation

Chapter 12 Maanav stirred the extra sugar sachet and revelled in the ripple formed on...


Book Review: India’s Money Heist: The Chelembra Bank Robbery

Author: Anirban Bhattacharya This is the author's second book in my kitty and he doesn't...

SOP in action…

Chapter 21 Anshuman was hysterical asd he ran from stall to stall looking for Manpreet...

Book Review: Wicked Trap

Author: M. V Kasi This story has Kasi's signature style throughout. Right from the time the...

‘everything is a charade…’

Chapter 11 ‘…You shouldn’t go back to Alwar...’ Gautam’s words kept ringing in her ears as...

Book Review: Long Run- A paradise augmented

  Author: T Sathish A different take on the Y2K period and the financial roller coasters...

‘..only you Preeti…’

Chapter 23 Preeti woke up with a knock on her door. She stretched her limbs...

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